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The bull market is gone. This is a hot spot game and retail investors are panicking! I saw so many people panicking when the market fell on May Day, and even some short video platforms shouted that there was no bull market. I can only say that I have little experience and have seen little. What is this level of callback? This level of fluctuation in the bull market is not even a black swan. If this bull market is blown up, the position management ability is too poor. A single or even ten news surfaces can also affect the bull market, but it cannot stop the bull market. To invest, you have to learn to see the general trend, then learn to choose coins, and then learn K-line. If you don’t understand the general trend, it’s useless to analyze the K-line pressure position with you every day. In mid-April, when the market will be 6.4~6.5, I said that the highlight and CZ judgment and other reasons. Countless fans sent me private messages asking me if they can buy the bottom of the spot. I always advised to wait. Meme and AI will always be the two cottage sectors you can trust in special market conditions. In April, I did short-wave contracts for more than half a month. There will be a wave of market conditions in May. If you like spot, my strategy will be shared for free. Of course, the market is now climbing slowly again, but it is not considered a bullish rebound, and it will reach a new high. Where is the volume, it is still fluctuating at this stage for the time being. Of course, the copycat can't wait that long. 6.5 is very low compared to 80,000, but it is also a high level, and the bull market sentiment is still full. There are also many new forces. If you like spot, and have waited for a long time, but have no direction, click on my avatar to follow, I will take you to arrange the spot in May, you just lie down! #ETH #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #pepe #ai #doge

The bull market is gone. This is a hot spot game and retail investors are panicking!

I saw so many people panicking when the market fell on May Day, and even some short video platforms shouted that there was no bull market. I can only say that I have little experience and have seen little. What is this level of callback?

This level of fluctuation in the bull market is not even a black swan.

If this bull market is blown up, the position management ability is too poor.

A single or even ten news surfaces can also affect the bull market, but it cannot stop the bull market.

To invest, you have to learn to see the general trend, then learn to choose coins, and then learn K-line. If you don’t understand the general trend, it’s useless to analyze the K-line pressure position with you every day.

In mid-April, when the market will be 6.4~6.5, I said that the highlight and CZ judgment and other reasons. Countless fans sent me private messages asking me if they can buy the bottom of the spot.

I always advised to wait.

Meme and AI will always be the two cottage sectors you can trust in special market conditions.

In April, I did short-wave contracts for more than half a month.

There will be a wave of market conditions in May. If you like spot, my strategy will be shared for free.

Of course, the market is now climbing slowly again, but it is not considered a bullish rebound, and it will reach a new high.

Where is the volume, it is still fluctuating at this stage for the time being.

Of course, the copycat can't wait that long. 6.5 is very low compared to 80,000, but it is also a high level, and the bull market sentiment is still full. There are also many new forces.

If you like spot, and have waited for a long time, but have no direction,

click on my avatar to follow, I will take you to arrange the spot in May, you just lie down!

