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Let profits fly for a while, but the premise is to control risks. 2024.5.10 Daily Update: Patrick McHenry, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said that the U.S. Congress may vote on the 21st Century Financial Innovation and Technology Act (FIT21) by the end of May. FIT21 will give the CFTC jurisdiction over crypto commodities and the SEC jurisdiction over cryptocurrencies offered in investment contracts. FIT21 also sets rules for companies that must register with the SEC and CFTC, including requirements for customer disclosure, asset protection and operations. The legislation aims to provide a clear regulatory framework for digital assets and address long-standing market supervision and consumer protection issues. It is reported that FIT21 is the most comprehensive cryptocurrency legislation passed by the congressional committee to date and an important milestone in digital asset regulatory legislation. Account status: total capital of 470,000 (including dividends), principal of 150,000, and yield of 200+%. The total equity of the contract account is 410,000, the total position is 415,000, 40+ varieties, and 170+ pending orders. Recent transactions: Currency: ETH📈Limit Buy Price: 2877.0 Amount: $9997.6 Time: 01:51:32 Currency: SSV📈Limit Buy Price: 35.7 Amount: $4999.8 Time: 02:00:09 Currency: FIL📉Market Sell Price: 5.619 Amount: $999.6 Time: 04:48:10 Currency: LINA📉Market Sell Price: 0.00769 Amount: $12200.1 Time: 04:47:50 Currency: SSV📉Market Sell Price: 34.88 Amount: $2999.4 Currency: ETH📈Limit Buy Price: 2877.0 Amount: $9997.6 Time: 01:51:32 Currency: SSV📈Limit Buy Price: 35.7 Amount: $4999.8 Time: 02:00:09 Currency: FIL📉Market Sell Price: 5.619 Amount: $999.6 Time: 04:48:10 Currency: LINA📉Market Sell Price: 0.00769 Amount: $12200.1 Time: 04:47:50 Currency: SSV📉Market Sell Price: 34.88 Amount: $2999.4 Time: 10:39:10 Risk Warning: Leverage is not a devil, it is just a tool to improve capital utilization. Leverage itself has no risk, the real risk comes from human nature. #BTC #ETH #BNB #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH $BNB

Let profits fly for a while, but the premise is to control risks.

2024.5.10 Daily Update:

Patrick McHenry, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said that the U.S. Congress may vote on the 21st Century Financial Innovation and Technology Act (FIT21) by the end of May. FIT21 will give the CFTC jurisdiction over crypto commodities and the SEC jurisdiction over cryptocurrencies offered in investment contracts. FIT21 also sets rules for companies that must register with the SEC and CFTC, including requirements for customer disclosure, asset protection and operations. The legislation aims to provide a clear regulatory framework for digital assets and address long-standing market supervision and consumer protection issues. It is reported that FIT21 is the most comprehensive cryptocurrency legislation passed by the congressional committee to date and an important milestone in digital asset regulatory legislation.

Account status: total capital of 470,000 (including dividends), principal of 150,000, and yield of 200+%. The total equity of the contract account is 410,000, the total position is 415,000, 40+ varieties, and 170+ pending orders.

Recent transactions:

Currency: ETH📈Limit Buy

Price: 2877.0

Amount: $9997.6

Time: 01:51:32

Currency: SSV📈Limit Buy

Price: 35.7

Amount: $4999.8

Time: 02:00:09

Currency: FIL📉Market Sell

Price: 5.619

Amount: $999.6

Time: 04:48:10

Currency: LINA📉Market Sell

Price: 0.00769

Amount: $12200.1

Time: 04:47:50

Currency: SSV📉Market Sell

Price: 34.88

Amount: $2999.4

Currency: ETH📈Limit Buy

Price: 2877.0

Amount: $9997.6

Time: 01:51:32

Currency: SSV📈Limit Buy

Price: 35.7

Amount: $4999.8

Time: 02:00:09

Currency: FIL📉Market Sell

Price: 5.619

Amount: $999.6

Time: 04:48:10

Currency: LINA📉Market Sell

Price: 0.00769

Amount: $12200.1

Time: 04:47:50

Currency: SSV📉Market Sell

Price: 34.88

Amount: $2999.4

Time: 10:39:10

Risk Warning: Leverage is not a devil, it is just a tool to improve capital utilization. Leverage itself has no risk, the real risk comes from human nature.

