May 10, 2024 Grandpa checks in

The market was quiet for a while, and finally BN launched a mining again. The latest project Notcoin started mining on the 13th, just when Megadrop ended. The seamless connection of BNB is a golden shovel. In fact, as we have seen, the price of BNB has been very resistant to declines recently. Not only has the decline in the bear market been smaller than the market, but the current price is not far from the high point. The strength is the result of continuous empowerment. You must know that whether it is Launchpad or Megadrop, a part of the funds will eventually enter the BNB pool.

The market has been lacking in vitality recently, and the performance of the last two BN Launchpads has been average, so whether it can activate market sentiment remains to be verified, but we are getting BNB and Fdusd for free anyway, so it is definitely a good thing. Regarding the price of BNB, there is no need to pay too much attention to short-term changes. Anyway, a portion of it is allocated for long-term. My bull market target for BNB is $2,000. The price at that time was only more than 200. It may be unbelievable for many people, but I think in a big bull market, this is not a problem at all. If you hold it for a longer time, maybe the income from new listings will be so high.

In terms of market conditions, the market fell a bit yesterday, reaching a low of 60,600, but not below 60,000, which strengthened this major support level again. There is no great risk of a short-term drop. However, I have always emphasized that the market has formed a downward trend at the daily level, so when it rebounds to a high level, you can sell the bargain-hunting chips. Recently, it is suitable to do swing trading and do some options at the support level to gain some benefits. Of course, if the funds can be held for a long time, it is suitable to build positions in batches again.

Recently, I am still looking at some projects that are more inclined to the first level, and I want to get some early chips through interaction. For retail investors, there are few opportunities to get first-level high-quality chips. Early participation is a rare opportunity at this stage. Perhaps, after a while, a new paradigm will emerge in the market, and chips will be distributed in other ways. But in any case, it is worth participating vigorously if you can get low-priced chips. I will share some such projects later.

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