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The big bull coins that must be bought in this bull market, some of which have 10 times the space RNDR: Apple's official partnership, leader in artificial intelligence OP: The leader of one-click issuance of L2 super chains, supported by a16z $ETHFI : Ethereum series, leader in re-staking PENDLE: The leader of derivative interest rate trading, spanning multiple tracks SHIB: Old sentimental animal coin FLOKI: Musk's new favorite, may be mentioned again in the future $PEPE : Frog coin, has the potential to become the next SHIB APT: A high-performance new public chain developed by former Facebook employees, using the Move language RDNT: The leader of cross-chain lending, part of the ARB ecosystem AGIX: AI concept coin FET: AI public chain ONDO: Backed by BlackRock, a rising star in the RWA field STX: Bitcoin's second-layer expansion network, also called small cookies, with a high synchronization rate with BTC GALA: Yuan Big Brother in the Universe ORDI: The first BRC20 inscription token MAGIC: Hoping to be the Nintendo of blockchain games INJ: DEFI public chain plus various nesting dolls CYBER: Decentralized social project invested by Binance FXS: The master key of DEFI, preparing to launch its own L2 public chain and enter RWA TIA: The leader of modular public chains, very suitable for staking ILV: 3A-level metaverse blockchain masterpiece LINK: The leader of oracles $PYTH : The rising star of SOL ecology, the leader in the field of oracles JTO: It is reported that jtio is building the Solana feature layer TON: Mini Program Blockchain STX: Satoshi Nakamoto upgraded and launched a promising blockchain sidechain ALT: The leading currency in the RAAS sector, a module-customized Rollup product that can achieve one-click chain issuance, with great development potential MANTA: The L2 network of the modular execution layer provides data execution layer data for DApp, with extremely high potential and 10 times the space ZETA: The latest L1 public chain, a must-have track in the bull market, supports multi-chain and cross-chain seamless docking, and is a high-quality project CHZ: The leader in the sports sector, the European events in June will definitely be exciting You don’t need to pay attention to all of the above currencies if you have small funds. You can choose a few of them to pay attention to. If you don’t know which ones are suitable for layout, or don’t know how to maximize investment returns, you can follow Lao Huang, click on the avatar homepage to read the introduction, and join my village

The big bull coins that must be bought in this bull market, some of which have 10 times the space

RNDR: Apple's official partnership, leader in artificial intelligence

OP: The leader of one-click issuance of L2 super chains, supported by a16z

$ETHFI : Ethereum series, leader in re-staking

PENDLE: The leader of derivative interest rate trading, spanning multiple tracks

SHIB: Old sentimental animal coin

FLOKI: Musk's new favorite, may be mentioned again in the future

$PEPE : Frog coin, has the potential to become the next SHIB

APT: A high-performance new public chain developed by former Facebook employees, using the Move language

RDNT: The leader of cross-chain lending, part of the ARB ecosystem

AGIX: AI concept coin

FET: AI public chain

ONDO: Backed by BlackRock, a rising star in the RWA field

STX: Bitcoin's second-layer expansion network, also called small cookies, with a high synchronization rate with BTC

GALA: Yuan Big Brother in the Universe

ORDI: The first BRC20 inscription token

MAGIC: Hoping to be the Nintendo of blockchain games

INJ: DEFI public chain plus various nesting dolls

CYBER: Decentralized social project invested by Binance

FXS: The master key of DEFI, preparing to launch its own L2 public chain and enter RWA

TIA: The leader of modular public chains, very suitable for staking

ILV: 3A-level metaverse blockchain masterpiece

LINK: The leader of oracles

$PYTH : The rising star of SOL ecology, the leader in the field of oracles

JTO: It is reported that jtio is building the Solana feature layer

TON: Mini Program Blockchain

STX: Satoshi Nakamoto upgraded and launched a promising blockchain sidechain

ALT: The leading currency in the RAAS sector, a module-customized Rollup product that can achieve one-click chain issuance, with great development potential

