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The paradise of speculators and the rise of Meme coins, will the copycat season still be staged? 1. The various aspects of the currency circle: Who is turning the tide here? Going deep into the currency circle, you will find that this is actually a carnival for speculators. Up to 95% of the participants come with a strong desire to make money. Most of them are not only for doubling their assets, but also for finding the miracle of "getting rich overnight". This mentality is very different from the stable investment concept of the stock market, and it has also created a unique speculative atmosphere in the currency circle. As long as a certain currency suddenly stops rising, no matter how glorious it has been, people will turn around and leave without hesitation, looking for the next hype target. This "follow the wind" mentality is a true portrayal of the speculative culture of the currency circle. 2. Why is Meme coin popular in the currency circle? In this currency circle full of speculation, Meme coin is like a clear stream, rising rapidly and being popular. What is its charm? Simply put, Meme coin provides a relatively fair gambling environment. Here, people can try to win a hundred times the profit with their own judgment and luck. The value of Meme coin lies in this potential huge increase. Compared with other speculative behaviors, Meme coin is more like an open gambling table, where everyone can participate and experience the excitement of accelerated heartbeat. In order to attract more players, the dealers and communities of Meme coin will carefully plan various narratives, starting from fairness, pattern, art, culture and other angles, and strive to poke people's heartstrings. However, as we know, many altcoins are actually a variant of Meme coin. They attract investors' attention by telling various seemingly high-sounding stories. But how many of these stories are true and credible? In this volatile currency circle, how can we seize opportunities and avoid falling into the vortex of speculation? The real wisdom is not to chase short-term gains, but to see the essence of the market and stick to our investment principles. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the ever-changing currency circle and reap our own wealth and growth. #Meme币你看好哪一个? #大盘走势 $PEPE $BOME $BTC

The paradise of speculators and the rise of Meme coins, will the copycat season still be staged?

1. The various aspects of the currency circle: Who is turning the tide here?

Going deep into the currency circle, you will find that this is actually a carnival for speculators. Up to 95% of the participants come with a strong desire to make money. Most of them are not only for doubling their assets, but also for finding the miracle of "getting rich overnight". This mentality is very different from the stable investment concept of the stock market, and it has also created a unique speculative atmosphere in the currency circle.

As long as a certain currency suddenly stops rising, no matter how glorious it has been, people will turn around and leave without hesitation, looking for the next hype target. This "follow the wind" mentality is a true portrayal of the speculative culture of the currency circle.

2. Why is Meme coin popular in the currency circle?

In this currency circle full of speculation, Meme coin is like a clear stream, rising rapidly and being popular. What is its charm?

Simply put, Meme coin provides a relatively fair gambling environment. Here, people can try to win a hundred times the profit with their own judgment and luck. The value of Meme coin lies in this potential huge increase.

Compared with other speculative behaviors, Meme coin is more like an open gambling table, where everyone can participate and experience the excitement of accelerated heartbeat. In order to attract more players, the dealers and communities of Meme coin will carefully plan various narratives, starting from fairness, pattern, art, culture and other angles, and strive to poke people's heartstrings.

However, as we know, many altcoins are actually a variant of Meme coin. They attract investors' attention by telling various seemingly high-sounding stories. But how many of these stories are true and credible?

In this volatile currency circle, how can we seize opportunities and avoid falling into the vortex of speculation?

The real wisdom is not to chase short-term gains, but to see the essence of the market and stick to our investment principles. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the ever-changing currency circle and reap our own wealth and growth.

