Liang Xi asked everyone to pay attention to financial management. I suggest that everyone pay attention to the changes in financial management interest rates, because it represents the demand and activity of funds in the short term to a certain extent. Generally, the increase in the interest rate of current financial management represents the increase in demand (historically, the market explosion is generally accompanied by an increase in financial management interest rates, a surge in lending interest rates, and an increase in demand). However, it can only be used as a reference and cannot be relied on. I have seen more of the simple earning of coins. Since 414, the market and financial management interest rates have been very sluggish, once lying at 1%, and have begun to rise to 2.5-3% in the past two days. One of the courage for me to buy the bottom today is also due to the fact that this interest rate increase is a reason for support and one of the reference indicators for short-term operations. #Megadrop #以太坊ETF #ETH #BTC #Megadrop