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The weekend data did not change much, so we will not sort out the overall data. Let's take a simple look at the funds: First, the on-site funds increased by 200 million, while the off-site funds, Asian funds decreased by about 100 million liquidity funds compared with Friday, and the US continued to have a net outflow, but the magnitude was less than 10 million US dollars, which basically belonged to the state of suspended liquidity. The increase in on-site funds is not difficult to understand. In the absence of external inflows, the funds that appear after the on-site transaction will be temporarily retained in the market, which is understandable and not representative. The volatility of Asian funds from Friday to today is large, with large inflows and obvious outflows. Moreover, according to the situation this week, the inflow of Asian funds is not low, but only 100 million outflows, which does not have risk factors. And the US funds are still net outflows, even if the net outflow has been reduced to less than 10 million, which is basically a net outflow for a week since Monday this week, and it is also the first time that Bitcoin has maintained a single-week net outflow since it was launched in October last year. Although this ETF has changed the fundamentals of Bitcoin, it has also made Bitcoin's price drivers unilaterally dependent on US traders. Therefore, the outflow of funds from US traders also represents a decline in investment willingness, which does bring certain difficulties to Bitcoin's price rebound. Personally, I expect that the Eurasian market will exchange hands with traders in the US market from the callback. Once the price of Bitcoin is no longer completely dependent on the US market, it will be the era of global capital liquidity. The current situation is obviously that US traders are not driving it, and the Eurasian market is insufficient to take over. #大盘走势

The weekend data did not change much, so we will not sort out the overall data. Let's take a simple look at the funds:

First, the on-site funds increased by 200 million, while the off-site funds, Asian funds decreased by about 100 million liquidity funds compared with Friday, and the US continued to have a net outflow, but the magnitude was less than 10 million US dollars, which basically belonged to the state of suspended liquidity.

The increase in on-site funds is not difficult to understand. In the absence of external inflows, the funds that appear after the on-site transaction will be temporarily retained in the market, which is understandable and not representative.

The volatility of Asian funds from Friday to today is large, with large inflows and obvious outflows. Moreover, according to the situation this week, the inflow of Asian funds is not low, but only 100 million outflows, which does not have risk factors.

And the US funds are still net outflows, even if the net outflow has been reduced to less than 10 million, which is basically a net outflow for a week since Monday this week, and it is also the first time that Bitcoin has maintained a single-week net outflow since it was launched in October last year.

Although this ETF has changed the fundamentals of Bitcoin, it has also made Bitcoin's price drivers unilaterally dependent on US traders. Therefore, the outflow of funds from US traders also represents a decline in investment willingness, which does bring certain difficulties to Bitcoin's price rebound.

Personally, I expect that the Eurasian market will exchange hands with traders in the US market from the callback. Once the price of Bitcoin is no longer completely dependent on the US market, it will be the era of global capital liquidity. The current situation is obviously that US traders are not driving it, and the Eurasian market is insufficient to take over.


