Day after day, June is about to end, which means that the first half of 2024 is about to end. Time flies.

Two days ago, Bitcoin fell below 60,000 and the market began to panic, completely shattering the hopes of those who had held out hope for the market.

I don’t know if you still remember what I said before after reading my article. I think I said it in April and May. I have always reminded people not to worry about a sharp drop in the big bitcoin price, but also not to pay too much attention to the big bitcoin price, because the opportunity is no longer in the big bitcoin price.

This is also why, although the bitcoin price has been falling in recent days, the profit in my account is still growing, and I made a profit of 40,000 yuan in a single day yesterday.

There is nothing to worry about if Bitcoin falls below 60,000. If the trend does not change, the B circle will continue the narrative and the get-rich-quick effect will continue to be hyped.

The general trend is here, there is nothing to worry about. Worrying only means that you have no direction for the general trend and are always affected by small-scale short-term market fluctuations.

When analyzing the market, one should not judge future trends based on the current market conditions. If one trades in this way, one will only fall into the trap set by the main force.

If the market falls, they think the bull market is over and they worry about another big fall. If the market rises, they think the bull market is coming and they buy without thinking. After doing this, they only have one conclusion every time: "Is the main force monitoring me? When I buy, the market falls, and when I sell, the market rises."

The only way to avoid being affected by emotions and being led by the main force is to understand the market. When you know whether the market will continue to fall after this wave of decline or has stopped falling, you will know what to do and will not trade based on market emotions.

Just like the current market situation, I know very well that there will not be a big drop, and I see good opportunities in July. However, the decline of Bitcoin during this period has caused market panic, and I don’t dare to believe that a good market will appear.

But we are able to understand the trend through the market and know that the trend has not changed at all. At the same time, we also know where the next opportunities are through analysis, so our account is still profitable so far, and this is just the beginning.

However, just because Bitcoin has recently pulled back, the market has panicked and started to feel anxious and pessimistic. Some people even said that the start of trading of the Ethereum ETF means that good news has turned into bad news, and the market will continue to fall sharply.

I think it is a real talent to have such a point of view. He is a real leek. It would be unjust if he is not harvested.

The Ethereum ETF will most likely be officially approved and start trading in a few days, which means that a large number of traditional financial institutions and retail investors in traditional stock markets will start buying Ethereum.

This means that funds from other financial markets have flowed into Circle B, which is obviously good for the entire Circle B, but others say it is bad news.

This is similar to the flooding of funds in the entire financial market. Money from other financial circles has flowed into the blockchain industry through Bitcoin ETF and Ethereum ETF. Is this bad news? I think it's really ridiculous.

However, at this stage, many people in the market still stubbornly believe that the market will continue to fall sharply, that there are no opportunities at the moment, and that the bull market has not yet arrived.

The B circle has been gradually recognized by the world and has been gradually legalized. Now financial institutions around the world are eyeing the fat piece of meat in the B circle and are trying to find ways to grab chips.

Major financial institutions around the world are entering the market one after another and buying as soon as the market pulls back, while the "leeks" are waiting for a big drop to buy at the bottom. What an ironic phenomenon.

Are the top financial institutions and professional investors from around the world fools?

There is never a shortage of smart people in the financial market, but those who make money are wise people.

June is coming to an end and July is here. No matter how skeptical the leeks are about the market, no matter how pessimistic the leeks are about the future market, the main force will not indulge the leeks' ideas. The main force will only run in the opposite direction of the leeks. #Meme板块普涨 #Blast空投 $BTC $SOL