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回顾一下抄底时刻, 现在距离炒作以太坊ETF已经越来越近,已经来过说的区间:2900-3000, 以太补涨个人看会在6月开始,目前是前高,也就是4877,所有我们看看以太生态的币种。 首先看质押板块和再质押板块(之前说过):LDO,SSV,ETHFI,PENDLE, 可以说是比较火热的,4个当中,我比较推荐SSV,对比其他来说市值不搞,而且基本全流通。 L2板块:比较多,不一一列举了,最具代表性的OP,ABR等被人唾弃,因为大多市值都虚高了。 比较推荐的CTSI,市值1.6亿,基本也是全流通,从高点0.46下来现在0.196,目前看属于底部盘整,再次回到前高附近问题不大。 全流通的好处就是不需要担心解锁的抛压。 主页跟我一起近牛屋实现暴富! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析




#以太坊ETF批准预期 #5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析
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A weaker dollar could be the driving force behind the next wave of cryptocurrency price increasesOn the surface, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio does not seem too bad. In 2023, it was below the G7 average (123%) and about half lower than the world's most indebted country, Japan, which had a debt-to-GDP ratio of 255% that year. But in reality, the two countries have very different economic conditions, and the significant difference between the two is the structure of debt ownership. In Japan, nearly 90% of debt is held by domestic citizens and institutions, but about a quarter of U.S. debt is held by international debt buyers. So in order to ensure that this debt remains attractive to them, the United States needs to pay a higher rate of return (i.e., a higher interest rate) relative to its global competitors, especially as the debt-to-GDP ratio continues to increase, which means The risks of lending to the government also increase.

A weaker dollar could be the driving force behind the next wave of cryptocurrency price increases

On the surface, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio does not seem too bad. In 2023, it was below the G7 average (123%) and about half lower than the world's most indebted country, Japan, which had a debt-to-GDP ratio of 255% that year.
But in reality, the two countries have very different economic conditions, and the significant difference between the two is the structure of debt ownership. In Japan, nearly 90% of debt is held by domestic citizens and institutions, but about a quarter of U.S. debt is held by international debt buyers. So in order to ensure that this debt remains attractive to them, the United States needs to pay a higher rate of return (i.e., a higher interest rate) relative to its global competitors, especially as the debt-to-GDP ratio continues to increase, which means The risks of lending to the government also increase.
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The current market is really lacking in vitality. Looking at the increase list, the highest increase is only 42%, and the others are even worse. And what kind of coins are on the increase list!!! The market really needs a bigger hot spot to impact it, otherwise it will be really dead, and this new spot is also difficult to layout! #机构积极投资比特币ETF #以太坊ETF批准预期
The current market is really lacking in vitality. Looking at the increase list, the highest increase is only 42%, and the others are even worse. And what kind of coins are on the increase list!!!

The market really needs a bigger hot spot to impact it, otherwise it will be really dead, and this new spot is also difficult to layout!

#机构积极投资比特币ETF #以太坊ETF批准预期
男人欲成大事,能力不是唯一,养成这三种强者思维,飞黄腾达不难。 一、能够克制自己的情绪,尤其是对女人的感情,不会让自己整天想女人,不会让自己的生活总是围绕着女人转,“上岸第一剑,先斩意中人”。 二、拒绝一切低效和无效社交,学会向上社交,结交比自己更厉害的人,如果没有这个机会,那就宁愿选择独处,在独处中提升和强大自我。 三、遇到再大的挫折和打击,也不会心灰意冷、自暴自弃,而是能越挫越勇,靠不断的行动,为自己逆天改命! 如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注我 每日分享最新资讯 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #Megadrop




如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注我 每日分享最新资讯
#以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #Megadrop
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Be careful if you are a newbie to Bitcoin, there are often Bitcoin scams!!! Normally, government agencies, public security departments or banking institutions will not persuade you to exchange Bitcoin or any virtual currency, so everyone must be careful and don’t believe these emails and text messages casually. For any such customers who ask me to open an account, open an account with me for deposits and withdrawals, or ask me to open an account platform, I advise you not to open one. Because although I can make some money by opening an account for you and doing this for you, making two or three thousand yuan, it also means that you may really be deceived. Because once you open this account, the money is on it and you don’t know how to operate it, and you end up revealing the address, password, and account number to others one by one. Once others get your account and your password, they can immediately transfer Bitcoin or virtual currency to any country in the world, and your money will never come back. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow Maomao to publish daily market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies #以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #新币挖矿
Be careful if you are a newbie to Bitcoin, there are often Bitcoin scams!!!

