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As the price rose and fell in late trading, the price of Bitcoin once again moved closer to the support of 63300. Yesterday, it rose and fell, resulting in a tie. The ones who make the most money in the market are often those who don’t turn to the bullish side after coming out of a decline, but have to follow the short-term trend and go short. Do you agree? If you are stuck in the short-term market every day, it will be difficult to achieve big results, because you will definitely make wrong decisions due to the impact of account fluctuations every day. When the market ended and I looked back, I felt that if I was given a chance, I could make money by buying at the bottom and selling at the top. It would be too simple. But how many people can identify where the bottom is and where the top is? When trading, you will eventually find that the simpler your mentality, the easier it is to make money, and those who lose money are smart people. Again, although the adjustment cycle is lengthened again, as long as the correction is completed, the pullback will continue to be bullish. Bitcoin supports 63300, strong support 62500, Ethereum supports 3100, strong support 3070! #Megadrop #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC #BNB

As the price rose and fell in late trading, the price of Bitcoin once again moved closer to the support of 63300. Yesterday, it rose and fell, resulting in a tie.

The ones who make the most money in the market are often those who don’t turn to the bullish side after coming out of a decline, but have to follow the short-term trend and go short. Do you agree?

If you are stuck in the short-term market every day, it will be difficult to achieve big results, because you will definitely make wrong decisions due to the impact of account fluctuations every day.

When the market ended and I looked back, I felt that if I was given a chance, I could make money by buying at the bottom and selling at the top. It would be too simple. But how many people can identify where the bottom is and where the top is? When trading, you will eventually find that the simpler your mentality, the easier it is to make money, and those who lose money are smart people.

Again, although the adjustment cycle is lengthened again, as long as the correction is completed, the pullback will continue to be bullish. Bitcoin supports 63300, strong support 62500, Ethereum supports 3100, strong support 3070! #Megadrop #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC #BNB

