The most feared thing when looking for a partner is double standards.

Obviously, one's own conditions are very ordinary, but the other party must be excellent.

Obviously, one is already very materialistic, but does not want the other party to be as materialistic as her.

Let me give you a typical example.

The bride price is a very typical behavior of objectifying girls. When girls and boys ask for the bride price, the love between the two parties has already been a process of objectification.

If love is priceless, then what is the difference between a bride price of 300,000 or 30,000?

If love is priced, then the difference between a bride price of 300,000 and 30,000 is huge.

When girls use the bride price to measure their love or trust, and when this trend becomes more and more obvious, then the boys will naturally use the same objectification to measure girls, that is, use the girl's age and whether she is still fertile to measure the girl's value.

The effect of force is mutual.

In the fantasy world, people can have both, and more, but in reality, it is almost impossible.

Just like a 25-year-old girl and a 35-year-old girl, when looking for a partner, it is obvious that the 25-year-old girl will find it easier.

The sooner you see the reality, the higher the probability of living a good life.

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