Normally, government agencies, public security departments or banking institutions will not persuade you to exchange Bitcoin or any virtual currency, so everyone must be careful and don’t believe these emails and text messages casually. For any such customers who ask me to open an account, open an account with me for deposits and withdrawals, or ask me to open an account platform, I advise you not to open one.

Because although I can make some money by opening an account for you and doing this for you, making two or three thousand yuan, it also means that you may really be deceived. Because once you open this account, the money is on it and you don’t know how to operate it, and you end up revealing the address, password, and account number to others one by one. Once others get your account and your password, they can immediately transfer Bitcoin or virtual currency to any country in the world, and your money will never come back.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow Maomao to publish daily market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #新币挖矿
东方欲晓,莫道君行早,更有早行人,放到B圈买大饼,也是一个道理,你觉得买到了四万五万的大饼,挺开心的,其实人家很多人四千五千,早在上几个周期就已经进场了,而且有少部分人还拿到了现在,不要以为你买的价钱很好很低,有人比你更好更低。 还有要考虑到资金体量的问题,你或许是全部身家梭哈,也就买了20或50万,人家可能是500或1000万的买,即便你买的价钱比人家低,但是人家体量比你大,人家挣的就比你多。 再一个就是要能坚持,你看看这个周期,从去年26000到现在73000,几倍的涨幅,但是很多人在3-4万的时候就离场了,所以B圈投资还是那句话,看得远,敢重仓,能坚持! 这些话送给所有投资人,也送给自己,大家共勉!! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注猫猫 每日分享最新资讯


#以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点
如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注猫猫 每日分享最新资讯
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The recent market trend has formed a volatile trend. In the volatile range, the bearish indicators are obviously weakening, and the decline is weak. In the process of oscillation, the highs and lows are gradually narrowing, forming a triangle. This pattern belongs to the "rising pennant". We analyzed the background trend through the overall market, and the recent trend formed a "rising pennant". The market is real. Every K line and every volume column are formed by real money and silver. They cannot be faked. These short-term market conditions of 15 minutes and 1 hour will be affected by short-term selling pressure or buying, but the larger the level, the smaller the influence of the main force. The main force only follows the trend through the data of the financial market. When there is no risk signal on the market, all the bad news heard in the market are just what the main force wants everyone to see. What the main force wants everyone to see is just to confuse retail investors. Therefore, we must open our eyes and recognize the facts to make steady profits in this market. #机构积极投资比特币ETF #以太坊ETF批准预期 #MemeWatch2024 If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow Maomao to publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day
The recent market trend has formed a volatile trend. In the volatile range, the bearish indicators are obviously weakening, and the decline is weak. In the process of oscillation, the highs and lows are gradually narrowing, forming a triangle. This pattern belongs to the "rising pennant".
We analyzed the background trend through the overall market, and the recent trend formed a "rising pennant". The market is real. Every K line and every volume column are formed by real money and silver. They cannot be faked. These short-term market conditions of 15 minutes and 1 hour will be affected by short-term selling pressure or buying, but the larger the level, the smaller the influence of the main force. The main force only follows the trend through the data of the financial market.
When there is no risk signal on the market, all the bad news heard in the market are just what the main force wants everyone to see. What the main force wants everyone to see is just to confuse retail investors. Therefore, we must open our eyes and recognize the facts to make steady profits in this market.

