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#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 Elon Musk stirs up a cryptocurrency storm! Tesla and SpaceX giants personally come out! Hey, new friends in the cryptocurrency circle! Did you know? Recently, the super boss who made Tesla and SpaceX rockets fly into the sky, Elon Musk, sent a mysterious tweet, like dropping a heavy bomb on a calm lake, which made the entire cryptocurrency circle boil! Musk is on fire this time. He used the game Monopoly to compare the Federal Reserve, saying that they are like bankers in the game, constantly printing money, like an endless printing press. He is criticizing the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy and inflation, making the currency worthless. All of a sudden, new and old friends in the cryptocurrency circle are all in an uproar, and everyone is guessing what Musk means. Now, financial bigwig Michaël van de Poppe has also spoken out. He predicts that Bitcoin, silver and gold will become future investment stars, and reminds everyone that quantitative easing may come again. This is like adding fuel to the cryptocurrency market, making everyone more excited and looking forward to it. Bitcoin fans are even more excited. They feel that Musk is calling them. Deflationary digital assets like Bitcoin are the heroes who save the currency crisis! They said: "Bitcoin, you are our savior!" Dogecoin fans are not to be outdone. Billy Marcus, the co-founder of Dogecoin, and the "King of Dogecoin" in the community have both spoken out. They said that Dogecoin also has the ability to save the world and called on everyone to fight for Dogecoin! There are also loyal supporters of XRP. As their leader, "XRP Crypto Wolf" is also encouraging everyone to use XRP and cryptocurrencies to protect their wealth. Their voices make the XRP community more united and determined. It seems that the storm of cryptocurrency has arrived! Whether you like Bitcoin, Dogecoin or XRP, you can find your place in this storm. Pay attention and don't get lost. Share in the next issue (Trading Psychology Law) If you lose money and don't know how you lost it, leave me a message. If you pass by, please like it. Thank you.


Elon Musk stirs up a cryptocurrency storm! Tesla and SpaceX giants personally come out!

Hey, new friends in the cryptocurrency circle! Did you know? Recently, the super boss who made Tesla and SpaceX rockets fly into the sky, Elon Musk, sent a mysterious tweet, like dropping a heavy bomb on a calm lake, which made the entire cryptocurrency circle boil!

Musk is on fire this time. He used the game Monopoly to compare the Federal Reserve, saying that they are like bankers in the game, constantly printing money, like an endless printing press. He is criticizing the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy and inflation, making the currency worthless. All of a sudden, new and old friends in the cryptocurrency circle are all in an uproar, and everyone is guessing what Musk means.

Now, financial bigwig Michaël van de Poppe has also spoken out. He predicts that Bitcoin, silver and gold will become future investment stars, and reminds everyone that quantitative easing may come again. This is like adding fuel to the cryptocurrency market, making everyone more excited and looking forward to it.

Bitcoin fans are even more excited. They feel that Musk is calling them. Deflationary digital assets like Bitcoin are the heroes who save the currency crisis! They said: "Bitcoin, you are our savior!"

Dogecoin fans are not to be outdone. Billy Marcus, the co-founder of Dogecoin, and the "King of Dogecoin" in the community have both spoken out. They said that Dogecoin also has the ability to save the world and called on everyone to fight for Dogecoin!

There are also loyal supporters of XRP. As their leader, "XRP Crypto Wolf" is also encouraging everyone to use XRP and cryptocurrencies to protect their wealth. Their voices make the XRP community more united and determined.

It seems that the storm of cryptocurrency has arrived! Whether you like Bitcoin, Dogecoin or XRP, you can find your place in this storm.