#Meme币你看好哪一个? #大盘走势 $PEPE $BOME $BTC

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手里有两万,想进币圈应该如何操作? 这位朋友正好是18年底,怀揣2W进圈,一年不到一路亏了60W,在这里写一点点自己的心得给大家: 我的币圈履历是一个标准的新入圈玩家必走的路程,希望可以让大家可以耐心看完。并且能够从我的币圈历程中学到一些套路,少走点弯路 1、想暴富的梦想阶段 进圈初期一般大家都不会选择大饼或者以太,因为感觉价格太高,涨跌幅度太慢,所以我自己也是选择了当初较为火爆的HC(17年顶级ICO项目),但是因为刚进圈消息闭塞,并且也不太敢操作,HC一直阴跌,最终亏损40%选择割肉。这里想跟大家说的是:并不是便宜的币就一定涨幅很高,便宜的币跌起来也很疯狂。 2、现货亏损之后开始合约之路 在HC血亏之后也慢慢了解了币圈的基础知识,所以在之后一直在大饼和以太中交易。没过多久我就觉得现货涨跌幅度太慢了,不知道猴年马月才能够暴富。于是开启了我的20X合约之路。在20X合约的加持下,血亏20W。 在做合约过程中刚好赶上了19年三四月份开启的牛市,在牛市初期浮盈非常可观,于是极度膨胀,感觉跟捡钱一样(自作聪明),到处发自己的盈利截图,结果在六月份的时候,大饼一波回调,直接爆仓。 爆仓以后的心态其实还是非常膨胀的,毕竟之前随便玩玩都赚到钱了,对自己充满了自信,于是不停的开仓、平仓;中途的盈亏暂且不说,直到我所有银行卡都余额不足的时候突然才反应过来。其实在做合约的过程中,一开始我是100U这样玩,越玩越大,越玩越多,最开始100U玩20X,后期都是2000U-5000U直接100X,很多时候我挂单的张数需要很久才能被吃掉。但是当时并不懂深度压力位,阻力位这些东西,纯粹的看准了就冲! 3、合约亏损之后,被洗脑进CX盘 在合约中遇到了人生中最大的挫折,但是也在这时候遇到了人生第二个挫折的开端,在某些人的忽悠以及热情的接待之下,以为进入了挖矿行业,其实进入了CX盘!贝尔链和EGT共计投入44W,贝尔进去不到一个月就跑路了,EGT进去三个月跑路,都还没来得及出货! 4、盘子亏损后,又去做空气币 在CX盘遇到挫折以后,又被人拉着开启了山寨币赌狗之路!买了无数空气币,有赚又亏,但是因为本身已经没什么钱了,盈亏不大。也是在这个时期才开始真正的对币圈有一个系统的认知,对币圈的流派也有了认知。 5、空气币亏损后,土狗登场 在对币圈有一个较为系统的认知的同时,土狗也开启了元年!到处都是千倍万倍土狗,当时感觉SHIB的热度非常高,于是跟着社群大佬们投入了SHIB的市场,也是SHIB让我回了一口大血;在SHIB不停的上新的交易所,最后一波上HUOBI的时候,我选择了直接下车。因为在玩盘子的时候,我就人知道,任何项目一旦热度达到空前绝后,那么必定离崩盘不远了。虽然上HUOBI后又涨了五倍之多,但是我觉得在众多SHIB玩家中,我是极少数落袋为安,安全下车的。 这里非常有意思的是,我在币圈第一次忍住自己的贪念,选择了下车!其实在下车的时候我非常纠结,因为几乎所有的币圈消息面都在不停的CX,那种空前绝后的全民CX之下,虽然我已经意识到项目方极有可能跑路,但是还是想在等等,再等等,反正还有盈利。非常感谢一位大佬,在当时他点醒了我,也是他告诉我:没有任何人可以在底部上车,在顶部跳车的,见好就收。 其实很多币友都会在币圈经历我这样的路程,从一开始的懵懂,到之后的自负,再到之后开始反思,最后开始静下心慢慢来。 一开始进圈的人都是为了暴富而来,逐渐在亏损和被套路的过程中明白任何行业还是要一步一个脚印,在没有绝对的能力的前提下,暴富是没有可能性的。可能会有人不服气的问:运气呢? 我也曾经依靠运气赚过天文数字,但是运气不会常伴您左右,今天运气好,但是明天如果运气差呢?牛市算运气吧! 20-21的牛市里,我最多的时候浮盈到八位数,最后在21年终回撤到六位数。凭运气赚的钱,几乎全部凭实力亏出去。越是觉得自己很聪明,亏的越多。