#机构积极投资比特币ETF #以太坊ETF批准预期 #MemeWatch2024
If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow Maomao to publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day
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Why is this cycle so hard and why are people feeling so miserable? You can blame it all on one simple fact: it’s already hard for retail investors to make money in the current market structure. Why are retail investors having a hard time this cycle? The answer is simple: in crypto markets, “deals” like infrastructure tokens are no longer seeing 500x growth. Meme coins are hyped by money. We are repeating what happened in the VC/IPO markets. In these markets, companies stayed private longer, which meant more of the upside was “private” (e.g. VC funds) and out of reach for retail investors. Crypto has been turning this around, making asymmetric upside more accessible to the public. But now things have changed! L1 and L2 projects are raising much more money from VCs! Without public token sales, VCs are making a lot of money and retail investors are suffering. Perhaps it’s not surprising that retail investors’ dreams are shattered in this cycle. A big reason companies are staying private longer is that VC funds are now 5x larger than they were 10 years ago. Companies can now raise over $1 billion in private markets while avoiding the associated expenses of public markets. The same trend is happening in the crypto VC space - crypto VC funds are much larger than they were five years ago. Ethereum was priced at 30 cents at the time of its ICO in 2014, and today it's priced at $3,000. That's a 10,000x return in 10 years, easily beating any venture capital investment during that time. It's really great that anyone in the world can participate! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #MemeWatch2024 #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易 To learn more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow Maomao to publish market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies every day
Why is this cycle so hard and why are people feeling so miserable? You can blame it all on one simple fact: it’s already hard for retail investors to make money in the current market structure.

Why are retail investors having a hard time this cycle? The answer is simple: in crypto markets, “deals” like infrastructure tokens are no longer seeing 500x growth. Meme coins are hyped by money.

We are repeating what happened in the VC/IPO markets. In these markets, companies stayed private longer, which meant more of the upside was “private” (e.g. VC funds) and out of reach for retail investors.

Crypto has been turning this around, making asymmetric upside more accessible to the public. But now things have changed! L1 and L2 projects are raising much more money from VCs! Without public token sales, VCs are making a lot of money and retail investors are suffering. Perhaps it’s not surprising that retail investors’ dreams are shattered in this cycle.

A big reason companies are staying private longer is that VC funds are now 5x larger than they were 10 years ago. Companies can now raise over $1 billion in private markets while avoiding the associated expenses of public markets. The same trend is happening in the crypto VC space - crypto VC funds are much larger than they were five years ago.

Ethereum was priced at 30 cents at the time of its ICO in 2014, and today it's priced at $3,000. That's a 10,000x return in 10 years, easily beating any venture capital investment during that time. It's really great that anyone in the world can participate!
#以太坊ETF批准预期 #MemeWatch2024 #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易
To learn more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow Maomao to publish market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies every day
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DOGE, PEPE, SHIB, WIF, these meme coins will explode 20 times in June this year. Which one will perform best?Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are the top contenders for memecoin in 2024, with DOGE benefiting from endorsements and a strong community, while SHIB is showing significant yearly gains. ChatGPT also outlines opportunities in Pepe (PEPE), dogwifhat (WIF), and Bonk Inu (BONK) due to their recent price gains and solid support bases. DOGE and SHIB are competitors The memecoin industry has attracted attention from industry players over the past few months, with numerous assets experiencing significant price increases. This niche has seen the advancement of some recently launched tokens as well as the success of others that have been a part of the industry over the years.

DOGE, PEPE, SHIB, WIF, these meme coins will explode 20 times in June this year. Which one will perform best?

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are the top contenders for memecoin in 2024, with DOGE benefiting from endorsements and a strong community, while SHIB is showing significant yearly gains.

ChatGPT also outlines opportunities in Pepe (PEPE), dogwifhat (WIF), and Bonk Inu (BONK) due to their recent price gains and solid support bases.
DOGE and SHIB are competitors
The memecoin industry has attracted attention from industry players over the past few months, with numerous assets experiencing significant price increases. This niche has seen the advancement of some recently launched tokens as well as the success of others that have been a part of the industry over the years.
See original
Talking about BTC L2 again, is there still hope? The core issue of Bitcoin's second layer is security, and users must think it is safe enough. The significance of Bitcoin's second layer is to provide the Bitcoin network with performance, decentralization, TPS and other capabilities, and can also include non-traditional second layers such as CEX. For Bitcoin's second-layer project to succeed, it needs to solve technical problems, meet market demand, and have a technical narrative as its soul. Compared with Ethereum, Bitcoin is not suitable as a layer carrying the second layer, mainly because of Bitcoin's limitations, such as the limitations of the scripting language. The security of the cross-chain bridge is one of the core issues of Layer2, and each team uses different technical means to solve the withdrawal bridge security problem. Although the Lightning Network and RGB protocol have potential, there is still a lot of work to be done in ecological construction. In the current Bitcoin second-layer ecosystem, the pros and cons of each project in technology or comprehensive narrative depends on its inheritance of Bitcoin's design philosophy and values ​​and its satisfaction of user needs. In order to achieve the same popularity as Ethereum Layer 2, Bitcoin Layer 2 needs to solve many problems including technology, market performance and user acceptance #新币挖矿 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #MemeWatch2024 If you are still confused in the cryptocurrency circle, follow Maomao and share the latest information every day
Talking about BTC L2 again, is there still hope?

