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I started the cryptocurrency circle with 6K, lost 800,000 yuan, and finally earned 1 million yuan! When I first started trading, I only had 6,000 yuan. I lost 6,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan, and then I kept recharging my savings and continued to lose money. Until later I met a noble man. He taught me the first lesson of trading, learning stop loss. So now I always bring stop loss when I open an order, and I stop immediately when I hit the stop loss. The second lesson of the master is to only do positive EV and high profit and loss. This logic is also deeply engraved in my flesh and blood, so that now when I do anything, I first ask myself whether the profit and loss ratio is cost-effective. If it is negative EV, no matter how good it looks, I will not participate in it at all. Why do I say this? I have always had a view that all college students should learn some code and trading techniques, which are more meaningful to life. It took me nearly two years to really make my first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency circle. When I first came into contact with cryptocurrency contract trading, I was fearless at the time. I lost more than 800,000 yuan in half a year with my own strength. I was still working at that time. Although most of it was my own savings, I didn't dare to let my family know because they didn't understand and support me from the beginning. I think the most uncomfortable thing is not how much money I lost, but the feeling of loss. The negative emotions under long-term pressure make me depressed. In the following year or so, I continued to make profits and losses, but I became more and more familiar with the trend of Ethereum, and slowly formed my own sense of the market and trading rhythm. Maybe it was good luck. In the 20-year bull market, with the surge in Ethereum, my trading system has become more and more mature, the intraday swing trading points have become more accurate, and the control of emotions has also improved significantly. In addition to making up for the previous losses this year, I also earned an additional 800,000 U. In terms of operation, only do intraday, resolutely not overnight, resolutely not resist orders, to avoid encountering super large market conditions and getting directly overwhelmed. If you don't understand trading technology and can't identify the market, no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage and give him a hand. The circle will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day! #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH

I started the cryptocurrency circle with 6K, lost 800,000 yuan, and finally earned 1 million yuan!

When I first started trading, I only had 6,000 yuan. I lost 6,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan, and then I kept recharging my savings and continued to lose money.

Until later I met a noble man. He taught me the first lesson of trading, learning stop loss. So now I always bring stop loss when I open an order, and I stop immediately when I hit the stop loss.

The second lesson of the master is to only do positive EV and high profit and loss. This logic is also deeply engraved in my flesh and blood, so that now when I do anything, I first ask myself whether the profit and loss ratio is cost-effective. If it is negative EV, no matter how good it looks, I will not participate in it at all.

Why do I say this? I have always had a view that all college students should learn some code and trading techniques, which are more meaningful to life.

It took me nearly two years to really make my first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency circle. When I first came into contact with cryptocurrency contract trading, I was fearless at the time. I lost more than 800,000 yuan in half a year with my own strength. I was still working at that time. Although most of it was my own savings, I didn't dare to let my family know because they didn't understand and support me from the beginning. I think the most uncomfortable thing is not how much money I lost, but the feeling of loss. The negative emotions under long-term pressure make me depressed.

In the following year or so, I continued to make profits and losses, but I became more and more familiar with the trend of Ethereum, and slowly formed my own sense of the market and trading rhythm. Maybe it was good luck. In the 20-year bull market, with the surge in Ethereum, my trading system has become more and more mature, the intraday swing trading points have become more accurate, and the control of emotions has also improved significantly. In addition to making up for the previous losses this year, I also earned an additional 800,000 U.

In terms of operation, only do intraday, resolutely not overnight, resolutely not resist orders, to avoid encountering super large market conditions and getting directly overwhelmed.

If you don't understand trading technology and can't identify the market, no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage and give him a hand. The circle will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!

