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The market has made no progress in the past few days, and the previous point has been hit However, the obvious polarization before has begun to overlap, and both the cottage and the big cake have entered a volatile market The rise is weak and the decline is weak. This is a very typical volatile trend Referring to the trend of Bitcoin in 2023, it is not difficult to find some rules Basically, most of the strong cottages have successfully built a bottom at this stage, and then started their personal show Entering 2024, referring to the trend in the first quarter, there is a slight difference. The big cake starts first, and the cottage follows closely Originally, it was thought that this wave of decline would be the same as Bitcoin, but the market has changed Most people dare not look directly at their accounts, because the spot is close to being halved, and the amount is also halved People who have not experienced the bloodbath in the currency circle are difficult to face, especially the frequent negative news in the currency circle, which feels related to the currency circle The more complicated the emotions, the more anxious you are when looking at the market, so it is easy to have fear and get stuck in a dead end In fact, the market is not that complicated. It is obvious now that the cottage is in sync with Bitcoin You must ignore the sharp drop in the market some time ago, otherwise you will analyze The market is meaningless If you can't clearly judge the current bull and bear trends, you can't get a clear follow-up direction, and you can't manage your positions This is closely linked, and no step can be wrong. Once you are perfunctory, you will become a gambler-style currency speculation, which will lay the groundwork for subsequent losses The correct approach is to objectively analyze the market, forget the currency you hold, block the emotions of the news, and give up your inner anxiety From the daily line of Bitcoin, it has fluctuated for 42 days and experienced three clear downward trends The short volume of the three waves of decline is not strong, although the last wave It fell below 60,000 US dollars, but it did not break through effectively. It closed up quickly, which shows two points: First, the shorts are exhausted Second, the support below is relatively strong There are also three waves of rises in the oscillation range, and the volume of each wave of rise is also weakening, and the high points have not become higher in sequence This shows that the bulls are weak and there are strong obstacles above In general, the price is close to the support below and the resistance above is far away. A new round of shorts has also begun to continue to try to fall However, with the current shrinking decline and close to the key support level, it is easy to change the market Combined with the early plunge of the copycat, the shorts accumulated in the market need to think twice before they can capture the position of 60,000 US dollars. However, it is obviously very difficult to go up, because the air force accumulated above is obviously very strong. The biggest test at this stage is what currency you hold. Because the copycat has a big wash in advance, it means that there are few floating chips in the market, and new speculation opportunities will appear. The amount of funds in the currency circle is very large. Only when it flows can it bring benefits and ensure that the market has enough temperature. Otherwise, if retail investors leave the market, the main force will have no prey, which is the result he does not want to see. Therefore, the big drop is actually the best time to change positions. Under the same funds and risks, how to choose more potential currencies is particularly important. At present, we have also seen some very potential currencies. If there are friends who want to follow the layout, Zhu Ye welcomes consultation and joins the May Circle at #WIF #fdusd #ENA $SOL $PEPE

The market has made no progress in the past few days, and the previous point has been hit

However, the obvious polarization before has begun to overlap, and both the cottage and the big cake have entered a volatile market

The rise is weak and the decline is weak. This is a very typical volatile trend

Referring to the trend of Bitcoin in 2023, it is not difficult to find some rules

Basically, most of the strong cottages have successfully built a bottom at this stage, and then started their personal show

Entering 2024, referring to the trend in the first quarter, there is a slight difference. The big cake starts first, and the cottage follows closely

Originally, it was thought that this wave of decline would be the same as Bitcoin, but the market has changed

Most people dare not look directly at their accounts, because the spot is close to being halved, and the amount is also halved

People who have not experienced the bloodbath in the currency circle are difficult to face, especially the frequent negative news in the currency circle, which feels related to the currency circle

The more complicated the emotions, the more anxious you are when looking at the market, so it is easy to have fear and get stuck in a dead end

In fact, the market is not that complicated. It is obvious now that the cottage is in sync with Bitcoin

You must ignore the sharp drop in the market some time ago, otherwise you will analyze The market is meaningless

If you can't clearly judge the current bull and bear trends, you can't get a clear follow-up direction, and you can't manage your positions

This is closely linked, and no step can be wrong. Once you are perfunctory, you will become a gambler-style currency speculation, which will lay the groundwork for subsequent losses

The correct approach is to objectively analyze the market, forget the currency you hold, block the emotions of the news, and give up your inner anxiety

From the daily line of Bitcoin, it has fluctuated for 42 days and experienced three clear downward trends

The short volume of the three waves of decline is not strong, although the last wave It fell below 60,000 US dollars, but it did not break through effectively.

It closed up quickly, which shows two points:

First, the shorts are exhausted

Second, the support below is relatively strong

There are also three waves of rises in the oscillation range, and the volume of each wave of rise is also weakening, and the high points have not become higher in sequence

This shows that the bulls are weak and there are strong obstacles above

In general, the price is close to the support below and the resistance above is far away. A new round of shorts has also begun to continue to try to fall

However, with the current shrinking decline and close to the key support level, it is easy to change the market

Combined with the early plunge of the copycat, the shorts accumulated in the market need to think twice before they can capture the position of 60,000 US dollars.

However, it is obviously very difficult to go up, because the air force accumulated above is obviously very strong.

The biggest test at this stage is what currency you hold.

Because the copycat has a big wash in advance, it means that there are few floating chips in the market, and new speculation opportunities will appear.

The amount of funds in the currency circle is very large. Only when it flows can it bring benefits and ensure that the market has enough temperature.

Otherwise, if retail investors leave the market, the main force will have no prey, which is the result he does not want to see.

Therefore, the big drop is actually the best time to change positions. Under the same funds and risks, how to choose more potential currencies is particularly important.

At present, we have also seen some very potential currencies. If there are friends who want to follow the layout, Zhu Ye welcomes consultation and joins the May Circle at #WIF #fdusd #ENA $SOL $PEPE

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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FIL若止跌,还能回到100美金吗? 最近fil这波下跌,也是迎来了腰斩行情 纵观整个2023年到2024年的走势来看,这个币还是挺人性化的,存在着一些规律 因为每波上涨下跌,都是比较相识,没有很大变化 或许大家不是很理解,今天也分享点我个人看法 FIL准备做长线就耐心看看周线为主,只要趋势没有改变,50%的回调那是正常的事情 fil选择中线,可以关注日线为主,也是今天重点想要分享的 图1这是fIL在2024年2月份开启的翻倍行情,维持了46天时间 从投资来讲我们不可能买在最低4.62美金,但是通过技术分析,买在5.1左右还是可以的 原因一:西方技术体系看整个底部区间形成了一个强势的反转信号三重底形态 原因二:从裸K技术分析看出现多次反转信号:刺透、孕线 原因三:K线走势维持在震荡区间没有再破新低 原因四:行情从8.2美金跌至最低4.614是以两波下跌趋势 原因五:突破底部区间后行情就开始加速 以上的几点也是非常适合FIL的,基本上日线级别是屡试不爽 图2这是最新的一次腰斩行情,看似很吓人,但是你有提前做好准备 那对于你来说,这就是机会,因为低价的筹码都是血淋淋的 当然这种日线级别的操作机会,对技术要求很高 除了技术分析找买、卖点之外,还有一个阻碍大家赚钱核心因素 那就是:幻想FIL能一次性上涨到50美金100美金 这种想法会导致出现反转信号不舍的卖,总想赚更多 ​ 只要你能客观看待FIL的行情走势,按照有序的规律去操作 不仅你能把握住利润,还能有效规避很多风险 我是五月,具体操作布局,点点头像找到我#FIL/USDT $FIL

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