The German government is not doing anything again. This sale may cause a slight correction in Bitcoin!

According to reports: Arkham data shows that 10 minutes ago, the wallet address marked as "German Government" on the chain transferred out 5103.489 BTC again.

Among them, 750 BTC were transferred to the Kraken address,

536.108 BTC were transferred to the Cumberland DRW address,

1127.381 BTC were transferred to Flow Traders,

500 BTC were transferred to Coinbase,

2190 BTC were transferred to the remaining three unknown addresses.

At this stage of the market, cut your losses, but you are somewhat unwilling. Hold on, and you are worried that it will continue to fall. Buy at the bottom, but you are afraid of buying halfway up the mountain. If you don’t buy at the bottom, you are afraid of missing the opportunity to get on the bus. Most of the time, you are either annoyed or blaming yourself. This kind of life is not easy. If you are in this state now, please like and follow the avatar to join the team! I believe that our meeting can help you reduce the torture I have experienced!

#BTC☀ #ETH收益 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?