#山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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巨鲸今天再次定投比特币,目前全球大的比特币巨鲸都有谁? 在加密货币世界中,持有大量资产的投资者被称为“巨鲸”,其中比特币领域的巨鲸备受关注。这些巨鲸拥有大量比特币,其买卖行为通常会对市场产生显著影响,因此它们成为了市场关注的焦点。 根据Lookonchain的追踪,今日两位重量级投资者在比特币市场低位共购入了791枚BTC,市值达到近4980万美元。同时,地址1LXdAT的持有者自3月19日以来已购入4736枚BTC,总市值达到3.09亿美元,平均单价为65264美元。另一地址bc1qr4的持有者自去年11月19日起已购入791枚BTC,平均单价为45156美元,市值约为3570万美元。 比特币巨鲸通常指持有至少1000 BTC或相当价值的比特币的个人、基金或投资机构。他们的交易活动往往被视为市场走势的重要指标,因为他们的行为可以对市场产生广泛影响。 加密货币世界中的巨鲸行为类似于海洋中的巨大生物浮出水面所引起的巨浪,因此其动态常常备受市场关注。特别是在比特币市场,比特币巨鲸的行为往往被投资者和分析人士密切关注,因为他们可能引领市场走向。 比特币的创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)据传是持有最多比特币的人之一。尽管其真实身份成谜,但其比特币地址中持有的比特币数量已接近115万枚,市值高达297亿美元。 灰度比特币信托(Grayscale Bitcoin Trust)是一家专注于比特币投资的公司,其持有的比特币数量也相当可观。 美国政府是持有比特币的重要机构之一,据报道,他们持有约164,004枚比特币,市值约42.42亿美元。这些比特币主要是通过没收黑市和黑客活动中获得的。块一)是一家区块链技术开发公司,拥有约164,000枚比特币,市值约42.4亿美元。该公司最著名的产品之一是域名http://EOS的。IO。 美国上市公司微策略(MicroStrategy)是一家提供商业智能、移动软件和基于云的服务的公司。他们持有约152,333枚比特币,市值约39.4亿美元。 值得一提的是,门头沟事件的主角(Mt.Gox)虽已倒闭,但其仍持有大量比特币,成为加密市场历史上的一个重要节点。 美国的Marathon Digital Holdings 是一家专注于比特币区块生产和区块链技术的技术公司,他们持有约12,964枚比特币,市值约3.35亿美元。 特斯拉的兄弟公司SpaceX 根据华尔街日报的报道,特斯拉旗下的兄弟公司SpaceX持有约10,800枚比特币,市值约2.79亿美元。 加拿大的Hut 8 Mining Corp是一家比特币矿业公司,他们持有约9,152枚比特币,市值约2.36亿美元。 萨尔瓦多 是全球首个将比特币作为法定货币的国家,他们持有约2,381枚比特币,市值约0.61亿美元。 美图秀秀 是一家计划进军区块链的港股上市公司,他们持有约379枚比特币,市值约0.098亿美元。 这只是一小部分比特币的大户和机构,全球还有许多其他国家、机构、上市公司和个人持有比特币和其他主流加密资产。 稳定币发行商Tether 也被认为是比特币的持有者之一,尽管没有公开披露地址。 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
“如果你彻底明白了概率论,遍历性,行为经济学,和布朗运动的深层次原理后。 你就会明白为什么任何的赌博(赌球,赛马,轮盘),1-3个月的杠杆短线操作,以及币圈合约等行为,最终的结局都会是归零,这是数学上的必然。 ” 非常认同的一个观点,但要补充一下,其实结论里,有一个隐含前提假设,就是参与赌博的人,全仓参与赌博了,没有进行仓位管理和风险管理,那必然会有一次是亏损100%. 如果假设参与赌博的人,真懂得概率论,遍历性和行为金融学,真正理解自己在玩的什么游戏,就可以避免归零。 例如:一个人,他懂得赌博到底是怎么回事,他把个人资产的25%配置股票(宽基指数基金),25%债券(主流国家国债),25%黄金,25%现金,每个季度再平衡。然后用每年投资收益的30%,参与赌博和投机,作为彩票仓位,那么他就可以摆脱归零的命运。(无收益就不参与) 参与赌博的本质是:把命运交给随机概率,极端案例就是彩票,理性的人,不应该用全部身价都去买双色球。但完全可以不定期买个一张两张,给命运一个机会。 问题在于,绝大多数人,可能99.99%以上,控制不了自己贪婪的欲望,会上头,会用生活费赌博,会非理性的全仓梭哈,会高杠杆,扛单不止损,且认知不到,人性很难是很难对抗的,或觉得自己是个例外,最终走向归零并负债。 所以最后结论还是:不要预测短期行情,不要玩期货杠杆。不要赌,久赌必输,数学上的必然。 不懂交易技术,识别不了盘面,再好的机会都与你无关​。 主页关注老黄,拉你一把,圈子每日都会免费分享现货密码, 牛市布局策略,百倍潜力币! #山寨币热点 #热门话题 $BTC $ETH
