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Trump's cryptocurrency shift has attracted widespread attention. When he was initially skeptical of cryptocurrencies, few people would have thought that he would become a supporter of this field. However, he recently said at an event that supporting cryptocurrencies will become a key issue in his campaign. At an event held in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump said that if you support cryptocurrencies, you should vote for him because he will be the candidate to end the hostility to cryptocurrencies. This change surprised some supporters, but also attracted more people's attention. Trump accepted questions about cryptocurrencies at the event and said that cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more successful and he is more and more supportive of it. This is an important signal for cryptocurrency supporters because Trump seems to be the first major party presidential candidate to accept cryptocurrencies. At the same time, Trump criticized his political opponent Biden and his administration's hostility to the cryptocurrency industry. He pointed out that some officials in the Biden administration are hostile to cryptocurrencies, while he himself said that he would ensure that cryptocurrency businesses can continue to develop in the United States. Trump's NFT has also become one of the focuses of the event, and his NFT series has generated millions of dollars in sales. Trump said at the event that his NFT series also brought rich returns in the secondary market, and whether he would launch a fourth NFT series became a topic of discussion among the audience. Overall, Trump's support for cryptocurrencies marks the importance of cryptocurrency issues in American politics and has attracted more attention to him. His remarks may affect the votes of cryptocurrency holders, and his NFT series has also brought him additional attention and support.

Trump's cryptocurrency shift has attracted widespread attention. When he was initially skeptical of cryptocurrencies, few people would have thought that he would become a supporter of this field. However, he recently said at an event that supporting cryptocurrencies will become a key issue in his campaign.

At an event held in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump said that if you support cryptocurrencies, you should vote for him because he will be the candidate to end the hostility to cryptocurrencies. This change surprised some supporters, but also attracted more people's attention.

Trump accepted questions about cryptocurrencies at the event and said that cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more successful and he is more and more supportive of it. This is an important signal for cryptocurrency supporters because Trump seems to be the first major party presidential candidate to accept cryptocurrencies.

At the same time, Trump criticized his political opponent Biden and his administration's hostility to the cryptocurrency industry. He pointed out that some officials in the Biden administration are hostile to cryptocurrencies, while he himself said that he would ensure that cryptocurrency businesses can continue to develop in the United States.

Trump's NFT has also become one of the focuses of the event, and his NFT series has generated millions of dollars in sales. Trump said at the event that his NFT series also brought rich returns in the secondary market, and whether he would launch a fourth NFT series became a topic of discussion among the audience.

Overall, Trump's support for cryptocurrencies marks the importance of cryptocurrency issues in American politics and has attracted more attention to him. His remarks may affect the votes of cryptocurrency holders, and his NFT series has also brought him additional attention and support.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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近期ETF资金流出情况显示出不可持续的迹象。昨日再次出现了1130万的净流出,其中主要流出资金依然来自灰度,单日流出额达到了4340万。相较之下,贝莱德录得1420万的净流入,其他机构的资金流入则较为有限。这一趋势表明市场资金正在逐渐保持平衡,买盘和卖盘的活跃度都在减少。香港ETF的交易量每天也未超过300万美元。这些数据表明加密货币市场正进入一个调整阶段。全球加密交易的交易量连续7个月增长后,在4月首次出现下滑,这也进一步印证了市场处于调整期的观点。大型机构和上市公司已经完成了他们的购买计划,而减半行情也促使部分持有者出售资产。 在山寨货币方面,随着整体市场的回暖,各个板块普遍呈现上涨趋势。AI、RWA和MEME等传统板块表现良好。在AI领域,由于苹果在M4芯片宣传视频中提到了rndr的软件octane,rndr暴涨,带动了类似赛道项目akt、ar、wld等的上涨。整个AI板块形成了联动效应。 行情分析显示,比特币在60000附近得到了支撑,但缺乏足够的交易量支撑,短期内仍将面临试探支撑位的可能。关键支撑位在58000附近,如果能够在此位置获得有效支撑,将意味着大盘调整结束。 以太坊对比比特币的表现较为疲软,主要受到证券问题的影响。SEC将以太定性为证券,这给ETHETF的推出带来了挑战。此外,链上交易量下降也对ETH形成了压力。尽管短期内ETH的行情不容乐观,但从长期来看仍具备潜力。重要机构认为ETH将赢得对SEC的官司,未来推出的ETF也将获得批准。 当前市场中,山寨货币的市值占比呈现上升趋势,一旦突破趋势线,将迎来爆发期。以太带领的山寨货币是重点关注对象。在以太系列中,LSD板块的SSV、LDO、RPL,以及FXS、ANKR等值得布局。此外,L2板块的ARB、OP、STRK、METIS、IMX、MINA等也具备投资价值。另外,即将减半的ETC、ETHFI和ETHW等也值得关注。 SOL生态和AI板块仍然是值得关注的重点。AI板块中,GRT、NFP和LPT是个人推荐的重点项目。而在SOL生态中,WIF、LINK、JTO、TNSR和PYTH也值得密切关注。 最后,推荐投资币种ONDO。其技术面强劲,市值前景可期。未来有望成为币安现货的代币。整体来看,当前市场处于历史底部区间,每次回调都是进场的好机会。
特朗普在一场私人晚宴上表示支持加密货币的发展,与拜登政府形成鲜明对比。此举引发加密社区热议,反映了加密货币在美国大选中的重要性。特朗普承诺阻止加密企业离开美国,强调拥抱加密需留住相关产业。与此同时,拜登政府则反对众议院通过的亲加密决议,坚持其对加密货币行业的监管立场。这一立场对比凸显了加密货币成为未来大选热门议题的可能性,而国内外政治力量对此的态度也将深刻影响着行业未来发展。 特朗普的支持行动不仅仅是口头上的表示,而是通过参加私人晚宴并推出NFT(非同质化代币)活动来表达。晚宴上,特朗普与购买他NFT作品的主要买家进行了交流,同时对加密货币市场发表了支持态度,尤其是对一些主流加密货币的态度。这次活动不仅让特朗普的声音在加密社区中引起了轰动,还推动了与他相关的NFT代币的价格上涨。 在拜登政府方面,他们对众议院通过的支持加密货币行业的决议持反对态度。这一态度背后是对加密货币市场监管的担忧,拜登政府认为放松监管将会给投资者和金融体系带来不确定性和风险。这种政府立场的表态与特朗普的支持态度形成了鲜明对比,为加密货币成为未来大选热门议题提供了实质性的背景。 这场政治上的较量也反映了加密货币行业的复杂性和影响力。无论是特朗普还是拜登政府,都在努力塑造对加密货币的立场,以赢得选民的支持。随着加密货币市场的不断发展和影响力的增强,这场政治斗争也将持续升级,成为未来美国大选中的重要议题之一。

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