If you want to turn things around within half a year, remember five sentences:

1. The fastest way to change yourself is to do what you are afraid of, what you dare not do, what you think you can't do, and what you think is impossible.

2. Don't compare prices after buying, don't regret after eating, don't be suspicious after love, don't slander after breaking up, everything is to pay for your own choice. Money can be earned again, work can be found again, friends can be made again, love can be found again, born with nothing, why fear to start over again.

3. Water in a desperate situation is a waterfall, people in a desperate situation is rebirth, the halfway point of the mountain is always crowded, your efforts to go to the top of the mountain to see. In this question of life, no matter how you choose, there will be regrets. The real strong is when the night is quiet, escape your heart, sew and mend yourself, and wake up with confidence again. When you are alive, you should open up the mountains and build bridges when you meet the water. Forgive everything before going to bed, and wake up to be reborn.

4. After the ups and downs, you will find that the people you helped may not have helped you, but the people who helped you will help you again. You can recognize horses in the mud and people in trouble. You can't understand wisdom without experiencing something. A person is sincere or false. It's not in the mouth, but in the heart. A feeling is hypocritical or practical. It's not in the ordinary but in the wind and rain.

5. Behind the money is the matter. If you do the matter to the extreme, the money will come. Behind the matter is the person. If you do the person well, the matter will come naturally. Behind the person is the fate. If you fix the dimension of life, you will have a good fate. Behind the fate is the Tao. Having a heart to help others is the right way.

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