币圈从来都不缺聪明的人,但是这都是自作聪明的人。 在币圈千万不要自欺欺人,自己骗自己,尽可能的去畏惧市场,宁可少赚或者不赚,都尽可能的让自己少亏。因为每一次亏损都会对尊严和心态上有一定的打击,如果没有经历很多次盈亏浮动,很容易做出极为冲动的事情。 欢迎大家来找我咨询学习币圈经验,主页资料找到我,我会在闲暇之余无偿为大家解惑。 币圈是一个需要耐心的地方,不是眼睛一闭就想着三千块赚几百万的地方。 币圈需要长期的蛰伏,大量的交易训练,对消息的判断经验以及对行情走势的经验判断等。 没有任何人和任何行业可以不通过任何努力和学习就轻而易举的赚到钱。 不要每天沉浸在一夜暴富的故事当中幻想自己有可能是男主角,其实我们都是男主角故事里的路人甲。 #BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #热门话题 $BTC $ETH
关于目前市场的一些思考 最近思考得比较多,跨度也比较大,但是感觉或多或少有些意义,就都分享一下。 观点不一定正确,欢迎指出或交流 一、市场的现状与影响 个人认为目前的市场行情处于图1中圆圈部分的阶段,即牛市真正来临前的大回调阶段 为什么这么说,我们可以来简单回顾一下。 市场的热度回升源于去年出现的一系列比特币资产协议如 Ordinals、BRC-20、Atomicals 等的出现,以及随之而来的亮眼价格表现,那么再经历了接近一年的炒作和发酵下,且走势逐渐放缓且反复横盘。 而 Meme 紧随其后,接过了比特币生态的接力棒,再次拉高了市场的热度表现。这期间也有宏观层面的利好消息如 BTC ETF 通过、美国不再持续加息等等。 而现在的回调阶段个人觉得是从今年 3-4 月份开始进入,在经历过比特币生态、Meme 乱飞之后,我们需要认识到它们本质上都是一种炒新资产(目前没有太多底层价值支撑)的阶段,而市场的真正起飞,应该是流动性充足,且有新资金不断涌入。 然而稳定币流入量从比特币减半以来几乎零成长 在4月20日比特币(BTC)减半之前,今年加密货币市场约有420亿美元的资金流入(流动性),但从减半以来,稳定币的资金流入几乎零成长,比特币期货杠杆也大幅降低。 根据DefiLlama(图二)的数据,稳定币总市值从去年11月开始转为增长趋势,在4月20日减半当天达到1566亿美元。 尽管稳定币市值后续触及1600亿美元的阶段高点,但确实在最近几周出现增长停滞的状况。 这也意味着,近期市场的变化其实只是内部的流通,即资金从市场的 A 处流向了 B 处,并没有带来新的资金增量。 故此,我们需要在接下来去观察判断市场的转变,即新资金进场,流动性充足。个人觉得主要从以下两个方面来看: 1、叙事落到实处/有实际落地的杀手级应用出现:现阶段的各种叙事处于一种理论阶段,要么没被证伪,要么还很早期,还未出现真正落地的、解决了市场大痛点的项目。这里可以参考上一轮周期 DeFi Summer 出现的 DEX、Lending、Perp 等,解决了链上的交易痛点。 2、宏观层面的变化:降息、大选等等 二、 如何把握市场节奏 我们能发现这轮周期的很多项目基本都会在下半年开始 TGE,理论上个人认为最好的两个 TGE 时间应该在下图中的这两个阶段: 1、市场回调基本完成,开始上升:在这个阶段 TGE,此时的筹码便宜,且之后的上涨预期大。这种选择比较适合需要长周期发展的项目,回本周期会比较慢,但收益稳定且可控。 2、牛市来临,各类资产乱飞,用户开始 fomo:在这个阶段 TGE,很大概率可以实现 TGE 即回本,市场热度高。这种选择比较适合短期 fomo/偏 Ponzi 的项目,回本周期快,收益不可控但胜率比较高。 最后你们肯定也想问,那什么时候适合抄底呢? 这个问题这里不方便回答,想知道的可以点开头像看资料找到我。 #大盘走势 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC

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