If you use the rolling method in the currency circle well, it is very easy to turn tens of thousands into one million!

If you have 1 million in your hand, do you feel that your life is different? Even if you don't play leverage, just simply buy some spot, and it goes up by 20%, that's 200,000! 200,000 is the money that many people can't earn in a year.

When you go from tens of thousands to 1 million, you will slowly find the way to make big money. Then your mentality will be much more stable, and you will no longer think about getting rich overnight, tens of millions or hundreds of millions. We have to be down-to-earth and don't brag all the time. No matter how big you brag, in the end, only the cows are comfortable.

To do transactions, you have to learn to see the right time. You can't always do small things, and you can't go all in. Just play around at ordinary times, and wait until the big opportunity comes, and then go all out.

The big move of rolling is to wait for that kind of big opportunity to come. You can't use it all the time, and it doesn't matter if you miss it. To be honest, as long as you can roll successfully a few times in your life, you can go from zero to a millionaire.

The following are the methods of rolling positions:

●Floating profit increase: After obtaining floating profit, you can consider increasing your position and buying. But before increasing your position, you need to ensure that the cost of holding the position has been reduced, so as to reduce the risk of loss. This does not mean blindly increasing your position after making a profit, but it should be done at the right time.

●Base position + T rolling position operation: Divide the funds into multiple parts, leaving a part of the base position unchanged, and the other part of the position for high-selling and low-buying operations. The specific proportion can be selected according to personal risk preference and fund scale. For example, you can choose half-position rolling T, 30% base position rolling T or 70% base position rolling T. This operation can reduce the cost of holding positions and increase profits.

When rolling positions, there are a few things to pay attention to:

1. Be patient enough. The profit of rolling positions is considerable. If you roll successfully several times, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions are not a problem. But you have to find the kind of opportunity that is almost certain to win, and you can't take action easily.

2. What is a sure opportunity? It is the time when the price plummets, starts to fluctuate sideways, and then suddenly rushes upward. At this time, the trend is likely to reverse, you have to get on board quickly and don't miss the good opportunity. #山寨币热点

As a trader who has been working in the cryptocurrency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you.

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