I haven't talked about Merlin, but some fans asked me to share my opinion. The starting point of this B is very high. The early hype also determines its starting point, so the opening also creates a false high. oEasy to participate in investment, cooperate with the currency and then fall from a false high to a solid, oEasy to participate in the head and cooperate with B at the same time, there are some secrets that cannot be told.

But I think it will definitely have a crazy rise in the future, that is, it is difficult for people to judge the bottom. If you ask me to make suggestions, I think that if there is a chance to reach around 0.2, it should be a very good position.

At worst, it is okay to be around 0.3. It's roughly in this range. When people are heading towards despair, it is its spring. To be honest, if it can reach this range, I will definitely consider getting on board.

After all, melr will only look good if it falls low enough and then rises. It's okay to have prejudices, but don't have prejudices after it is low enough.

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