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币圈8年实操经验 经历几轮专业牛熊转换期 曾某技术培训公司专业讲师 带领上万名学员抄底逃顶 CFA认证金融分析师 在这里分享自己的交易心得 记录成长之路!
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Several major events in the#coincircle# in June 1. The Rune Protocol will continue to be hyped, and dog will be launched on major platforms one after another. 2. Blast will be airdropped on June 26, and zk may also be airdropped this month. Both of them may be big money and will make a group of people rich 3. #btc[超话]# will break a new high, and a new round of bull market upward trend will start this month 4. memecion will continue to be hot, and continue to fluctuate forcefully,, 5.#Ethereumeth# Ether will perform better than sol 6. The compliant exchange hsk will announce B this month #BTC#ETH#热门话题
Several major events in the#coincircle# in June

1. The Rune Protocol will continue to be hyped, and dog will be launched on major platforms one after another.

2. Blast will be airdropped on June 26, and zk may also be airdropped this month. Both of them may be big money and will make a group of people rich

3. #btc[超话]# will break a new high, and a new round of bull market upward trend will start this month

4. memecion will continue to be hot, and continue to fluctuate forcefully,,

5.#Ethereumeth# Ether will perform better than sol

6. The compliant exchange hsk will announce B this month
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Someone asked, what is the highest realm of trading? A netizen answered: Don’t be nervous after placing an order Don’t be anxious if you miss out Don’t feel sad if you close your position Don’t make a fuss if you make money Don’t complain if you lose money Don’t be happy when the price goes up, don’t be sad when the price goes down But you are extremely hungry for unknown knowledge Become a mature, patient and responsible investor Have you done it? #BTC#ETH#投资心得
Someone asked, what is the highest realm of trading?
A netizen answered:
Don’t be nervous after placing an order
Don’t be anxious if you miss out
Don’t feel sad if you close your position
Don’t make a fuss if you make money
Don’t complain if you lose money
Don’t be happy when the price goes up, don’t be sad when the price goes down
But you are extremely hungry for unknown knowledge
Become a mature, patient and responsible investor
Have you done it?
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#TNSR Recommended around 0.9 The current pattern is still strong MEME coin is the world, follow it and you will make a profit Continue to hold the daily level strategy and sell it in batches in four hours When trading, don’t just listen to what others say, you must have your own ideas to make the market, so that you can be invincible! ! ! #BTC#ETH#meme板块关注热点

Recommended around 0.9
The current pattern is still strong
MEME coin is the world, follow it and you will make a profit
Continue to hold the daily level strategy and sell it in batches in four hours
When trading, don’t just listen to what others say, you must have your own ideas to make the market, so that you can be invincible! ! !

A great buying point with a high cost-effectiveness
The coins in the SOL ecosystem all rebounded well
The double bottom support rebounded here on the daily line
I still have a part of it from the last mining and have been holding it
The family members who followed up continue to hold it✔️✔️✔️
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Someone asked, what is the highest realm of cryptocurrency trading? A netizen answered: Don't be nervous after placing an order Don't be anxious if you miss out Don't feel sad if you close your position Don't make a fuss if you make money Don't complain if you lose money Don't be happy when the price goes up, and don't be sad when the price goes down But you are extremely hungry for unknown knowledge Become a mature, patient, and responsible investor Have you done it? #meme板块关注热点 #BTC#ETH
Someone asked, what is the highest realm of cryptocurrency trading?
A netizen answered:
Don't be nervous after placing an order
Don't be anxious if you miss out
Don't feel sad if you close your position
Don't make a fuss if you make money
Don't complain if you lose money
Don't be happy when the price goes up, and don't be sad when the price goes down
But you are extremely hungry for unknown knowledge
Become a mature, patient, and responsible investor
Have you done it?
#meme板块关注热点 #BTC#ETH
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The new coin sector rebounded across the board✔️ There are several of them that I recommended before #BTC#ETH
The new coin sector rebounded across the board✔️
There are several of them that I recommended before
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Nvidia hits record high. Nvidia will conduct a 10:1 stock split on June 7. If its market value exceeds Apple, funds may shift from the MEME sector to the AI ​​sector#meme板块关注热点 #BTC#ETH#AI
Nvidia hits record high. Nvidia will conduct a 10:1 stock split on June 7. If its market value exceeds Apple, funds may shift from the MEME sector to the AI ​​sector#meme板块关注热点
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#SHIB Posted the day before yesterday💰 Follow up and you will make money This wave of MEMEs has all flown away!! You keep flying, the target is near the previous high Do you think you can reach it? If you make about 20 points in a short term, you can stop profit in batches If you want to make more money, make a moving stop loss strategy!! #BTC#ETH#SHIB#新币挖矿

Posted the day before yesterday💰
Follow up and you will make money
This wave of MEMEs has all flown away!!
You keep flying, the target is near the previous high
Do you think you can reach it?
If you make about 20 points in a short term, you can stop profit in batches
If you want to make more money, make a moving stop loss strategy!!