Pay attention and don't get lost. Share in the next issue (Trading Psychology Law) If you lose money and don't know how you lost it, leave me a message. If you pass by, please like it. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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#MemeWatch2024 🚀🔍 寻找你的第一枚“网红”meme加密货币!🐸🐶 币圈新手们,你们是否对那些价格亲民、潜力无限的加密货币感到好奇?别担心,今天就来给大家介绍几款1美元以下的“网红”加密货币,让我们一起探索它们的魅力吧! 🐸 PEPE币:小青蛙的大梦想 还记得那只名叫Pepe的小青蛙吗?它现在可是加密货币世界里的明星!PEPE币就是以这只可爱的小青蛙为灵感创作的。别看它现在价格只有一点点(0.00001021),但它在过去24小时内可是涨了1.390.00004851,是不是听起来就很有吸引力? 🐶 SHIBA INU:狗狗币的小兄弟 喜欢狗狗币的你,一定也会喜欢SHIBA INU。虽然它自称是狗狗币的“杀手”,但其实是狗狗币的好兄弟!SHIBA INU不仅仅是一个代币,它还拥有一个完整的生态系统,包括游戏、交易所和元宇宙等。现在它的价格才0.000000000285,但专家预测到2025年可能会涨到0.000000004554! 📚 Book of Meme(BOME):把meme装进书里 如果你是一个meme爱好者,那么Book of Meme(BOME)绝对是你的不二之选。它就像是一本关于meme的百科全书,把你喜欢的meme都装进了这本书里,并且保存在了区块链上,让它们永远流传下去。现在BOME的价格是0.0121,而且过去24小时还涨了7.20.011744。 🌐 FLOKI:连接虚拟世界的桥梁 FLOKI是一个多功能的代币,就像一座连接虚拟世界的桥梁。你可以在FLOKI的生态系统中进行各种交易和活动,而FLOKI就是这一切的媒介。现在它的价格是0.000214,并且还在不断上涨中。专家预测到2025年它的价格将保持稳定在0.000213左右。 🚀 DOGECOIN:币圈的“网红鼻祖” 当然,我们不能忘记币圈的“网红鼻祖”——DOGECOIN。这个曾经只是作为笑话而存在的加密货币,在2021年竟然飙升了26,000%以上!现在它的价格是$0.1537,并且每天都有大量的交易在进行。虽然它被称为“meme货币”,但它的表现可是非常出色的! 加密市场经历了413暴跌,山寨普遍回调50%-80%,很多粉丝资产减半,个人也是深感悲痛与惋惜,接下来我锚定了一个鴎易的现货,个人消息是市商进场,准备搞动作,犹豫就会败北!传送门:(放广场简介)
#SOL空投 我们是否应该预期到六月时,Solana(SOL)的价格会在166和1,000之间下跌? 当前市场概况 随着数字货币市场的波动,Solana(SOL)在过去24小时内交易了价值2.19亿。当前价格定格在172.84,较之前略有下滑0.53%。在众多加密货币中,Solana凭借其强大的市场基础和448.92百万枚流通代币,稳坐市值第五的宝座,总市值高达$77.59B。 未来走势预测 对于Solana的投资者来说,六月之前的行情显得尤为关键。乐观的分析认为,若SOL能够持续其上涨势头,并在接下来的时间内维持价格稳定于170之上,那么它有可能在六月之前挑战1,000的价位。 技术面分析 从技术角度看,Solana的短期价格行为受到几个关键点的影响。首先,171.79的价位被视为一个重要的枢轴点,若价格能够维持在这一水平之上,则有望继续上涨。然而,一旦跌破此点,可能会触发一系列下跌反应,直至触及165.72、156.75和151.08等支撑位。 另一方面,价格上涨的道路也非一帆风顺。在176.66、183.26和$188.53等价位处,Solana面临着来自市场的强劲阻力。此外,RSI(相对强弱指数)目前处于73的高位,显示出市场已经处于超买状态,这增加了短期内价格回调的风险。 然而,值得注意的是,50日EMA(移动平均线)位于$155.79,为Solana的长期上涨趋势提供了坚实的支撑。