May 14, 2024 Grandpa checks in

The weather has been good recently, with spring flowers blooming. Although summer is coming soon, there are more seasonal fruits to eat. It is important to have some free time to enjoy life or other beautiful things besides playing with coins. When you are obsessed with getting money quickly and your mentality is unbalanced, there may be something wrong with your direction, so correct it in time.

Market rotation is cyclical, just like the four seasons. You can only eat watermelons in the summer, or only eat cherries in the winter, but it is impossible to eat big watermelons every day, or you have to face "industrial products". People who are smart enough will choose to eat different fruits throughout the year instead of focusing on one. This can also be regarded as an investment philosophy.

The recent market is relatively boring. It is not the season for abundant fruits. We can only find some wild chestnuts and plums, just like we do some swing trading and make a small profit. Of course, we can also choose not to eat them and save the funds for more delicious fruits. But we must understand that if we do not eat fruits, we must have other food reserves, which is what I often call cash flow.

Bitcoin has always fluctuated around 60,000. If this position is not broken, there is not much to do. From the perspective of support strength, the probability of a short-term break is low, and it is okay to open a position for a short-term bet. Judging from the performance of BB that went online yesterday, the hot money effect in the market is cooling down. If the market is not hot or cold, it will continue to test downwards.

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