The analysis of the Air Force King Liang Xi is very sharp

You have all seen that after Ethereum passed the ETF, the transaction volume on the first day of online trading was only 1 million US dollars in half an hour, which is enough to explain many problems

First: The market does not buy Ethereum. The big cake has broken through the new high from 69,000 in 22 years to 73,000 this year, while Ethereum has not broken through the 22-year high. What does it mean?

Second: The era of Ethereum is over. Whether in terms of ecology or handling fees, it has been exhausted. The currency circle cannot be without miracles and wealth-creating effects. Without new blood coming in, it must be a stagnant pool of water. So who will become the next second cake? Time will give me the answer.

Third: The price of the big coin does not fall, but the price of the copycat falls. The price of the big coin rises sharply, but the copycat goes sideways. This is the current market situation in the currency circle. The main reason is that the exchange has a big problem. It changes its method to harvest retail investors, and retail investors are helpless. Don't hold a fluke mentality. Hold the fully circulated tokens you are optimistic about in spot. Don't play contracts to send fuel to the dog dealer. Add positions in batches, let the dog dealer and the exchange sell them and buy them back at a high price. Buy spot contracts to short. This is the only way to deal with currencies that fall more and rise less. Be cautious when investing!

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