MANTA: The L2 network of the modular execution layer provides data execution layer data for DApp, with extremely high potential and 10 times the space

ZETA: The latest L1 public chain, a must-have track in the bull market, supports multi-chain and cross-chain seamless docking, and is a high-quality project

CHZ: The leader in the sports sector, the European events in June will definitely be exciting

You don’t need to pay attention to all of the above currencies if you have small funds. You can choose a few of them to pay attention to. If you don’t know which ones are suitable for layout, or don’t know how to maximize investment returns, you can follow Lao Huang, click on the avatar homepage to read the introduction, and join my village

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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币圈阶段推演 1、区块链革命,要投资有革命性创新的价值项目。 有人买了eth,有人买了eos;有人押注了sol,有人重仓了dot。 机构和项目方在上述路径中大量建设了许多价值项目,估值越来越高,并都期待在本轮牛市卖给散户。 2、价值就是接盘 大量的价值币以过去10倍以上的数量和FDV流入市场,并陆续开始大量解锁,目前每月解锁50到100亿美元,而ETF的总流入也只有100亿。 人们不再接盘VC币,买入meme,并开始讨论meme的价值投资,并开始忽略meme的本质是需要更多人买入并且庄家暂时不砸盘。 而且,当前人们忽略了总市值千亿以上而且全流通的meme也意味着几百亿的可砸盘的傻钱,其风险和预期的暴富收益一样高。 3、meme币带崩大盘 meme币不会无限制上涨,一旦资金停止流入就是高点。而庄家也不是无所不能,当市值越来越大,meme币上涨就越来越难。 我喜欢meme币,但当所有人都看好并且风投都开始进入的时候,或许那个隐形的高点就开始接近了。 币圈投机者为主,人群最大的特点就是没有耐心,因此,假设未来数月没有大行情,meme币可能出现极大的崩盘式回调。 而人们如果对meme失望,将会对币圈绝望,并引发一轮山寨的大崩盘。 4、人们回归价值 当山寨币被带崩,比如总市值跌去70%以上时,山寨的总市值将在3000亿左右,这会有启动一轮普涨7倍的山寨行情的可能性。 5、meme重新上涨 就像周期,人们在价值币上赚到的钱会流入到那时跌去很多的meme上,并开始本轮牛市最后的晚餐。 以上只是个人思考备忘,需要市场和时间验证。虽然市场充满变量,但是我相信一些底层逻辑会推动市场像钟摆一样运动,它可能时间上不会那么精确,但我希望总体能够正确。 模糊的正确好过精确的错误 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向可以来我的村庄看看,策略点头像坎简界 ,条件真实玩家即可 #Meme币你看好哪一个? $ETH $PEPE $SHIB