The core issue of Bitcoin's second layer is security, and users must think it is safe enough.

The significance of Bitcoin's second layer is to provide the Bitcoin network with performance, decentralization, TPS and other capabilities, and can also include non-traditional second layers such as CEX.

For Bitcoin's second-layer project to succeed, it needs to solve technical problems, meet market demand, and have a technical narrative as its soul.

Compared with Ethereum, Bitcoin is not suitable as a layer carrying the second layer, mainly because of Bitcoin's limitations, such as the limitations of the scripting language.

The security of the cross-chain bridge is one of the core issues of Layer2, and each team uses different technical means to solve the withdrawal bridge security problem.

Although the Lightning Network and RGB protocol have potential, there is still a lot of work to be done in ecological construction.

In the current Bitcoin second-layer ecosystem, the pros and cons of each project in technology or comprehensive narrative depends on its inheritance of Bitcoin's design philosophy and values ​​and its satisfaction of user needs.

In order to achieve the same popularity as Ethereum Layer 2, Bitcoin Layer 2 needs to solve many problems including technology, market performance and user acceptance

#新币挖矿 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #MemeWatch2024
If you are still confused in the cryptocurrency circle, follow Maomao and share the latest information every day
关注市值低,流通量大,强者恒强的币种 tru:1.48亿美金市值,80%流通,板块实质较小,几乎全解锁,a16z投资,创始人担任谷歌工程师 Ssv:4亿美金基本全流通,90%流通,但是坎昆升级以来表现平平, eth主要美国不希望他通过,质押板块这边ssv的持续性不是很好 Ygg:他开始探索从来能有公会转型为基础设施层。所以基本上所有的游戏都跟他有关,未来可期 Polyx:3.95亿美金80%流通,专门为受机构资产构建的机构级许可区块链rwa板块 api:3预言机板块,2.2亿美金市值,80%的流通 bome:,sol生态8亿美金,全流通背后的华尔街资本,sol是老美的项目,而meme今年表现最为抢眼 ondo:14亿美金,13%流通,华尔街资本,coinbase力捧的rwa项目跟sol有合作ondo平台与又贝莱德合作发行债券,2026年才会解锁代币 RWA 板块,目前备受华尔街大机构青睐,犹太资本的介入,长期利好,关注RWA板块的龙头包括Ondo、小市值几乎解锁的Polyx、Tru phb:市值1.3亿美金,75%解锁,450名的排名,接下来强者恒强 #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #5月市场关键事件 如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注猫猫 每日分享最新资讯









RWA 板块,目前备受华尔街大机构青睐,犹太资本的介入,长期利好,关注RWA板块的龙头包括Ondo、小市值几乎解锁的Polyx、Tru


#芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #5月市场关键事件
如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注猫猫 每日分享最新资讯
下周PYTH等代币将迎来一次性大额解锁,总计释放价值约13亿美元。其中: - Pyth Network(PYTH)将于北京时间5月20日解锁约21.3亿枚代币,占流通量的141.67%,价值约9.43亿美元; - Avalanche(AVAX)将于北京时间5月22日解锁约954万枚代币,占流通量的2.49%,价值约3.47亿美元; - SPACE ID(ID)将于北京时间5月22日解锁约1849万枚代币,占流通量的4.29%,价值约1370万美元; - Euler(EUL)将于北京时间5月24日解锁约466万枚代币,为目前流通量的0.34%,价值约37万美元; - Acala(ACA)将于北京时间5月25日解锁约466万枚代币,为目前流通量的0.48%,价值约50万美元。 如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注猫猫 每日分享最新资讯#MemeWatch2024 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易

