According to BlockBeats, Symbiotic, a re-collateralization protocol, has seen its total value locked (TVL) exceed $1 billion. The current value stands at $1.029 billion, marking a historic high.

Symbiotic's achievement is a significant milestone in the DeFi sector, demonstrating the growing trust and participation of investors in the protocol. The increase in TVL indicates that more assets are being locked in the protocol, reflecting a positive sentiment among users.

However, it's important to note that while the TVL is a useful metric for gauging the health of a DeFi protocol, it's not the only one. Other factors such as user activity, transaction volume, and the overall market conditions also play a crucial role in determining the success of a protocol.

As of now, Symbiotic continues to attract more users with its innovative re-collateralization mechanism, contributing to its growing TVL. The protocol's success is a testament to the potential of DeFi protocols and their ability to disrupt traditional financial systems.