Memes are gone
Shitcoin is trading sideways, and combined with the current market, the altcoin is still making up for the rise
There is a need for an upward rebound
Before entering any transaction, make a stop loss expectation
You must also have good patience to hold on to make big profits
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#TNSR It has been almost 30 points since the recommendation! The pattern is going well, you can continue to hold For those who have not boarded the train, the decline of the five-day and ten-day lines is still an opportunity If you don’t pull a big positive line, you won’t sell #PEPE创历史新高 #币安新币矿池 #BTC#ETH#TNSR

It has been almost 30 points since the recommendation!
The pattern is going well, you can continue to hold
For those who have not boarded the train, the decline of the five-day and ten-day lines is still an opportunity
If you don’t pull a big positive line, you won’t sell #PEPE创历史新高
#币安新币矿池 #BTC#ETH#TNSR

A great buying point with a high cost-effectiveness
The coins in the SOL ecosystem all rebounded well
The double bottom support rebounded here on the daily line
I still have a part of it from the last mining and have been holding it
The family members who followed up continue to hold it✔️✔️✔️
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$SHIB Memes are gone Shitcoin is trading sideways, and combined with the current market, the altcoin is still making up for the rise There is a need for an upward rebound Before entering any transaction, make a stop loss expectation You must also have good patience to hold on to make big profits #BTC#ETH#SHIBcoin

Memes are gone
Shitcoin is trading sideways, and combined with the current market, the altcoin is still making up for the rise
There is a need for an upward rebound
Before entering any transaction, make a stop loss expectation
You must also have good patience to hold on to make big profits
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#BOME Daily rising trend Get on board if it falls back, there is still room for upward movement Waiting for the big sun to appear🔥🔥 #BTC#ETH#memecoin

Daily rising trend
Get on board if it falls back, there is still room for upward movement
Waiting for the big sun to appear🔥🔥
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$NOT The current market value of the new currency not is 700 million! It is fully circulated and listed on major exchanges. This market value is still quite high. It is the highest project in the ton ecosystem! You can still participate in the short-term decline!! #BTC#ETH#TON#新币分析

The current market value of the new currency not is 700 million! It is fully circulated and listed on major exchanges. This market value is still quite high. It is the highest project in the ton ecosystem! You can still participate in the short-term decline!!
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The US interest rate cut has been pushed back from September to December! This extension is a good thing, because the bull market will last longer! At least until the middle of tomorrow! Gold's 50-year return rate exceeds bonds! A historic moment, a commodity bull market, is coming! The commodity bull market indicates that inflation is approaching! And Bitcoin is the best anti-inflation commodity! Is $100,000 far away? #BTC#ETH9995496879#HotTopics
The US interest rate cut has been pushed back from September to December! This extension is a good thing, because the bull market will last longer! At least until the middle of tomorrow!

Gold's 50-year return rate exceeds bonds!

A historic moment, a commodity bull market, is coming!

The commodity bull market indicates that inflation is approaching!
And Bitcoin is the best anti-inflation commodity! Is $100,000 far away?

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$OMNI It’s almost washed Go back to Bollinger and get on board! The stop loss is limited and it’s a coin in the ETH ecosystem It’s not difficult to rebound 20-50 points💰 #BTC#ETH#币安新币

It’s almost washed
Go back to Bollinger and get on board!
The stop loss is limited and it’s a coin in the ETH ecosystem
It’s not difficult to rebound 20-50 points💰
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$TNSR The daily chart is still very good I recommended it before at around 0.85 SOL ecosystem NFT protocol token The wash is almost done, continue to hold If you didn’t buy it, you can still participate when it falls back to around 0.9 #BTC#ETH#sol板块

The daily chart is still very good
I recommended it before at around 0.85
SOL ecosystem NFT protocol token
The wash is almost done, continue to hold
If you didn’t buy it, you can still participate when it falls back to around 0.9
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#PEOPLE PEOPLE was recommended on May 9th, the price was 0.028 It has risen to 0.085 in half a month, a two-fold increase What else can the people who followed say, isn’t it worth paying attention to? I said my content is to make you earn money💰No other truth The people who received it took the money in batches, leaving the profits for higher gaming space #BTC#Eth#MEME#People#pepe神币

