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A seemingly ordinary old woman, carrying a heavy bag, stepped into the bank door, intending to deposit an astonishing 500,000 US dollars. As soon as the news spread, the president of the bank personally received this unusual guest in the VIP room. The president asked curiously: "Old man, is this your life savings?" The old woman replied lightly: "No, no, I make a living by gambling all my life, and I always win every time I gamble. This is just the profit from last night." The president shook his head after hearing this: "How is this possible!" The old woman smiled slightly: "Since you don't believe it, let's take a gamble. I bet that there will be a triangular birthmark on your buttocks tomorrow morning, and the bet is this 500,000 US dollars." Although the president had doubts, looking at the huge amount of cash in front of him, he decided to accept the bet. After the old woman left, the president went home and carefully checked in the mirror, but did not find any birthmarks. The next morning, he came to the VIP room nervously and found that the old woman was already waiting there with a lawyer in a suit. Old lady: Today the lawyer testified to check your buttocks. The president: "There is really no birthmark, let alone a triangular one." Then he took off his pants and asked them to check his buttocks. The old lady looked: "Sure enough, I lost." At this time, the lawyer's face turned pale and he kept banging his head against the wall, which shocked the president. Lawyer: "She just bet me 1.5 million that you would take off your pants in front of her to let her see your buttocks!" In the currency circle, we can call this a "risk diversification and hedging strategy." In the digital currency investment portfolio, this also plays a vital role. When we invest, we cannot only focus on the price fluctuations of a single currency, but also consider the correlation between different currencies. Sometimes, the decline of one currency may just correspond to the rise of another currency. From the overall point of view, the entire investment portfolio can still remain profitable. Therefore, in the currency circle, we must always remember that the overall return of the portfolio is our ultimate goal. We must plan carefully, take into account the correlation between different currencies, and use hedging strategies reasonably to achieve effective risk diversification and maximize overall returns. If you can't identify the disk, no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you.Follow Lao Huang on the homepage. The circle will share spot codes, good projects, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day! #热门话题

A seemingly ordinary old woman, carrying a heavy bag, stepped into the bank door, intending to deposit an astonishing 500,000 US dollars. As soon as the news spread, the president of the bank personally received this unusual guest in the VIP room.

The president asked curiously: "Old man, is this your life savings?"

The old woman replied lightly: "No, no, I make a living by gambling all my life, and I always win every time I gamble. This is just the profit from last night."

The president shook his head after hearing this: "How is this possible!"

The old woman smiled slightly: "Since you don't believe it, let's take a gamble. I bet that there will be a triangular birthmark on your buttocks tomorrow morning, and the bet is this 500,000 US dollars."

Although the president had doubts, looking at the huge amount of cash in front of him, he decided to accept the bet.

After the old woman left, the president went home and carefully checked in the mirror, but did not find any birthmarks.

The next morning, he came to the VIP room nervously and found that the old woman was already waiting there with a lawyer in a suit.

Old lady: Today the lawyer testified to check your buttocks.

The president: "There is really no birthmark, let alone a triangular one." Then he took off his pants and asked them to check his buttocks.

The old lady looked: "Sure enough, I lost."

At this time, the lawyer's face turned pale and he kept banging his head against the wall, which shocked the president. Lawyer: "She just bet me 1.5 million that you would take off your pants in front of her to let her see your buttocks!"

In the currency circle, we can call this a "risk diversification and hedging strategy." In the digital currency investment portfolio, this also plays a vital role. When we invest, we cannot only focus on the price fluctuations of a single currency, but also consider the correlation between different currencies. Sometimes, the decline of one currency may just correspond to the rise of another currency. From the overall point of view, the entire investment portfolio can still remain profitable.

Therefore, in the currency circle, we must always remember that the overall return of the portfolio is our ultimate goal. We must plan carefully, take into account the correlation between different currencies, and use hedging strategies reasonably to achieve effective risk diversification and maximize overall returns.

If you can't identify the disk, no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you.Follow Lao Huang on the homepage. The circle will share spot codes, good projects, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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滚仓策略:以小博大,财富倍增的秘密武器! 你是否曾梦想过用少量的资金在短时间内实现财富的快速增长? 滚仓,一个以小博大,通过精准判断市场趋势,实现资金滚雪球般增长的绝妙方法!、 打个比方,不管你用什么方法在半年内赚取了两万块,送外卖也好,工地搬砖也好。那么,只需用其中的一部分——一万块,也就是一千多U作为你的初始资金,你就能开启这场财富增长的冒险之旅。 策略揭秘: 以小博大:每次只需投入十美金,开启百倍杠杆交易。是的,你没有听错,就是十美金!通过百倍杠杆,你的资金将得到极大的放大效应。 趋势为王:在交易前,你需要对市场趋势进行精准判断。一旦确定趋势,就要坚定信念,不被市场的短期波动所动摇。 滚仓增利:如果遭遇连续亏损,不要灰心。一旦市场趋势逆转,你的机会就来了!只需涨跌1%多一点,你的资金就能迅速翻倍。此时,取出部分利润继续交易,这就是滚仓的魅力所在。 严格纪律:为自己设定一个明确的目标,比如当资金增长到一万或两万美金时,就停止滚仓,安心享受利润。记住,贪心是毁灭的根源,只有严格的纪律才能让你在市场中立于不败之地。 实战案例: 如果你成功捕捉到比特币的某个涨跌趋势,并且市场如你所愿波动了10%。那么,你的资金将在短时间内实现惊人的增长!更重要的是,你不需要额外投入任何资金,仅凭滚仓策略就能实现财富的快速增长。 风险提示: 当然,任何投资都存在风险。滚仓策略虽然强大,但也需要投资者具备敏锐的市场洞察力和严格的纪律性。如果你没有耐心、没有严格的执行计划,那么玩合约很可能会让你倾家荡产。 作为一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你分享更多关于滚仓策略的经验和见解。如果你对币圈感兴趣,想要了解更多关于滚仓策略的详情,请关注我的主页,与我一同探讨币圈的奥秘和未来的可能性! #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC
#热门话题 出金五步骤: 第一步:开港卡 先说不用跑香港的内地见证开户吧。继续往下看: 1. 目前支持大陆见证开户的银行挺多,汇丰、渣打、华侨、民生、东亚、南商等等。汇丰渣打都要存50万,南商民生都有一些风控的问题,我个人觉得,恒生和华侨最有性价比。 2. 华侨银行:无需存款,身份证+护照/港澳通行证就行,办理周期一个月左右,预约一下,整个流程比较丝滑,律师见证费一般在几百到一千多不等。 3. 恒生银行。虽然也要30/50万存3个月,但有两大好处,第一可以线上办,第二50万就能开家庭账户了,比如你是主账户人,你可以指定4个直系亲属(父母、配偶和成年子女)开通港卡,算一下法定每人每年5万刀换汇额度,你开完一家就有25万刀了。证件嘛还是身份证+护照/港澳通行证,律师见证费差不多。 4. 港卡开好了以后,要是去绑定交易所,最好是USDT法币兑换是公对私的,类似Kraken这种(现在KYC政策也在变,注册成功与否也在变,大家可以评论说说你用的那家),只要是公对私基本100%不被冻,当然如果是美元/港币C2C,被冻的概率相对rmb也低到无限。 5. 港卡的好处就是,用实体卡,可以在大陆提现/ATM刷卡,还不占用换汇额度,一般2万/天,改限额可以做到8万/天,基本够用了。但如果你仅仅入金图方便,你也可以考虑华美银行、OCBC那种

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