#BTC #ETH #BNB #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH $BNB

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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看大势者赚大钱。 2024.05.20: 上周五,美元指数先涨后跌,美股尾盘抹去日内全部涨幅,最终收跌0.012%,报104.49。在美联储票委鲍曼鹰派言论的支撑下,美债收益率延续涨势,10年期美债收益率最终收报4.422%。对美联储政策利率最敏感的2年期美债收益率最终收报4.837%。 现货黄金冲破2400大关后继续上扬,最高触及2422.56美元/盎司,创4月12日以来的一个月盘中新高,最终收涨1.6%,报2414.7美元/盎司,周线录得二连涨;在供应趋紧、而宏观经济前景日益乐观的背景下,现货白银涨势更猛,站上31美元/盎司,最终收涨6.45%,报31.49美元/盎司,创下11年来新高。 由于全球两大石油消费国(中国和美国)的经济指标增强了人们对石油需求增长的希望,再加上以及俄罗斯石油基础设施再度遇袭引发供应中断担忧,国际原油三周来首次录得周度上涨。WTI原油最终收涨0.81%,报79.46美元/桶;布伦特原油收涨0.64%,报83.9美元/桶。 美股三大股指涨跌不一,道指收涨0.34%,史上首次收高于4万点,标普500指数涨0.12%,纳指跌0.07%。游戏驿站(GME.N)跌近20%,法拉第未来(FFIE.O)跌超37%,阿里巴巴(BABA.N)延续涨势,收涨2%。 欧股主要股指多数收跌,德国DAX指数收跌0.18%,英国富时100指数收跌0.22%,欧洲斯托克50指数收跌0.16%。 账户情况:总资本47.5万(含分红),本金15万,收益率200+%。合约账户总权益41.6万,总持仓量45.5万,40+个品种,170+笔挂单。 风险提示:杠杆不是魔鬼,只是提高资金利用率的工具。杠杆本身没有风险,真正的风险来自于人性。 #BTC #ETH #BNB #SOL #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
运气建立在有准备的基础上。 2024.05.17: 周四,因美国4月份进口商品价格连续第四个月上涨,以及上周初请失业金人数减少。美元指数有所回升,并一度涨至104.62的日内高点,而后回吐部分涨幅,最终收涨0.19%,报104.5。10年期美债收益率小幅回升,最终收报4.381%。对美联储政策利率最敏感的2年期美债收益率最终收报4.806%。 或因部分投资者开始获利了结,现货黄金大幅回落,并一度跌至2370.86美元的日内低点,较日高跌超20美元,最终收跌0.41%,报2375.93美元/盎司;现货白银收跌0.29%,报29.57美元/盎司。 原油先跌后涨。WTI原油日内一度跌至77.73美元的日内低点,但在美盘时段收复全部失地,并重回79美元上方,最终收涨0.59%,报78.85美元/桶;布伦特原油收涨0.56%,报83.13美元/桶。 美股道指收跌0.1%,盘中一度突破4万点大关,标普500指数跌0.2%,纳指跌0.26%。诺瓦瓦克斯医药(NVAX.O)涨11%,法拉第未来(FFIE.O)涨134%,本周累涨3450%。纳斯达克中国金龙指数涨2.5%,阿里巴巴(BABA.N)涨超7%,此前获香橼看涨至100美元之上。 欧股主要股指有所回调,德国DAX指数收跌0.69%,英国富时100指数收跌0.08%,欧洲斯托克50指数收跌0.56%。 账户情况:总资本48.5万(含分红),本金15万,收益率200+%。合约账户总权益43万,总持仓量47.5万,40+个品种,170+笔挂单。 风险提示:杠杆不是魔鬼,只是提高资金利用率的工具。杠杆本身没有风险,真正的风险来自于人性。 #BTC #ETH #BNB #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
