Learn fund allocation and currency selection in one minute

If you have 100,000, pick three currencies that you think are promising, and hold them with peace of mind. Don't be greedy and buy too much. This way you can concentrate on observing the market and won't be in a hurry.

When the funds increase to 200,000, you can consider choosing three more, but remember to choose carefully and don't be distracted by market hot spots.

When the funds reach 500,000, it is not impossible to choose three more, but you have to make sure you can manage these investments well.

If you have 1 million, then ten currencies should be enough. Remember, you can't chew more than you can chew, don't lose money because of greed.

Of course, if you become a multimillionaire with 10 million funds, then ten currencies are also suitable. But at this time you need to be more careful, after all, this money is hard-earned.

And when you become a billionaire with huge funds, it is also okay to choose more than a dozen currencies. But at this time, you need to pay more attention to the overall asset allocation and risk management, and don't let the fluctuation of a certain currency affect your overall situation.

Many novices don't understand this principle. They don't have much money, but they buy a lot of currencies. As a result, they can't even look at them. How can they make money? In fact, investment is very simple. It is to find a good currency, buy it at the right time, and then wait patiently until the price is high before selling it. Don't be greedy or impatient, so that you can make money steadily.

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