It is really difficult to do investment research on Web3! Many new people join me and ask, "Brother Qingshui, how do you do investment research on Web3?" Here is what I think about this question.

The investment research system is accumulated slowly, and it is different for each person, and is formed in practice. As for newcomers, don’t think about investment research all at once. Newcomers can choose a project, read all the official website and white paper information of this project (simply understood as the instruction manual) word by word, and write down the key points.

Then go to the Twitter platform, search for the main keywords of the project, read all the tweets that appear on Twitter, and also search for the main keywords of the project in the WeChat group chat you have joined. In this way, you can organize and summarize the information collected from all aspects. This is the most basic investment research.

It is normal for newcomers to have a vague grasp of a project. After all, there are so many Web3 fields now, and there are thousands of projects every day. If you have the conditions, you can join about 3 paid communities that you think are good, from which you can get project information. After all, these project information have been screened by the group owners and are relatively reliable. Then you can look for more information based on the project information.

Summary: For newcomers to investment research, it is important to read the information on the official website and the project's white paper carefully word by word, be good at using the search function of Twitter and WeChat, and then summarize.