接受错误,及时纠正。 2024.5.16每日更新: 周三,因美国4月CPI数据显示通胀恢复走低趋势以及上月零售销售意外持平,这恢复了市场对美联储将于9月降息的信心。美元指数盘中大幅下挫,最终收跌0.67%,报104.3。10年期美债收益率跌破4.4%关口,最终收报4.344%。对美联储政策利率最敏感的2年期美债收益率最终收报4.738%。 受助于市场对美联储降息的乐观情绪,现货黄金一度冲上2390.09的日内高点,创近一个月新高,最终收涨1.18%,报2385.67美元/盎司;现货白银逼近30美元大关,收涨3.67%,报28.60美元/盎司。 因IEA认为全球石油需求增长将趋于疲软,油价一度跌至今年2月以来新低,但CPI数据疲软助长了美联储将于今年晚些时候降息的预期后,油价上演V字反转。WTI原油日内一度跌至76.35美元的日内低点,但在美盘时段收复全部失地并转涨,最终收涨0.46%,报78.39美元/桶;布伦特原油收涨0.26%,报82.67美元/桶。 美股三大股指均创历史新高,道指收涨0.88%,标普500指数涨1.17%,纳指涨1.4%,游戏驿站(GME.N)跌18%,AMD(AMD.O)涨4%,MicroStrategy(MSTR.O)涨15%。纳斯达克中国金龙指数微涨,阿里巴巴(BABA.N)涨1.8%,小鹏汽车(XPEV.N)跌3.5%。 欧股主要股指全线收涨,德国DAX指数收涨0.82%,英国富时100指数收涨0.21%,欧洲斯托克50指数收涨0.41%。 港股昨日因佛诞日休市一日。 A股三大指数震荡走弱,沪指跌0.82%,深证成指跌0.88%,创业板指跌0.9%。盘面上,房地产板块逆势走强,云南城投等涨停;另外,化纤、PEEK材料概念、家居用品、建材等板块涨幅居前;Sora概念、虚拟电厂概念、CXO概念、券商、电力等板块跌幅居前。两市总成交额约7600亿元。 账户情况:总资本47.5万(含分红),本金15万,收益率200+%。合约账户总权益41万,总持仓量41.5万,40+个品种,170+笔挂单。 风险提示:杠杆不是魔鬼,只是提高资金利用率的工具。杠杆本身没有风险,真正的风险来自于人性。 #BTC #ETH #BNB #SOL #OP $BTC $ETH $BNB
截断亏损,让利润奔跑。 2024.5.9每日更新: 据Watcher.Guru报道,唐纳德·特朗普宣布其正在接受加密货币形式的美国总统竞选捐款。特朗普表示:“拜登甚至不知道加密货币是什么,如果你喜欢加密货币,你最好投票给特朗普。”特朗普还承诺,他将停止美国对加密货币的敌意并拥抱它。 据DL News报道,灰度投资公首席执行官Michael Sonnenshein周三在英国《金融时报》主办的伦敦一次活动中表示,公司将专注于将其以太坊信托基金转换为现货ETF产品;公司正在撤回申请,因为许多期货产品已经可供投资者使用;有时我们会对产品提出申请,这并不一定意味着它会进入市场。 Sonnenshein表示,虽然很难知道美国SEC对以太坊的看法,但灰度“乐观地认为SEC会为投资者做出正确的决定”。他补充说:“灰度以太坊信托已经是一家向SEC提交报告的公司。我们提交10-K和10-Q(向SEC披露的文件),我们始终是一家推动监管机构允许加密货币进一步纳入监管范围的企业。” 此前昨日消息,灰度已向美国SEC撤回以太坊期货ETF申请。 账户情况:总资本48万(含分红),本金15万,收益率200+%。合约账户总权益42万,总持仓量44.1万,40+个品种,170+笔挂单。 交易记录: 币种:FRONT📉市价卖出 价格:1.746 金额:$13999.7 时间:01:16:05 币种:FRONT📉市价卖出 价格:1.744 金额:$1397.3 时间:03:45:11 币种:MATIC📈限价买入 价格:0.6757 金额:$2499.4 时间:18:56:04 风险提示:杠杆不是魔鬼,只是提高资金利用率的工具。杠杆本身没有风险,真正的风险来自于人性。 #BTC #ETH #BNB #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC $ETH $BNB

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