Little Witch made a big revelation. It seems that something big is going to happen in the cryptocurrency circle. Come again?! Do you know why the decline of Ethereum is smaller than that of BTC? Because Brother Sun has made another move!

Following our previous report that Brother Sun bought 200,000 ETH, Brother Sun has now transferred hundreds of millions of USDT to his Binance account.

Brother Sun has been a little crazy recently. He bought more than 1 billion ETH, causing the exchange rates of Bitcoin and ETH to reverse. Now the decline of Ethereum is smaller than that of BTC. This is because Brother Sun and others are buying a lot. This is probably to prepare for the ETF hype on May 23, or the Ethereum Prague upgrade in late summer.

All the chips sold by retail investors in panic were bought by him. This year is 2024 minus half a year. May is coming soon. The big bull is not far away. Don't give up hope and don't sell your chips to Sun!

#BNB #BTC #ETH #Meme币你看好哪一个? #Megadrop