1. Project Introduction: MobileCoin is a privacy token built on the Stellar blockchain. It enables instant P2P transactions in a decentralized and private manner via desktop or mobile messaging applications. MOB is a native utility token that enables users to use it as a means of currency to exchange goods and services.

2. Sector: Twitter coin, payment, privacy, BN investment;

3. Fundamentals: From the high point in April 2022, it has consolidated for nearly 434 days, a drop of 94%;

4. Many investment institutions: Binance Labs, Nirvana Capital, Eight Dimensional Capital, Electric Capital, Danhua Capital, Zhen Fund, INB;

5. Current currency price: 0.68; market value ranking: 182; circulating market value: 195 million U.S. dollars; circulation rate: 78.11%; 2025 bull market forecast MOB price can reach over 93 U.S. dollars; circulating market value may reach over 18.1 billion U.S. dollars. #BTC #百倍币 #MOB