PEOPLE was recommended on May 9th, the price was 0.028
It has risen to 0.085 in half a month, a two-fold increase
What else can the people who followed say, isn’t it worth paying attention to?
I said my content is to make you earn money💰No other truth
The people who received it took the money in batches, leaving the profits for higher gaming space

People performed well today
The US election in the fourth quarter is expected to be hyped. At the bottom of the weekly line, light positions are involved. Don't use a lot of money to control risks! Recently, small cottages have been pulling the market, and individual coins have not risen much! Don't be greedy in the short term!
#BTC#etc减产 #山寨币热点
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$ETH Last night, Ethereum's 19b-4 passed. There is no clear statement on S-1/S-3S. At present, the front end of the SEC has not been updated, but it has been seen on the back end, so 19b-4 has definitely passed, but this does not mean that the Ethereum spot ETF can be listed, because S-1/S-3 is still required. However, if 19b-4 has passed, it means that the Ethereum spot ETF has definitely passed, and listing is a matter of time! Ethereum can be listed on the US stock market, which means unlimited possibilities in the future, which means that POS is not a restriction, which means that Ethereum is not a security! This means that the future of encryption will be more imaginative! The market has also completed the long and short double kills and is now safe! Dear Nasdaq traders! Good morning ☀️ #BTC#ETH#5月市场关键事件

Last night, Ethereum's 19b-4 passed. There is no clear statement on S-1/S-3S. At present, the front end of the SEC has not been updated, but it has been seen on the back end, so 19b-4 has definitely passed, but this does not mean that the Ethereum spot ETF can be listed, because S-1/S-3 is still required. However, if 19b-4 has passed, it means that the Ethereum spot ETF has definitely passed, and listing is a matter of time!
Ethereum can be listed on the US stock market, which means unlimited possibilities in the future, which means that POS is not a restriction, which means that Ethereum is not a security! This means that the future of encryption will be more imaginative!
The market has also completed the long and short double kills and is now safe!

Dear Nasdaq traders! Good morning ☀️
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Trading tips: Close and draw the top and bottom lines, break the bottom and don’t go over the top, shrink and pull back less than half, it is the best ambush line, lock the target and draw the line, not breaking the bottom line is the key, shrinking and stabilizing is the turning point, choose the opportunity to start the ambush! #Btc #Et#Hottopics
Trading tips:

Close and draw the top and bottom lines, break the bottom and don’t go over the top, shrink and pull back less than half, it is the best ambush line, lock the target and draw the line, not breaking the bottom line is the key, shrinking and stabilizing is the turning point, choose the opportunity to start the ambush!
#Btc #Et#Hottopics
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#BOME The BOME I mentioned a few days ago has a very good shape Now it is also 20 points of profit💰 Those who follow it are making steady profits The shape is still very good, there is still room for upward movement You can stop profit in batches💰💰💰💰 #BTC#ETH#BOME#PEPE

The BOME I mentioned a few days ago has a very good shape
Now it is also 20 points of profit💰
Those who follow it are making steady profits
The shape is still very good, there is still room for upward movement
You can stop profit in batches💰💰💰💰

The pattern is going well
The low point is raised and the high point is broken
You can still participate in the decline
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In addition, I will review the ETH series for you: Op arb ssv ldo pendle ena rez ethfi alt aevo fis chess strk are all from the auntie system! For short-term trading on the second layer, OP is the main one! For staking, ssv is the main one! For staking, pendle is the main one! For defi, alt is the main one! For stable protocols, ena is the main one! For the time being, I will focus on short-term trading! After the auntie ETF is approved, it will not be traded immediately. It will take several months. If it is approved, it will be implemented. Of course, those who are willing to invest in the long term can also control their positions by themselves, be able to withstand the retracement, and give it time!
In addition, I will review the ETH series for you:

Op arb ssv ldo pendle ena rez ethfi alt aevo fis chess strk are all from the auntie system!
For short-term trading on the second layer, OP is the main one!
For staking, ssv is the main one!
For staking, pendle is the main one!
For defi, alt is the main one!
For stable protocols, ena is the main one!
For the time being, I will focus on short-term trading!

After the auntie ETF is approved, it will not be traded immediately. It will take several months. If it is approved, it will be implemented. Of course, those who are willing to invest in the long term can also control their positions by themselves, be able to withstand the retracement, and give it time!
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