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《二级市场如何埋伏彩票险中求胜》 –主要包括以下内容: 1.赛道确定,赛道小市值项目如何选择; 2.如何判断有庄吸筹,切时点位埋伏; 3.彩票出货点位逻辑; 4.二级市场信息主要来源;以及相关博主推荐,如何判断利好,如何筛选信息提高判断力; 5.小彩票如何进行仓位分配,以及长期现货仓位配置; 1.首先何为彩票,就是二级市场里市值低,日成交量低,但有可能被野庄游资拉盘的币;所以野庄游资二级现货交易所首选币安成交量大深度高,方便拉盘出货;据此我们如何判断赛道,首先赛道确定是根据币圈重大利好、相关主要政策、重要项目发币以及美股主要科技公司及市场风向来判断; 举例子如chatgpt爆火确定ai赛道,上海升级➕坎昆 确定lsd赛道,苹果开VR发布会以及Meta ,Sony推出新的VR产品确定VR赛道,blur之前发币确定nftfi赛道,lens发币确定socialfi赛道, zksync发币确定zk赛道,BTC的NFT上链确定BTC生态赛道,香港政策确定香港概念,如此类推,但其中分为长叙事跟短叙事; 如何分辨长叙事跟短叙事,举例像上海升级这样时间点在6月的就是长叙事,因为时间周期长,炒作预期大,能够很好的带动市场情绪,因为这种长叙事有时间发酵,慢慢地很多人就会知道lsd这个板块,这样韭菜就多,也方便庄的拉盘出货,期间还不乏波段震荡,俗称震仓洗掉不稳定纸手,方便最后突破时期拉盘; 但是像hk概念这样就有点特殊,算短期叙事(又有朋友问“香港政策明明6.1号落地呀为什么是短期叙事呢?”),所以有点特殊,为什么呢?因为大家都知道因为国内政策原因现在主力市场并不在国内,而香港政策的推出刚开始并没有得到大家重视,但是因为 $cfx 与电信合作这个王炸出来, 靠 $cfx 一己之力带动 整个hk概念有点危险,因为这种叙事不是板块带动币种上涨,而是因为单一币种的猛涨带动板块,这种就是游资野庄的主场了,因为这个板块大家发现大多都是17.18年ico留下来的老币,许多人套在高点,且相关币种并不能跟上币圈技术迭代,相关推特长期没动静,所以这种就是快拉快砸挣个热点钱,不能留念; 还有像之前blur 2.14号发币这样也是短期叙事,因为利好落地就是最大的利空,所以13号我就把nftfi的币清空了,所以埋伏要懂得分清长叙事跟短叙事,而不是一味的死拿,一旦短期叙事热点殆尽,你就要面临被套的风险 2.既然我们确定好了怎么寻找小市值彩票,首先我们先点开coinmarketcap 搜索你确定的赛道标签,比如你选择了ai就搜索ai标签,会给你罗列相关代币以及联动概念,如果找不到,你就直接搜索板块龙头,比如lsd你就搜索 $ldo 就会有关于 $ldo 相关概念的标签,你就从中找取小市值,最好寻找低于5000w市值的; 其次最好选择在币安上市的币种,毕竟野庄游资都在币安,好了这个时候我们我们就要开始筛选,首先点开小市值币种官网,查看它的投资方及合作伙伴,然后看官方推特活不活跃,有没有相关技术更新,加入它的telegram ,discord看看社区活跃程度,一般来说越活跃越越好,然后据此逐步从小市值里筛选出彩票; 筛选出来后我们怎么判断有庄吸筹(这个部分我不太专业因为涉及到专业知识,有懂得朋友可以补充) ,首先你看日成交量,如果长时间处在几十万的日成交量,但突然有几天出现上下插针且有底部十字星这个情况,大概率是有野庄在试盘,如果这个币连续两日上涨,且两日上涨📈的成交额在500w上下,说明在放量 如果你不确定是否有庄,不敢在日成交额低的时候埋伏,你就等它出现底部十字星,切要确保它在上升趋势,通俗来说就是这个币并没有大涨,而是一点一点缓慢上升这就是处在上升区域,就不用怕被套,除非遇到519这种黑天鹅事件 关于彩票出货点位,一般这种来起来就是20个点起步,所以我在25点左右就开始出货出货出总仓位五分之一,接着每涨15点左右就出总仓位四分之一,如果它的15分钟级别线已经走到3浪,我就会全部出完,因为到第三浪的时候往往就开始下跌出货 我们要寻找那种,符合赛道预期,处于上涨周期但没有巨幅拉升的小市值的币种#Megadrop #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB
新的一天开始,2024年的4月份进入倒计时3天,加密市场行情的四月份也许是截至目前最为惨淡的一个月份,虽然比特币突破2021年的历史高点,而且创出了截至目前的新高73787.1美金,比特币在突破历史高点69000美金的那一刻,全球的套牢盘彻底解套,也就是在创出历史高点73787.1的同时,市场预测比特币将突破10W美金,甚至于100W的声音再次响起,随着比特币减半的完成,比特币最低跌至59587.2美金,新的套牢盘再次出现,关键原因是你没有做到提前埋伏,此刻比特币的走势给人的印象是反弹高度不断的降低,支撑位置在不断的下移,也有一种声音说比特币的长期持有者从一月份就开始抛售,但是并未有确切数据,但是最新的链上监测数据显示巨鲸和机构却在不断增持比特币,近24小时有4744.62枚BTC流出交易所钱包,近7天有1599.22枚BTC流出交易所钱包,近30天有53931.38枚BTC流出交易所钱包。截至发稿时,交易所钱包余额合计为1,729,622.32枚BTC。7%的比特币供应锁定在60,000至65,000美元价格范围,WBIT在134个钱包中持有8900枚BTC。 再来看看霉国的比特币现货ETF数据的变化:4月26日9支比特币现货ETF(包括灰度)净减持2,987枚BTC,净流出约1.9026亿美元。其中灰度减持了2,051枚BTC,净流出约1.3066万美元,目前持有300,613枚BTC,约合191.5亿美元。贝莱德连续两天未增持或减持BTC。其实从目前比特币的走势和数据方面的变化来看,牛市格局并未发生变化,比特币减半后的牛市行情并未体现出来,机构的分析师认为,比特币减半后的牛市将体现在即将到来的红五月,关注消息面的变化,关注东哥速度进星球为你配置合理的仓位。#Megadrop #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB

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