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Last night should have been a nightmare for all spot traders, right? Fortunately, Lao Deng’s contract stopped at half of its profit at the peak, and the profit was preserved. Although the long and short battles were fierce last night, the fans who followed Lao Deng’s orders should have made a profit overall! Last night, Lao Deng analyzed #sol and came up with an astonishing data. The spot recommended by the big V anchor on the 29th was sold in large quantities the next day. Was this in cooperation with the dealer to sell? It makes people think deeply. Moreover, this big anchor publicly posted a message asking his fans to buy, buy, buy, and his fans also left a message in the comment area saying that they had no ability to cover their positions. The fans who followed him to cover their positions last night should be the group with the most serious losses, right? In fact, many fans have publicly posted pictures in the past two days saying that they have suffered serious losses by following this big anchor, and many fans have cut waves of iron fans for him. There is basically no quibble about this data. It is really a black sheep in our blogger community! #热门话题

Last night should have been a nightmare for all spot traders, right? Fortunately, Lao Deng’s contract stopped at half of its profit at the peak, and the profit was preserved. Although the long and short battles were fierce last night, the fans who followed Lao Deng’s orders should have made a profit overall!

Last night, Lao Deng analyzed #sol and came up with an astonishing data. The spot recommended by the big V anchor on the 29th was sold in large quantities the next day. Was this in cooperation with the dealer to sell? It makes people think deeply. Moreover, this big anchor publicly posted a message asking his fans to buy, buy, buy, and his fans also left a message in the comment area saying that they had no ability to cover their positions. The fans who followed him to cover their positions last night should be the group with the most serious losses, right? In fact, many fans have publicly posted pictures in the past two days saying that they have suffered serious losses by following this big anchor, and many fans have cut waves of iron fans for him.

There is basically no quibble about this data. It is really a black sheep in our blogger community!


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知道今年币圈最大的笑话是谁吗?给我揭穿了赚钱的手法,居然开始人身攻击老邓了,看老邓带粉丝赚了几波钱,他的会员有了对比落差比较大,在他的评论区说他的带人爆仓、现货被套,问他怎么解决。现在他狗急跳墙对老邓人身攻击了。 那这次老邓就要说说他的手段了,颜驰,福建泉州人,本人根本没有接受过什么专业经融体系学习,在进入币圈也像大众这样是一个散户,现阶段别墅住着,豪车开着,全世界到处旅游。基本不下场操作,只会给币圈散户教学视屏,我们都知道他下场基本都会爆仓。那朋友们想过他的这些钱从哪里来的吗?是的,都是收取会员的5个BNB高昂会费,然后唆使新进的会员退掉原有账号,用他的推荐码返佣。这其实是平台大力打击的一个项目。颜驰不怕还顶风作案。然后就是他用收来的BNB会费开始挖矿,还利用大量的粉丝效应去买他持有的山寨币,他自己应该在高点跑路,然后还叫粉丝补仓。他的小号一天来老邓这里举报这举报那的,又没有一个敢说老邓策略的?老邓用真材实料盈利策略说的他根本不敢说什么,真本事不是说什么模棱两可话术,有本事来点具体的。他的会员还分等级的,钱少的只能看不能说,要达到几万的会费他才给你回复,真的好搞笑,他的爆仓策略都这么值钱呀?那老邓带人赚钱的策略是不是也要收点费了?哈哈! 这件事情老邓会持续跟进,颜驰这个币圈怎么套路粉丝钱财的丑恶嘴脸一一揭露。不能拿了粉丝的血汗钱还在天天显摆自己又去哪里旅游了,真的是币圈博主届的耻辱,有那闲工夫不能像老邓这样给点真材实料的点位给粉丝不好吗? #热门话题 #反诈小贴士
全体币圈的朋友请注意,这波跟着老邓没赚到大肉的只能说你没有发财的运气了。老邓实时解说策略,跟上的的粉丝基本都实时分享手法,不懂赚钱的朋友看下,你可以在下次开单中无往不利。 昨天那单可以说是老邓实时公开的单子了,不行大家可以看下完整的评论记录,老邓全程没有删减一个评论。 这单老邓从6点半开始分析数据的,在没到七点开单,马上就给粉丝发文,大概十来分钟这样,有了些延迟,但是基本我的粉丝都看到了老邓的发文,数据分析老邓做波段是看资金盘的,这点大家开单的手法不一样,不要说什么资金盘都是假的,大家看法不一样而已。老邓从中午开始就在盯资金面了,中午的数据老邓截图发文中也说明了资金流出放缓了。到下午6点多左右,开始指示小时流入,这是开单的信号📶就是做多的,老邓的点位,判断,逐仓手法都在评论区一一说明了,老邓做逐仓会有控制风险的同时是想增加盈利。我给粉丝说的点位是在59200盈利平仓,说的也很明白,自己的仓位做的是逐仓贪心点,不过做了保本损,也不怕亏,就在心中目标是59600。 那时候还有老铁说这种空头资讯还带粉丝做多是不是坑粉丝,大哥我不是颜驰那种主播,只会叫他的铁粉买现货挨套的无良博主,老邓这里不搞某音的9.9教学,不搞要5个BNB才给你一对一回复的天价会费。老邓最近又挨举报了,正在无处申冤呢!不过给粉丝的点位福利不能断。支持老邓给老邓点个赞👍🏻,关注点赞双连击谢谢! #热门话题 #BTC

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