- Pyth Network(PYTH)将于北京时间5月20日解锁约21.3亿枚代币,占流通量的141.67%,价值约9.43亿美元;
- Avalanche(AVAX)将于北京时间5月22日解锁约954万枚代币,占流通量的2.49%,价值约3.47亿美元;
- SPACE ID(ID)将于北京时间5月22日解锁约1849万枚代币,占流通量的4.29%,价值约1370万美元;
- Euler(EUL)将于北京时间5月24日解锁约466万枚代币,为目前流通量的0.34%,价值约37万美元;
- Acala(ACA)将于北京时间5月25日解锁约466万枚代币,为目前流通量的0.48%,价值约50万美元。
如果你在币圈依然迷茫 关注猫猫 每日分享最新资讯#MemeWatch2024 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易
5月23日是ETH现货ETF关键日期 以太坊社曲声称: 1.内部人士在下周 ETF 截止日期前买入 ETH,价格将被迅速推高到4000U/ETH。 2. ETH将在8月前达到6000美金的价格。 3. ETH将存在为期2个月以上的fomo时间。 但更多的可能是在截止日期到来前,机构将选择推高市场来获取利润,不管ETF是否通过,他们都要在这个事件上获利。 目前SEC 尚未与 ETF 申请人举行会议。 另外,SEC不会让贝莱德落后三个月获批,ETH现货ETF至少推迟到九月通过。 #ETH #美国4月CPI数据回落 #MemeWatch2024


1.内部人士在下周 ETF 截止日期前买入 ETH,价格将被迅速推高到4000U/ETH。

2. ETH将在8月前达到6000美金的价格。

3. ETH将存在为期2个月以上的fomo时间。


目前SEC 尚未与 ETF 申请人举行会议。

#ETH #美国4月CPI数据回落 #MemeWatch2024
#机构积极投资比特币ETF #5.19晚间分析: 卓宸给的思路一直都很对,可以翻看4月的发文,可以毫不夸张的说,尽量管住手,以最小的风险来博弈! 我们从小时级别指标进行观察,也能发现指标走低,价格在创新高,明显的顶背离信号,这也会让追高的风险大增。 后续行情如果对66.5k进行下坡,反弹收不回来形成阻力的话,可以看看有没有机会做笔小短空至63k附近。 当然如果仅仅只是对66.5k进行插针收回,不排除是假跌破,出现放量上涨还是要进行追涨的,边走边看! 67300一线附近继续空,目标看64000#BTC走势分析 #MemeWatch2024
#机构积极投资比特币ETF #5.19晚间分析:





67300一线附近继续空,目标看64000#BTC走势分析 #MemeWatch2024
很多人说,银行搞个15%的首付出来,是认为房价不可能降幅超过15%,不然银行就要完蛋了。 但这个理论,其实根本站不住脚的。 之前国内楼市首付30%,首付20%的时候,房价降幅有没有超过20%,超过30%? 或者看看国外那些发达国家的情况。 人家是零首付,或者是10%的首付,如果按照这些房产专家,银行首付等于房价跌幅的话,那日本、美国等国家房价,那都是跌不了的,人家那边首付那么低。 彭叔觉得现在银行敢把首付给降低到15%,并不是说,觉得房价最多再只跌15%。 而是银行认为。 大家不敢不还房贷。 猫猫把话再说的难听点。 在经历了前几年房价下降,甚至房子烂掉了,在房价下跌+房子烂掉的双重打击下,那些背着房贷的人都不敢不还房贷,让银行觉得, 就算是房价降个20%,房子成了负资产,大部分人还是不敢不还房贷的。 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #MemeWatch2024 #RWA板块涨势强劲
在经历了前几年房价下降,甚至房子烂掉了,在房价下跌+房子烂掉的双重打击下,那些背着房贷的人都不敢不还房贷,让银行觉得, 就算是房价降个20%,房子成了负资产,大部分人还是不敢不还房贷的。
#机构积极投资比特币ETF #MemeWatch2024 #RWA板块涨势强劲
热度排行显示,NOT 排名第一,热度排行如下: ① NOT ($0.006815,4.67%) ② LINK ($16.19,-1.88%) ③ ETH ($3115.34,2.80%) ④ SOL ($174.19,3.52%) ⑤ OP ($2.58,2.38%) NOT 主力资金买入力量一般,24小时净流入$161.63万,24小时成交$11.33亿,其中主力净流入$166.97万。 ​​​ #5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析 #RWA板块涨势强劲 更多牛市布局策略关注猫猫,每日分享最新资讯
热度排行显示,NOT 排名第一,热度排行如下:
① NOT ($0.006815,4.67%)
② LINK ($16.19,-1.88%)
③ ETH ($3115.34,2.80%)
④ SOL ($174.19,3.52%)
⑤ OP ($2.58,2.38%)

