[BTC is unsustainable and continues to retreat. Will it continue to bottom out or form an ultra-short-term double bottom opportunity? ]

2024.5.9 morning 8:39 BTC market analysis, if you saw my position reduction prompt on Monday, you were not mocking me at the time, but reducing your position. Today you have to thank me very much!

This week, the big cake still came to the 61,000 line. Will it continue to bottom out at 59,300, or temporarily stabilize and consolidate? Take 61,000 as the watershed and judge according to the volume. Don’t be black or white, either up or down. Everything is based on signals, not on our guesses! The overall trend is still bottoming out! Without a strong positive to break through 65,000±300 in one fell swoop, the market bottoming trend is temporarily difficult to reverse!

BTC attention

Support 59000-59300/52300

Pressure is tentatively set at 63100/65800

Pay attention to whether there is any momentum to test 60250/59250 during the day. If 61000 is tested continuously with continuous volume, the probability of a downward test is very high! The short-term and medium-term big cake has not been adjusted in place, so wait for the spot, unless you encounter a particularly good and attractive trend before taking action!

#BTC走势分析 $BTC