Today's funds: 8805 U, 2024.5.5

I withdrew 1760 U yesterday, and paid 2400 yuan in rent today. I have been spending money lavishly for a long time recently. Maybe the poor days before were hard, but now I know whether to enjoy or spend money. Paper wealth is just a number if you don't spend it. Maybe one day it will be zero again. Suddenly I remembered Liang Xi's loss of tens of millions of U before, and then he ate a dollar of noodles. He was really a god. How much money can be spent on food and drink? Selling 1000 U is enough for lobsters and seafood for a long time. As the old saying goes, the army has not moved, but the food and grass have come first. A rich and comfortable quality of life can make the brain fight thousands of miles away. One choice determines success or failure.

My funds are back below 10,000 U. I hope to get the funds above 10,000 U. 10,000 U is the dividing line between one world and another for me.

I still haven't found any hot spots with money-making effects recently. I feel a bit of the calm before the storm.

My funds increased from 600U to 10,000U in three days, which made me deeply understand the importance of principal. If I didn't prepare a wallet with thousands of U during the Spring Festival, if I only had 600U left now, I wouldn't even be able to pay for my rent this month. How difficult my life would be. So when you are in high spirits, you must buy a house and a car in full, and prepare a few more wallets to store funds for deposits. Like a nuclear bomb, you can never use it in your life, but you can't do without it. Having more spare wallets will be your confidence when you look up at the stars. Unfortunately, I have used up my last life-saving wallet now, and my bullets have been used up. I can't afford another failure.

Brothers, will I be like the state I was in before when I had 200U?