【BTC continues to jump up and down, constantly attracting market FOMO players to soar with the market! 】

2024.8.13 morning 9:36 BTC market analysis

Yesterday, BTC had 3-4 waves of high volatility, which strongly stimulated the frequent operation desire of market FOMO players. The main force took advantage of the situation to win 1.3 billion liquidity, and 50,866 people went bankrupt. The market has pushed the adrenaline of short-term trading to a new peak. Short-term players must recognize what cycle they belong to? If long-term, medium-term and short-term thinking is always confused, then the operation will also be vague!

BTC attention

Support 58200/57000

Pressure is tentatively set at 61000

In such a high volatility market, if there is a profit margin contract, you must run. If you don’t run, you will ignore the risk the most. The spot will wait and see if there is a signal of a second step!

Keep an eye on the performance of key points, and continue to track ACE/TNSR/LDO, etc. for individual coins!
