5.06 Monday Monday Risk attention, AI track continues to rise, Rune Ether is moving!

    Mysterious whale suddenly added 4,300 bitcoins, the on-chain bitcoin transaction volume has exceeded one billion times, and the inscription track officially took over the game. In the past 24 hours, the minting of the rune track accounted for 70% of all bitcoin transactions. In May, the rune track will make a comeback.

Bitcoin is bullish in the long term. In the short term, the upper pressure is around 64,700 and around 65,000. After breaking through, the market will be smooth. If it fails to break through, it will continue to fall back to around 63,500.

This week, it will be repeated again. GPT5 is about to be released, the hot spots of the AI ​​track are coming again, and the hot spots of the rune ecology are also coming. Everyone should pay attention.

Daily level market

- ​​Daily level upward trend, the upper middle rail pressure is around 65,000, and this position is the dividing line between strong and weak. It continues to be bullish after breaking through and stabilizing. The lower support is around 63,000.

4-hour level market

-4-hour level slow rising and oscillating trend, the upper key pressure is around 66000, and the support is around 63500 as a strong support level. The overall oscillation is large, and it is temporarily in a strong oscillation.

 Intraday level analysis

----Bitcoin has a large-scale upward trend during the day. If it does not fall below 64000 at the small level, it will be considered strong. It is bullish to break through the pressure near 64700 and the pressure near 65000 at the top. The bottom support is around 63800 and 63500. They are all strong positions for the time being. Just pay attention to the support position. At the same time, it encounters strong pressure near 64700 at the small level. Pay attention to the breakthrough or enter the long order at the low level.

The intraday position of Ethereum is better than that of Bitcoin. The bottom support is around 3120 and the upper pressure is 3180. Then you can directly look at the vicinity of 3250 and 3300.

The market has changed very quickly recently. If you want to adjust your position or don’t understand the trend, you are welcome to communicate and learn. #BTC走势分析 #BTC #ETH $BTC