
Let’s welcome the massive acceleration of AI contracts 🧠 on the Internet Computer Blockchain ICP.

Excellent work by the DFINITY team has accelerated deterministic floating point instructions by 10x as we continue our mission to run complex LLMs as smart contracts. 👊⚡️🔥

In the demo, image classification now runs more than 3 times faster (spanning 3-4 blocks via consensus, compared to 10-12 blocks previously), and of course, the Gas/Cycles cost for AI inference has also dropped accordingly.

The speedup was achieved through extensive low-level work, including work on a public Wasmtime VM implementation for WebAssembly, and upcoming optimizations will take us even further.

The next step of optimization will include integrating SIMD instructions into the smart contract execution environment, which will allow multiple floating-point calculations to be performed in parallel by executing a single instruction.

Crucially: in the near future, the ICP smart contract environment will migrate from 32-bit Wasm to 64-bit Wasm, which will scale the number of AI model weights that can be loaded into contract memory from 2B to whatever number is needed for complex LLMs.

Going a step further is providing new APIs that allow container smart contract code to export AI computations for accelerated processing on GPUs.

This will require a lot of work to solve the challenges of implementing deterministic computing directly on the chip, and for the community to agree on new public specifications for GPU-packed node machines and add compatible blockchain nodes to the network.

Together, these improvements will further speed up AI smart contract reasoning (and potentially training) by several orders of magnitude.

We believe that in the future a large number of AI models will run as smart contracts, which will prevent them from being hacked (and thus prevent the sensitive data they ingest from being stolen), make them unstoppable, make them transparent, and allow them to run autonomously when needed - for purposes such as KYC or EVM smart contract verification/authentication.

In the future, you will be able to talk to the blockchain and ask it to reason for you. In this bright future, on-chain AI will be at the core of Web3 - and to be clear, the Internet Computer’s Chain Key technology will allow direct trustless integration with smart contracts on traditional chains such as Ethereum, Solana, and NEAR.

Join ICP’s mission to run the most impactful AI models as smart contracts on the blockchain and help make the Internet Computer the “universal computer.”

Join us at the Global R&D Meeting next week to learn more about low-level deterministic floating-point optimizations.

Thanks for reading! 💪


Hong Kong Bitcoin Conference Event Preview

After successfully hosting several of the world's largest Bitcoin summits, Bitcoin Conference has undoubtedly become the world's largest gathering of Bitcoin enthusiasts. In the past five years, the summits have been held in Europe and the United States, including San Francisco, Miami, Amsterdam, etc. This year, "the Bitcoin Summit has come to Hong Kong."

We all remember the grand occasions of the Bitcoin 2019, 2020, and 2023 series of conferences. As the world's largest Bitcoin event, the Bitcoin 2024 Asia edition will create a new peak. We will be waiting for you in Hong Kong in May!

This year, Bitcoin ETF attracts huge capital inflows and Bitcoin block rewards are halved. What consensus will blockchain-related companies, investors, and developers at home and abroad reach after the halving? This may very well influence the subsequent market trends, investment hotspots, and technical directions. The Bitcoin Asia Summit is about to begin!

In 2024, Bitcoin will also take off like a dragon. The fire of Bitcoin will continue the enthusiasm of the Year of the Dragon, igniting innovation and prosperity. Join us to grasp this powerful energy and achieve industry prosperity and financial freedom in the Year of the Dragon!


ICP is heading to the Hong Kong Bitcoin Conference, get ready:

  • Keynote: Bitcoin L2s powered by Chain Fusion

  • Panel Discussion: Cultivating the Bitcoin Ecosystem

Be sure to watch this insightful talk by DFINITY Senior Research Scientist Aisling Connolly and stop by the ICP booth!

In addition, the IC Chinese community has also become the media and community partner of this conference.

Ticket purchase entrance

General admission tickets to the conference are priced at $249, while exclusive Whale Passes that include VIP passes and privileges are priced at $3,999. Student tickets are $30, and official conference T-shirts are $35. Ticket purchase link:

  • asia.b.tc


For more information, please visit the website:

  • b.tc/conference/zh-hk/asia

List of surrounding activities:

  • foresightnews.pro/event/detail/1195

Follow The Bitcoin Conference on Twitter (@thebitcoinconf) for the latest conference news and updates.


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