The terrifying April is finally over. It was frightening for many people, but no matter how difficult things are, they are nothing in front of time.

Because there is nothing that time cannot erase, especially in the cryptocurrency industry, heaven and earth are just a blink of an eye.

So don’t care too much about the current gains and losses. As long as you can grasp the future market, the current losses are just a small matter.

Trading is originally a probability. The key is to summarize effective investment experience in every success and failure to prepare for the follow-up.

Take the market in April as an example. Although there was a big correction, BTC is just a volatile market, not as bloody as the copycat.

Don’t think about whether you have avoided the correction or how the account income is, because in the long run, ups and downs are normal. The key is whether the trend is still there! Is the coin still there!

If you choose a long-term strategy, you must strictly implement it. You cannot change your strategy easily. The more you encounter setbacks, you will think about what you knew earlier, what if it were me, why didn't you leave, etc.

This kind of negative emotion is not conducive to investment, and it is also the core point where retail investors are most likely to lose money. When it rises, they are blindly confident, and when they lose money, they deny themselves

This is the first time that the copycat has plummeted. There may be more in the future. Through this incident, you must seize the opportunity, adjust yourself in time, find your shortcomings, and use time to make up for it

Prevent similar things from happening to you in the future, otherwise you will have another roller coaster ride. The market has not collapsed, but your mentality has collapsed in advance. What kind of currency are you still speculating in?

The market plummeted, but it is just an appearance. The real trend reversal will not take a sharp turn at once, and in the 5th coin circle, it will be a big problem. 0% callback is normal

It looks scary when it falls, and it is actually the same when it rises, so you must quit the contract. If you bet wrong once, the market will have little to do with you

Spot has a chance to start again, but the contract does not exist. If it is gone, it is gone

It is slowly entering summer. It is normal to have some weird weather occasionally. No matter how long it rains or how strong the storm is, the temperature is always rising slowly

The market is the same. Since it has recovered, it will not be changed by these short-term factors

The people who can be washed out by the market are always those who fantasize about getting rich overnight and high leverage. As long as you can do better than them and have more patience, you will have the opportunity to become one of the few people who make money

Stay away from those "toxic" people and all kinds of news. The more you read and think, the faster you will lose money.

How do you make money? If you can't effectively summarize it into words and turn it into ability, then it's only a matter of time before you lose it.

Finally, I wish you all a happy May Day holiday, spend time with your family and children, and don't let the market change your original life, otherwise what's the meaning and value of making money?

I am May. If you are confused at the moment, don't know what coin to buy, and don't understand the market, welcome to join the village and follow May to grasp this bull market #BTC下跌分析 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC