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#5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析 There is no secret to wealth in the cryptocurrency circle, but few people are willing to get rich slowly. Step 1: Don't trade frequently in a hurry to make money. As long as you can fully implement your own trading system, trading plan, and trading principles, no matter what style. As long as you can do it, you are already the first and have defeated most people in the market. Step 2: There are multiple reasons for losing money in the cryptocurrency circle. The bull market frequently switches between long and short positions, plays with high multiples, buys options randomly, and lives towards death. Newcomers entering this market must not touch contracts. If you make money, you must withdraw cash because you don't know when the original 519 will come. Step 3: Get rid of high leverage, get rid of frequent trading, learn to withdraw part of the money you make, and never charge it back if you run away. Cherish the big bull market that God has given you. Most people don't make money by their own ability, but just happen to get rich passively in this Kondratieff cycle. Step 4: The first principle of bottom-fishing when the bull turns back to eat grass is to buy more when the market drops sharply and buy less when the market drops slightly. However, you must control your position. No matter how deep the retracement is, you cannot let a single position be too heavy and leave yourself some room for error. Step 5: "Speculate on new assets, not old assets". New assets are the biggest outlet in the bull market. As long as you hit the right outlet, you will get wealth and gains. So as long as the direction is right, even if you invest less money and sell it earlier, it will be very profitable. Step 6: "Leading" effect, get used to buying the "leading" project of the track, so as to develop the habit of buying leaders.

#5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析

There is no secret to wealth in the cryptocurrency circle, but few people are willing to get rich slowly.

Step 1: Don't trade frequently in a hurry to make money. As long as you can fully implement your own trading system, trading plan, and trading principles, no matter what style. As long as you can do it, you are already the first and have defeated most people in the market.

Step 2: There are multiple reasons for losing money in the cryptocurrency circle. The bull market frequently switches between long and short positions, plays with high multiples, buys options randomly, and lives towards death. Newcomers entering this market must not touch contracts. If you make money, you must withdraw cash because you don't know when the original 519 will come.

Step 3: Get rid of high leverage, get rid of frequent trading, learn to withdraw part of the money you make, and never charge it back if you run away. Cherish the big bull market that God has given you. Most people don't make money by their own ability, but just happen to get rich passively in this Kondratieff cycle.

Step 4: The first principle of bottom-fishing when the bull turns back to eat grass is to buy more when the market drops sharply and buy less when the market drops slightly. However, you must control your position. No matter how deep the retracement is, you cannot let a single position be too heavy and leave yourself some room for error.

Step 5: "Speculate on new assets, not old assets". New assets are the biggest outlet in the bull market. As long as you hit the right outlet, you will get wealth and gains. So as long as the direction is right, even if you invest less money and sell it earlier, it will be very profitable.

Step 6: "Leading" effect, get used to buying the "leading" project of the track, so as to develop the habit of buying leaders.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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#BTC走势分析 #热门趋势 九成的人都踩过的坑,来看看你踩过几个 1.别因为一次暴跌就急着抄底,有时候等待比盲目行动更重要。别急着“抄底”,先看清趋势再说。 2.赚了钱别贪心,见好就收。别想着“赚更多”,小心最后“赔了夫人又折兵”。 3.亏钱了别气馁,及时调整策略。别因为“一次失败”就放弃,机会总是留给有准备的人。 4.别总是想着做短线赚快钱,有时候长期投资更稳定。别“频繁交易”,耐心持有好币更靠谱。 5.别因为某个币过去表现好就盲目追入,市场变化无常。别“追涨杀跌”,理性分析更关键。 6.别让情绪左右你的交易决策,保持冷静。别“情绪化交易”,理性分析才能赢。 7.别总是想着一夜暴富,炒币需要耐心和策略。别“梦想暴富”,脚踏实地更实际。 8.别总是想着一单定输赢,合理分配资金更重要。别“孤注一掷”,多元化投资更安全。 9.赚了钱别忘了设置止盈点,别等到回调才后悔。别“贪心不足”,及时止盈更明智。 10.亏钱了别急着加仓,先分析原因再行动。别“盲目补仓”,找到问题所在再解决。 11.别总是盯着账户看,让交易自然进行。别“频繁查看账户”,相信自己的策略。 12.别因为一次成功就认为找到了“万能公式”,市场总有意外。别“迷信方法”,灵活应变更重要。 炒币需要灵活应变和理性思考,踩过的可以总结一下经验,没踩过的可以尽量避免,祝兄弟们都能在市场中稳步前行,实现盈利! $ENA $PEPE $WLD
#AI板块强势进击 #5月市场关键事件 圈子与圈子之间信息差很大,有些在专业圈子的人,即使去做铭文这样的热点炒作,也能做到是第一批吃螃蟹的人,有专业的技术,资源,知道什么时候该撤出 但是更多的散户没有这样的技术和圈子,等信息下沉外溢的时候,他们才接触到这个信息,或者被前面的暴富故事吸引,终于由观望变成相信 所以在2月份铭文的这波反弹,小白散户买的是最多的,期待买了之后能突破前高,而现在都是腰斩,亏50%都算好的,也意味着,铭文板块的大势已经散去 在币圈做交易,如果没有一个专业的圈子,是很难的,任何一个新闻、信息、盘面走势,都无法得到正确解读 自己需要游走在各种群和网站中,去摸索 ,寻找  , 整理 ,  消化,  再解读,而解读的思路 ,结果对不对,通常需要一段时间后才能得到验证 这个过程中,该有所动作的最佳时机,也早就过去了,这就是在消耗我们最宝贵的投资成本: 【时间成本】  【机会成本】  【精力成本】 为我们投资带来收益的并不是本金,正是我们 时间、机会、精力、投放在哪里,产生的价值,为我们带来的收益回报 所以尽可能的去为自己找到最专业的圈子,减少自己的时间成本,在市场上本金的试错,你的机会才会更多 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,可以看看评论区,焦柳峮里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 $ENA $PEPE $WLD

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