NOT 主力资金买入力量一般,24小时净流入$161.63万,24小时成交$11.33亿,其中主力净流入$166.97万。 ​​​

#5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析 #RWA板块涨势强劲
链上数据方面还是看多 1.流入交易所的稳定币继续增加,昨晚8:00之后还在有明显的流入 。 2.流入交易所的BTC不多,只有2000多个,这几天大趋势是流出。 芝商所(CME)计划推出现货比特币交易,标志着华尔街主要机构在加密货币的进一步进军,利好BTC,总之,当前利好大于利空,在今年门头沟9月份释放消息之前,估计还能涨一波,在车上的兄弟建议耐心持有,以免踏空。 现在大部分人还是担心大跌,担心美联储加息,担心以太坊ETF不通过,各种担心导致对行情不看好,各种吐槽。 其实,行情总是在不经意间就会启动,绝对不是大部分人都认为涨的时候涨。 大家可以去回顾一下铭文板块,ORDI,SATS,以及SOL这些呀,之间市场看好的时候,这些币都是涨得很好的时候,大幅的上涨,跑赢了其他币,都在说他们牛逼。 但是实际上,大家都看他涨起来了,都认为他牛逼,结果赚钱了吗? 想要赚钱,不是当某个板块,某个币已经启动了,都看好他的时候已经晚了。 想要赚钱,是在无人问津时。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注猫猫每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#机构积极投资比特币ETF #美国4月CPI数据回落 #山寨币热点