千万别让亲戚知道你在币圈赚了很多钱! 前不久看到一篇帖子,现在我发出来给大家看一下就知道为什么在币圈赚钱了,一定不要声张: 亲戚都知道我带着身边的伙伴赚到了钱买了车、房,亲戚借钱的问题就不赘述了,讲下更恶心的事情! 23年初的时候我大姨三天两头喊我去家里吃饭让我带下我那游手好闲的表哥,我是一个不太会拒绝的人,告知这个市场的风险后答应了下来。 我向来建议就是靠信息差和认知去赚取最稳定的利润,做这个行业首先要去了解这个行业并清楚投资行业的风险,而不是盲目的参与进来。所以我告诉了他去查阅的资料和需要学习的内容,有一定的知识储备我才可以和他有一个有效良好的沟通也更有助于他的成长。否则对他来说就是对牛弹琴。专门为他拉了服务群分享一些知识面和让人解答他的问题。 可能在这期间他看到了太多丝逆袭暴富的例子,就嚷着要进场参与。带他一个多月从5万做到了36万,我让拿走盈利留剩下的5w继续做下去,或与因为他认为赚钱太过轻松超出了自己的认知范围飘飘然,也或许认为自己悟道了并没有风险意识,在我不知情的情况下,瞒着我去开了合约导致全部爆仓,爆仓后对我一顿吐槽,每天的负能量! 然后我大姨三天两头给我母亲打电话,表达的那个意思就是说我带着表哥亏了30多万(包括他所有盈利),然后说我也不缺那个资金,明里暗里告诉我母亲让我去承担。我母亲人也心软,再没有告知我的情况下给大姨转去了两万。 然后我承担了他爆仓所亏损的资金,并要求他主动上门退还我母亲的钱,也拉黑了他们家所有的人的联系方式。帮人反而成了害人,而我也相信他已经不会再好好找个工作,更不会离开这个圈子,我也相信他还会把这5万甚至更多的钱亏给市场,而我也承担了5万人性的恶带来的学费,并且以后不会带任何一个家人或打感情牌的人!我损失的是区区5万,而表哥一家损失的是5w、50w、500w还有一个我这样的"家人"。 我在意的并不是这一点点的钱,对我造不成任何的影响,在意的是我浪费时间和精力带你赚钱,你私下开合约亏完钱后承担不了后果,埋怨我带你了解了这个圈子,这个锅我背不了一点,圈子没错,错的是自己的贪心和欲望!” 最后的最后我想说的是,在币圈这个充满机遇与风险的领域,一直以来都吸引着无数追求财富梦想的人。然而,正如我所强调的,成功并非一蹴而就,而是需要深厚的信息储备、清晰的风险认知和不断的努力。 然而,总有人在短时间内被一些暴富的例子所迷惑,盲目地追求高收益,最终导致了爆仓的惨痛结局。 也让我更加明白,币圈虽然充满了机会,但也同样充满了陷阱。只有那些真正懂得如何在这个市场中生存和发展的人,才能够获得真正的成功。 同时,我也希望更多的人能够认识到,币圈并非一夜暴富的捷径,而是一个需要长期学习和实践的领域。只有真正了解了这个市场,才能够在这个市场中立于不败之地。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向可以来我的村庄看看,策略点头像坎简界,条件真实玩家即可 。 #热门话题
在币圈最不能做的一件事是什么? 最不能碰的一件事情就是高杠杆。 和之前的比特币牛市不同,这次牛市有非常多害怕踏空的人选择高杠杆投机,最近我每天都能见到类似这种大额爆仓的截图。 但即便是如此,依旧无数人每天投身于高杠杆的合约交易当中,当然他们的下场往往都是爆仓。 严格上来讲,这一轮数字货币牛市其实从23年年初就开始了,关注我的朋友也很清楚我看多btc就是从20000左右开始的,在此期间一直说不要碰A股,不如买btc。 而且我们从比特币的走势图上可以很轻易的发现,从去年一月份开启上涨以来比特币也出现过多次技术调整,但是调整比例都没有超过25%。 也就是说,但凡你哪怕夸张一点到一直2-3倍低倍杠杆,都可以放大收益到500-1000%而不用担心爆仓。 但就在前不久比特币从72000跌到了60000,这么一个不到20%的跌幅中,却有很多人亏的倾家荡产。 理由很简单,就是用了高杠杆。 每年都有新闻把比特币爆仓者被拿来作为比特币风险高的佐证,但问题是你加十倍20倍的杠杆,你炒什么风险不高呢?我只能说是张雪峰又一次对了。 我寻思现在随便一个国内购房者都是3成首付吧,这可是赤裸裸的3倍杠杆,理论上讲房子跌30%你就穿仓了,也就是说18-21年高位上车买的购房人现在几乎已经全部穿仓! 但是有人会关心这些购房者的风险吗? 没有。乌合之众只会在地摊文写手的带领下复读“比特币风险高” ,“炒比特币会跳楼”。 至于国内商品期货交易所这种纯粹的杠杆投机市场,多年来既有有什么傅海棠这类一夜暴富的神话,也有无数爆仓的散户和专业投资基金,毕竟他们不亏钱那谁来给些现货的持有者提供套保呢? 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、看不清方向可以来我的村庄看看 ,主页置顶,条件真实玩家即可! #BTC走势分析 $BTC

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