#ETH #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #pepe #ai #doge

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做投资,目光看原点。我的盘感告诉我,BTC将在6、7月上8万。10~11上10万! 市场从四月份的低迷时期进入新的一个月已经过去了几天。加密货币市场已经开始略有复苏, 加密货币市场为何下跌? 1、4 月份是迄今为止一年中最慢的月份,高通涨和失业率拖累了美国经济,影响了整个加密货币市场。 2、此外,整个 4 月份比特币ETF表现不佳,流出的百分比远高于流入, 比特币ETF自推出以来就获得了巨大收益,但在4月份被叫停,导致比特币价格下跌。 这种情况在 5 月份确实发生了变化,仅灰度比特币信托基金GBTC就见证了 6500 万美元的资金流入,而总流入额约为 3.783 亿美元。 3、加密货币市场复苏可能会在 5 月 15 日开始: 虽然目前看直到五月中旬,可能会出现更好的稳定性。这是因为消费者价格指示数据将在 15 天后公布,这可能会改变加密货币市场的动态。 美联储目前的声明也表明了支持。从经济中撤出资金将有助于促进各种交易,包括加密货币交易。 更重要的是,比特币价格回升是市场稳定性增强的最大迹象。截至撰写本文时,比特币估值为 64,125.78 美元,交易价值为 28,387,536,640 美元,较昨天飙升 29%。比特币曾跌至 56,600 美元的低点,但在过去几天里已大幅回升。 与此同时以太坊价格也有所回升,目前交易价格为 3100 美元。以太坊与比特币一起占据了一半以上的市场份额,因此,整个市场的增长也很明显。 最后的想法 5月底还将见证SEC对以太坊现货ETF的结果。以太坊霸凌反弹可以从美国监管机构的积极结果开始。它的影响也将体现在加密货币市场上。 目前还没有适当的迹象表明美国证券交易委员会将做出什么决定,因此如果结果是积极的,这将是市场的庆祝活动。目前,它必须看看一周内会发生什么变化,以及 15 日之后市场会是什么样子 目前牛市,风云涌动,我们机会每天都有密码分享。 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,点开我头像,关注,牛市现货策划,合约密码,无偿分享。 我需要粉丝,你需要参考。瞎猜不如关注。 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #BTC #ETH #sol
我说的5月会有一波航情将来了。 币圈将再次沸腾,华尔街已经纷纷下注! 这是蹭加你必赚信心,不踏空,必须了解的,利好指标! 1、灰度停止砸盘,已经不卖了,开始买了。 灰度GBTC截至5月6日持有超29.2万枚BTC,较前一交易日增加超978枚 2、大盘整体交易量蹭加,btc首次处理十亿交易成为昨天热点。 持续跌了一个月,突然的回暖,也为市场带来一定信心, 刀哥调研发现,许多巨鲸已经陆续回购btc,以及ai,memem等山寨币。 当市场有量,机构推波助力。不可以不涨! 3、美联储第三把手放话,降息是肯定会降息的,只不过会有波折,。 很好,对于这句话,我只能说,宏观控盘,咒语控盘,一句话带来的市场信心挺得上牛逼上放火药。 4、sce将eth定义为证券,这么儿戏不可能是有一个成熟的金融巨鳄像小孩赌气一样乱说的,他们的每次公开发言都是经过多次会议得出,目前数字货币在国际上的地位越发显著。也就是说。 数字货币,不再是某个巨鲸的玩具,而是国际金融争端。趋于亚洲的表现,以太etf是迟早的事! 至于现货该拿什么,才能在本次看涨行情中吃到肉,盈利。 点开我头像,关注关注资料什么的,刀哥调研团队,策略跟着市场变动实时更新。 全网面对粉丝,无偿分享策略之地! 我需要粉丝,你需要参考。 #ETH #BTC #AI板块强势进击 #bome #WLD🔥🔥🔥
为什么牛市继续,币圈的路还很长? 继1月份美国比特币现货ETF通过以后,香港也陆续上线了现货比特币ETF交易, 这些我们多关注且知道的加密货币领域的大事, 咱就不提了, 除此之外呢,我说两个发生在遥远国度的小事儿,多数人是不知道的, 第一点、澳大利亚很大概率会在今年批准比特币现货ETF上市, 第二、瑞士人民,正在请愿申请将比特币纳入储备货币,这两件事呢,看起来兴师动众的其实也不是多大的事啊,对比特币价格的影响也非常的有限, 比如说土澳的人民虽然工资很高,但他们从来不存钱,对投资也没有那么大的兴趣,所以即便是上线了比特币ETF,也不会有太多的资金流入的, 而瑞士呢,目前他那个事儿啊,只是处在这个人民请愿的阶段,他们首先要凑齐10万个瑞士公民的签名,然后才能对此事进行全民公投,公投通过以后,比特币才有可能会纳入他们的央行的储备, 目前呢,是连影子都没有呢啊,所以这两件事都不大,但 它们带来的其实是一个趋势,就是比特币的影响力是一直在增加的,正如几年前特斯拉开始购买比特币,香港的上市公司美图开始购买比特币一样,比特币正在呃影响越来越多的人, 10年前是丝绸之路这种黑产用比特币,5年前是特斯拉这种私人企业开始接纳比特币,现在则是各国的官方机构啊,政府机关等等等等,注意,包括我们的中国香港开始接纳比特币, 然而,目前比特币的采用率,全球采用率,仍然是只有0.1%到0.5%左右,全球有195个国家全都允许交易,黄金而允许交易比特币的,合法的国家仍然不超过15个,一家大型的资产管理公司的资产配置中,黄金占比大概能到5%到10%, 但比特币连5‰都没有,目前所有国家几乎都有黄金战略储备,但储备了比特币的只有萨尔瓦多一个国家, 所以比特币的路还很长, #ETH #BTC #pepe #bome #sol 目前牛市,风云涌动,我们机会每天都有密码分享。 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,点开我头像,关注,牛市现货策划,合约密码,无偿分享。 我需要粉丝,你需要参考。瞎猜不如关注。

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