Bitcoin is currently on the lower track of the Bollinger Bands for 1 hour, 4 hours, daily and 3 days.
At present, the downward trend is becoming more and more obvious, especially the 1 hour and 4 hours gradually tighten the amplitude of the Bollinger Bands in the oscillating downward trend, which will bring more pressure to the effective support of 61,200 below.
However, from the perspective of the RSI index, the index is currently falling rapidly to around 34. Once it falls below 30 and touches the oversold sentiment, it will usher in a rebound with support. In the rebound, we need to pay attention to whether the rebound can successfully break through the daily resistance level and return to the safe range. The current daily resistance level is around 65,600. Once the key resistance level cannot be effectively broken, the technical side still looks at a oscillating decline.
It is worth mentioning that the closing of the U.S. stock market last night was still very good, but driven by the sentiment of the U.S. stock market, Bitcoin still did not achieve a rebound and stand firm in a key position. The current sentiment is indeed much weaker.
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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用户数说话:对比周四数据,连续两天上涨,依旧是缩量,资金回复流入。 虽然我们错过了周五的数据统计,但是美国方面时差的原因,我们周六的数据依旧可以看到周五不错的数据延续。 通过今天数据来看,伴随着周四周五,比特币的价格反弹,虽然让短期比特币回归了乐观情绪,但是对于市场来说,交易者并非表面如此乐观。 虽然比特币的价格反弹带动了市场整体的节奏,但是从涨幅上来看,比特币的占比增加,反观以太坊,山寨与稳定币的占比降低,市场情绪再次从风险化减弱到保守的情绪。 而周四我们提到一个观点,缩量上涨虽然代表着空头力量的减弱,但是也有一种技术性反弹的可能。而时隔两天的周六,我们对比周四的数据,交易量依旧是逐渐减弱,市场的继续缩量上涨,证明在反弹上涨中空头情绪进一步减弱,但是连续的缩量,也证明随着比特币反弹到当前位置,买入力量也在减弱。始终无法放量,其实对于反弹上涨来说并不足够乐观。 不过数据方面,乐观的在于资金,在持续了两周的连续净流出资金后,美国资金终于开始回流,对比周四数据,美国净流入资金4.56亿,而亚洲净流入2.46亿,继续保持净流入。两大主流稳定币净流入总和7.02亿,场内稳定币资金留存增加6亿,也就是说6亿资金留存场内观望,1亿资金已经加入了买入的行业,这对于目前的反弹来说是好事。 整体来看,如果需要继续延续上涨,下周交易量要逐渐放大才是好事。 #大盘走势
比特币盘面解析: 比特币虽然在美股,在美国数据的刺激下强势反弹,成功突破60,000附近,但是目前来看,并不足够乐观,反而属于较为尴尬与危险的位置。 昨天数据公布后的反弹,类似于情绪上的超跌反弹,在被高利率以及短期降息无望的预期影响下,市场情绪过低,一旦市场情绪被点燃,短期反弹的力度会很大,但是问题是,这种情绪是否可以得到延续,足够持久。 目前来看,虽然数据也令美股反弹上涨,但是根据美国企业的情况评估,下周的美股可能表现不会太好,如果美股继续震荡走跌,那么加密市场是否可以继续保持上涨就很难说。 目前比特币的价格处于日线关键阻力位的附近,突破站稳63,500附近,将会让价格回归布林带上轨,不管是技术面还是情绪面都会好转,但是一旦无法站稳该位置,价格依旧要在布林带下轨震荡回调。所以,目前位置,短期的多空都很难得到有效判断,并且交易风险增加。 下方支撑暂时不变,日线EMA200上移到50,000附近,周线支撑继续保持到下周,点位会继续上移,将有助于之后的价格下跌提供更好的支撑。 RSI指数目前随着价格反弹已经涨到50附近,目前处于中性阶段,通过该指数我们可以看出,随着价格短期上涨,情绪上并未触及超涨阶段,情绪上依旧有较大的空间。 虽然目前比特币价格在技术角度处于一个尴尬位置,稍后我们来看市场变化与资金的情况如何带给我们答案。 #大盘走势
关注一下国际金融市场,补发周五的拖更。 先说国际形势,五一期间沙特联合7个国家要求美国兑付存在纽约银行的黄金,这导致局部地缘局势瞬间紧张,同时,美国针对亚太地区的货币战争将会迎来重要的敏感时刻。针对沙特这次兑换黄金问题,美国将会面临更大的信用危机,所以美国紧急采取措施,通过对沙特的技术,资源的支持,以及关键性的民用核设施的支援帮助,意图让沙特打消兑换黄金的动作,对于沙特来说,能争取到资源,基本已经拿到结果。 虽然这只是一个小插曲,但是这也加快了美国针对亚太经济的做空获利,通过做空亚太经济做收割,伴随着美债的吸血能力,这是美国目前重要的资源渠道。 对于之前美国冻结俄罗斯2800亿美金的资金,俄罗斯做出相应动作,直接冻结了摩根大通2800亿资金,作为刚刚在做空黄金失败的摩根,再次大额资金的被冻结,基本是属于雪上加霜。 美股这边,在面对继续的高利率环境,如我所料,美股的压力越来越大,虽然周五美股高涨,以涨幅收盘,但是美股企业的实际盈利情况堪忧。最大的处理器制造商英特尔发布了第二季度预期,是低于第一季度的,面对超预期市场,美股企业也在通过降低预期来做出自我调节。这一点通过上周的Meta财报可以看出,Meta同样在财报未来预期中做出了较低的预期,提前消化市场泡沫。 美股下周的开盘可能不会太乐观,华尔街方面认为,对于目前美股确实处于高估值的状态,在当前状态下,政府除非是主动降低利率,不然美股市场将会面临一波回调。 国际大宗方面,黄金价格继续保持在2300附近的强势地位,而原油价格收盘在82美金,在红海方面继续紧张的状态下,原油价格被刻意降低,但是价格走低是否可以延续,依然是要看中东局势是否平稳。 美元指数出现大幅度下跌,不过收盘依旧保持在105附近,10年期美债单日下跌1.29%,不过依旧保持在4.5%的较高位置。 CME比特币期货指数收盘在63,465附近,目前处于休盘状态,我们暂时不考虑。 比特币昨晚伴随美国就业数据的公布开启了新一波上涨,而对于昨天美国的就业数据,确实再次让我大开眼界,超出市场预期数据,给美股再次来一波强心针,不过对于美联储降息的预期,目前来看不能单看就业数据,整体来看,降息并不乐观。 #大盘走势

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