#Cultivating the Heart

A person's life is actually running with cars, walking with houses, fighting for money. This is life. You should know that the cheapest things in the world are the sincerity of being penniless and the gentleness of being unsuccessful.

No matter what you are like now, you must believe that you have a bright future. Then work hard, and don't let the warm water boil your dream of becoming a general. Life is only once, don't give up. ”

There is a very good saying:

All the surprises and beauty you see in this world have been tempered by mediocrity.

A person's life is a process of fighting against fate and competing with himself.

The darkness before dawn is lonely and difficult to endure.

If you can endure it, you will be outstanding, and if you can't endure it, you will be eliminated.

The quilt is very warm in the early morning.

You choose to stay in bed, while others choose to get up early;

Studying is very hard,

You choose to lie down and be comfortable, while others choose to work hard and study hard.

There is always someone who can memorize the knowledge points that you can't memorize,

There is always someone who can complete the learning tasks that you can't complete,

There is always someone who works hard to complete the things you want to postpone until tomorrow,

So, the life you want to live and the scenery you want to see can only be lived and seen by others.

Studying hard is not to compare achievements and status with others,

but for the future when you face life alone,

You have the ability to choose and the confidence to refuse,

Worthy of good luck, able to survive the trough.

As the saying goes: Birds flap their wings before they fly high, people read before they make progress.

There is a golden house in books,

Reading is the fastest shortcut for ordinary people to cross classes;

Reading can make you meet a better self.

Don't always complain about the pain of studying,

because that is your way to see the world;

Don't always tell yourself "it's not too late",

Time flies, youth is only once.

If you don't suffer from studying today, you will suffer from the pain of life tomorrow,

If you choose to waste your youth, life will choose to let you down.

Don't think that you just gave up the road of studying,

In fact, you gave up the right to choose actively and the courage to face life.

Why must you study hard?

In order to have the confidence to refuse and the strength to turn around when facing the unfairness and unfriendliness in life.

Don't choose to lie down and be comfortable at the age of struggle

Don't want to have everything and do nothing.