On the day of the big drop, here are some suggestions for brothers.

1. Honestly review your investment decision-making process. If there is a mistake, admit it as soon as possible. Because, when correcting a mistake, no matter how big the cost is, it is the minimum cost.

2. Make sure you can "survive" in any situation and don't affect your quality of life. If the market still drops sharply next week, the result will be your financial death/mental collapse, and you need to make some adjustments.

3. Observe your emotions and don't make major decisions under extreme emotions. If you are in anxiety and fear, it is better to go to sleep than to make a decision.

4. If speculation/investment will affect the lives of your family, please communicate with them frankly and seek their understanding and support. Don't hide or deceive.

5. Don't insist on a mistake in order to "prove yourself". Which is closer to you, your name or your body? Which is more important, your body or your goods?

6. Prevent two diseases.

Don't fall into "information hunger" - frantically reading various interpretations, opinions, and looking for wealth codes.

Don't fall into "stress hyperactivity" - frantically wanting to do something to make yourself feel better.

7. Reduce meaningless communication. Most people cannot escape from the group emotions, and too much communication will only strengthen the emotional radiation of the market. It is better to keep the middle than to talk too much.

8. If you have not made any mistakes, if you are rational and cautious, if your account can survive in any situation, if your quality of life will not be affected by prices, and if you have enough patience, then you can try to say to Mr. Market: "Fuck you!" #BTC #ETH