@Everyone  5.3 BTC/ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 59400, Ethereum 3007, and the position we added the day before yesterday was 57000. We can operate according to the trend later to further lower the average price and make some profits! The analysis the day before yesterday mentioned that the Bitcoin daily pin is the bottom operation! However, there is no pin that meets expectations. It seems that the selling pressure has been further released overall, and our positions have also reached about 7 layers of iron. We can reduce some of the small coins when they rise, and keep them at around 5. If there is a second exploration, we can increase the position again to be more stable. If not, we can basically hold the spot at the lowest position steadily! Then let's take a look at the current Bitcoin trend. There will be non-agricultural data that affects the US stock market today, Friday night. You can pay attention to whether this data will indirectly affect whether the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates! At present, Bitcoin has not continued to fall, or the pin is in line with my previous expectations. The Bitcoin fund volume has begun to stabilize, and the retail selling pressure and news impact have gradually decreased! This is the best benefit for long-term investors!

At present, the entire market is indeed bearish on the weekly line, but because there are still 3 days before the closing, the change is too big, so we should wait for the closing to make a prediction for next week. For the current daily line, the probability of a short-term divergence of the big cake is not particularly high. This daily line will drop to 56,000 next week, which is quite extreme! Not to mention filling the previous 49,000 gap! It is too difficult to make such a prediction now! Then the big cake bulls can continue! The support level is 57,800 56,000, and the pressure level is 60,500 62,100! Among them, 62,100 is the reversal point of the monthly line! If the monthly line is stable, it may go to 68,000!

Then ether, ether here also follows the trend, and the trend is relatively synchronized! The focus is also on the second exploration, or the divergence point! They are all marked in the figure! Ethereum short-term pressure level is 3050 3160, and the support level is 2960 2820! #ETH #btc走勢