The pizzas have been redeemed, and Unisat has distributed money to everyone. Eligible addresses can receive at least 100 pizzas per number. Currently, 2U is available off-site, so 200U is guaranteed. There are about 200,000 addresses that receive the pizzas this time. Judging from the situation, it should be no problem for each member of the Spark community to have 5 numbers per person.

At present, the Bitcoin ecosystem has had two large-scale airdrops, which are really very simple. The first one was the Runestone airdrop in March. At that time, the condition for the airdrop was that as long as there were 3 NFTs in the Unisat wallet, one Runestone would be directly airdropped. At that time, one Runestone was worth up to 0.09BTC, which is nearly 6,000U, equivalent to RMB 44,000. People who participated in the Bitcoin ecosystem in the early stage got a lot of Runesstones.

The second large-scale airdrop of the Bitcoin ecosystem is the Pizza inscription airdrop. One account will receive 200U, equivalent to RMB 1,400. As long as the wallet has interacted with it in the last three months, such as having inscriptions, runes, and NFTs, or having transferred money, basically most addresses are eligible, unless they have completely ignored the Bitcoin ecosystem and stayed away from this ecosystem in the last three months.

These two times, those with multiple accounts have struggled mightily. So what will the next airdrop look like?

In fact, everyone doesn't know that what we can do now is to create more Unisat wallets when the Gas level reaches single digits, put some runes, inscriptions, pictures in them, and save some small funds in the account. For example, when the Gas level reaches single digits, you can put 25 No. 0 runes into each wallet, and the cost is about 16U. Of course, this depends on your own strategy. Dyor