1.流入交易所的稳定币继续增加,昨晚8:00之后还在有明显的流入 。









想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注猫猫每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#机构积极投资比特币ETF #美国4月CPI数据回落 #山寨币热点
黑天鹅致敬519,比特币牛市结束了吗?一切才刚刚开始...兄弟们519来了   今天整个盘面看起来有点无聊,加上周末,整个行情的波动几乎是一条水平线。但重点是519来了,对于这个特殊的日子,我们应该保持起码的尊重。   21年5.19这个特殊的日子里,三大协会关闭交易所,直接让比特币在极短的时间内腰斩,整个币圈人心惶惶。   本来以为当年比特币就能突破到10万,这一波下跌直接导致了行情至今也没能实现这个目标。   但这个牛市,10万的目标是一定能够实现的。随着资金从meme币撤离流向主流币,meme币现在面临较为严峻的挑战,所以meme币大家最好不要操作了,明天是519了,一切以规避风险为主。   我们已经有长期仓位打底了,不用担心错过明天的行情。大概率来说,明天什么也不会发生,但万一有人故意搞事情砸盘呢?   所以,一切以安全为主,切勿冒进。   行情什么时候会启动?   谁也说不准,现在很多人看到行情反弹到67000左右,嗷嗷叫着牛市来啦!   真的来了吗?并不见得。   牛市什么时候会启动?一定是在大部分人都没有反应的时候突然启动,这一轮行情直接进入牛市的可能性很低。震荡的行情还会持续。币圈韭菜这个群里,可以说被庄家研究的非常透彻。一般来说行情连续下跌的时候,韭菜会认为行情还会继续下跌,并在各种所能触及到的地方大肆宣扬看空言论。   当行情连续上涨的时候,韭菜会认为行情还会继续上涨,并且嗷嗷的追高进场。这就是韭菜,他们往往会用自己的主观意识来判断行情涨跌,而不是客观事实。   我们经常听到这些言论:“庄家早就离场了”“以太坊就是韭菜项目”“今年不会降息了,牛没了”“不会有人还以为现在是牛市吧”...   这些言论在这轮行情里充斥着我们的耳朵。这些基本都不是客观事实,而是根据自己的臆想推测,在这两个月的连续下跌过程中,有人一直看空,对了2个月了,这个时候容易产生一种错觉:“自己是币圈之神”。你真的是神吗?   回调周期?   每一次比特币减半之后,币圈都会经历几个月的下跌回调周期。这个周期一般是用来确认比特币的价格,也是庄家建仓的过程,每一次比特币减半之后都会迎来大牛市,这一轮会有意外吗?   不会。   相反牛市才刚刚开始,之前文章里告诉过大家,60000这个位置即使不是这轮回调的最底部也距离底部不远了。大家也可以去看看美国历届大选,11月的第一个星期是大选日。参考历史数据,每一次大选大部分都是上涨的,只有两次是下跌的,而这两次下跌几乎都会恰逢金融危机。所以,从比特币和大选这两个角度来说,不支持部分韭菜的熊市说法。   大家不要被这两个月的萎靡行情所迷惑,认为牛市走了,熊市来了。我们要以客观事实为依据。 再加上现货ETF的通过、华尔街资本的进场,熊市怎么来?一定要拿住自己手里的长期筹码,十三圈已经通过科学的方法让大家建仓完毕,长期仓位不论盈亏,拿住。   我们的投资篮子里都是有价值的主流币,不用担心资产遇到极端行情归零或者被交易所下架。只要进入真正的牛市,我们想亏钱都做不到。   抄底最底部?   不管币圈大神还是韭菜,没有人能够抄底在最底部。比如说这一轮回调的抄底,赶在67000抄底了,64000、62000、60000、59000都抄底了。    谁也做不到预判自己抄底在最底部,我看到的是比特币在这轮牛市10~15万的价格,短期的涨跌,账面浮亏浮盈不是我所在意的。当然这一切都是建立在合理的仓位控制上。同时,也会在55000,52000,甚至48000这些位置都挂单,我也知道这些位置很难接到。但币圈最确定的就是不确定,万一类似519的黑天鹅突然出现呢?   不少小伙伴都在追求所谓的抄底,认为自己必须抄底在最底部,卖到最高处,喜欢对着历史图表意淫,认为自己只要做到在***位置买卖,在加上高倍杠杆,那现在已经财富自由了。大家千万不要沉迷其中,未来的事情都是不确定的。即使我们都知道未来比特币会到10万甚至20万,但现在的你敢梭哈高倍进场吗?   你不敢,因为中间到底会发生什么,无法确认。人类基因深处对风险的厌恶使得我们只关注当下,能做到只关注今年末和明年初。而有的人则关注今天和明天。短期行情的随机性,你作为一个韭菜,能不亏钱吗?   况且这个圈子里到处都是局,你我都是局中人。千万莫高估自己!​​​​ 点击头像关注我,跟我进牛屋!



BTC跌不下去了,那么山寨也很难继续下探了.目前大多数山寨还在底部调整。 除了RWA方向的RIO ONDO POLYX UBXS表现亮眼之外, ordi sats rats atom quark 等铭文, troll silly pepe bome bonk wif slerf等meme币后面应该也会跟上行情。 meme里面除了silly troll pepe洗的很彻底,其他的没看到什么太大的机会。 有些meme币市值已经很高了,最近也没有调整,其实没什么意思。 没有绝对的垃圾币,只要跌的够狠,洗的够干净,一样是超高的性价比, 比如浸qun、迦卫:2327321427最近骂的最狠的MERL MSN等,现在的性价比就很高了。 不过还是优先考虑全流通的铭文和meme币,机构币的解锁太吓人了。 #山寨币热点 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析


ordi sats rats atom quark 等铭文,
troll silly pepe bome bonk wif slerf等meme币后面应该也会跟上行情。

meme里面除了silly troll pepe洗的很彻底,其他的没看到什么太大的机会。

比如浸qun、迦卫:2327321427最近骂的最狠的MERL MSN等,现在的性价比就很高了。


#山寨币热点 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析
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