不想做韭菜,那必须要知道炒币的常识: 币圈盈亏规律:炒币中存在“九亏一赚”的说法,暗示大多数人在币圈中亏损,而少数人获利。为了远离亏损,韭菜们需要理解获利的原理。 资金管理:成功的币种投资需要保持足够的现金流动性。即使在长期牛市的美股市场,投资大师沃伦·巴菲特也从不使用全部资金进行投资。这表明投资者没有理由使用全部资金全仓投资,更不应该使用杠杆。 仓位管理:投资者应当实施严格的仓位管理。不符合“买在低位,卖在高位”原则的个币不建立底仓。对于任何币种,如果三个月内上涨200%,则避免追高;上涨40%后,不追求短线利润;如果翻倍,则应先让投入的本金退出市场。 应对消息面:投资者应放弃仅基于利好消息买入的做法,因为普通韭菜往往是最后一个获得信息的。相反,应当关注那些可能导致币种下跌的可逆性利空消息,当币种因此跌出价值时,再逐步分批买入。 交易规则:在交易时,投资者需要根据市场情况调整自己的规则。风险往往随币价上涨而增大,因此在币种上涨时,应逐步卖出以保护利润;而机会往往伴随币价下跌而出现,所以在币价下跌超过一定幅度时,可以考虑买入,以降低平均成本。 总之,币种投资需要谨慎的资金管理、严格的仓位控制、对消息的理性分析以及灵活的交易策略。#BTC走势分析 $BTC
币圈真的还有机遇吗? 首先先看一下这个数据: 月薪:3000元,一年3.6万,一辈子144万 月薪:4000元,一年4.8万,一辈子192万 月薪:5000元,一年6万,一辈子240万 月薪:6000元,一年7.2万,一辈子288万 月薪:7000元,一年8.4万,一辈子336万 月薪:8000元,一年9.6万,一辈子384万 月薪:9000元,一年10.8万,一辈子432万 月薪:10000元,一年12万,一辈子480万 月薪:20000元,一年24万,一辈子960万 月薪:30000元,一年36万,一辈子1440万 月薪:40000元,一年48万,一辈子1920万 月薪:50000元,一年60万,一辈子2400万 月薪在一万以上的人很少,月薪在两万以上的更是凤毛麟角,大部分人月薪都还在一万以下,感觉普通人一辈子赚的钱就是买一套房而已! 那么身处在币圈的你,你想赚到多少收手呢? 如果你现在50岁 那么我的答案是,10个比特币,未来,比特币肯定会20万美元以上的,按保守计算,一个比特币20万,10个就是200万美元,也就是人民币1400多万,你手持10个比特币就是打工精英的一生! 如果你40岁。那么8个就足够了 如果你30岁那么5个就足够了 如果你20岁那么3个就足够了 如果在你30-40岁持有20个比特币,那妥妥的自由人生 如果你持有100个比特币,那么地球将是你的村落,加油吧,各位币友 如果你想在币圈深耕,找不到头绪,想快速入门你可以在主页资料找到我 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
在币圈如何用三千块赚到一百万? 我来说一个可以执行的方案。如果你可以执行下去,赚到100万是可以实现的。 一、去干两个月苦力,把本金加到一万左右。 二、在比特币周线在ma20以上就买入币,买两到三个,一定要是新币,熊市中的热点币,比如没有上涨之前的apt,它是熊市出来的,只要比特币起来一点,离开起飞,比如op。反正要记住,要有热度,有故事可以讲。 三、比特币跌破ma20就止损,买入或者等待期间继续赚钱,给自己两到三次失败的机会。你存款两万,投入一万,可以失败三次。 四、如果买到了了apt这种币,拿到4-5倍左右出。不断的执行策略,记住你是小资金 一定要买新币 不要去买ETH,BTC。他们的涨幅撑不起你的梦想。 五、如果出熊市开始到牛市,拿到三次5倍,差不多125倍,这个时间大概短则一年,长则3年。 你有三次失败的机会 ,如果你三次都失败了,说明你没有这个能力,远离这个圈子,远离投资,更不要陷入合约。 把自己的精力投入工作,培养自己的爱好,提高能力,在工作中赚钱好好过,在你比较成熟稳重的时候,大概30多岁,再遇到像22年一样的熊市,再拿出两万 ,按上面的方法再试一次。如果还是没有成功 ,那就安安稳稳工作远离币圈吧。 上面的方法最重要的是有耐心,如果没有耐心,乱了阵脚,也要尽快退出,不要去搞合约。 总之,记得该入场就入场,该止损就止损,要有耐心, 武功秘籍已经给各位了,能不能在江湖成名就要看自己的了 #山寨币热点 $BB $ENA $SAGA

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