只要市场能够维持在这个水平之上,Solana的上涨潜力仍然值得期待。 尽管Solana面临着来自市场的多重挑战,包括短期的超买状态以及来自上方的强劲阻力,但其在数字货币市场中的领先地位和强大的社区支持为其未来的表现提供了坚实的基础。投资者应密切关注市场的反应以及Solana在不同价位上的表现,以便在价格波动中做出明智的投资决策。 战神最近也在埋伏一个即将爆发的币种,短线30%,长线5-8倍左右,还是那句话,如果你主动来找我,我带你上岸,你尽管躺平就好, 留言999!!! 战神不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空! 这是实话
#牛市进行中… 币圈牛市有没有结束? 散户最关心的问题! 关于币圈的牛市是否已结束,这是一个备受关注的问题。目前,虽然比特币(BTC)的牛市可能已经进入了中期阶段,但Web3的牛市似乎还未真正启动。 从历史经验来看,每一轮牛市都伴随着许多悲观的声音,但这并不意味着牛市就此终结。宏观上,降息预期在未来6至10个月内逐渐显现,这为市场提供了一定的流动性支持。比特币刚刚突破前期高点,这进一步增加了市场对其未来走势的信心。 然而,近期比特币的横盘走势和缺乏热点报道,使得市场造富效应减弱,这可能让一些投资者对市场信心产生动摇。但我们必须认识到,市场的走势并非完全由短期波动所决定。价格的横盘调整并不一定意味着牛市的结束,而可能只是市场在进行自我调整和盘整,为下一轮的上涨蓄势。 我个人对未来市场持积极态度。尽管我们无法准确预测市场的具体走势,但根据历史经验和当前的市场环境来看,牛市应该还没有结束。尤其是在减半周期之前,比特币往往会有较大的涨幅。 尽管BTC现货ETF的提前引爆对市场产生了一定影响,但年底的美国大选和FASB的实施等事件仍然有可能为市场带来流动性支持。 因此,对于投资者来说,保持冷静、理性分析市场走势是非常重要的。不要被短期的波动所影响,而是应该关注长期的市场趋势和潜在机会。同时,也需要做好风险管理,避免盲目跟风和过度交易。 加密市场经历了413暴跌,山寨普遍回调50%-80%,很多粉丝资产减半,个人也是深感悲痛与惋惜,接下来我锚定了一个鴎易的现货,个人消息是市商进场,准备搞动作,犹豫就会败北!传送门:(放广场简介)
#PEPE创历史新高 💰**把握机会,一月内让1美元变100美元!**💰 🚀你是否渴望在短时间内实现资金的快速增长?那么,以下这三种具有巨大潜力的代币可能是你的答案!🌟 一、Toncoin(TON) ✨Toncoin,这款由Telegram团队打造的代币,以其强大的层1技术和卓越的可扩展性吸引了众多目光。当前价格稳定在6.50,市值高达22.52亿,成功跻身CoinMarketCap前十。回顾过去一年,Toncoin的表现可谓惊艳,涨幅高达234%,未来可期!🌈 二、Blur(BLUR) 🔥Blur,作为Blur NFT市场的原生代币,正逐渐崭露头角。其实时价格反馈和多市场比较功能为用户提供了极大的便利。目前,Blur的价格为0.376,市值已突破607百万。在CoinMarketCap上排名第120,尽管名次尚不算高,但近期涨幅已超过3%,显示出强大的增长势头!🚀 三、Pepe(PEPE) 🐸Pepe,这款以太坊上的热门代币,凭借其独特的魅力和强大的社区支持,在代币市场中脱颖而出。当前价格为0.0000099211,市值却已高达4.17亿。在过去一年中,Pepe的涨幅高达516%,而在过去一周内更是飙升了17%,势头强劲!💪 💎Toncoin、Blur和Pepe这三种代币都具备巨大的增长潜力。如果你渴望在短期内实现资金的快速增长,那么它们将是你不可错过的选择!🌟不要错过这个千载难逢的机会,让1美元变成100美元吧!🚀 #Toncoin #pepee #BLUR/USDT 作为一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你分享我的经验和见解。如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知道该如何下手,不妨关注我的主页,与我一同探讨币圈的奥秘和未来的可能性,点点头像介绍找到我。

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