Monkey trading: How are leeks harvested?

A businessman arrived in a mountain village. The mountains around the village were full of monkeys. The businessman told the farmers in the village that he would buy monkeys for 100 yuan each. The villagers didn't know whether it was true or not, so they tried to catch monkeys. The businessman really gave them 100 yuan. So everyone in the village went to catch monkeys, which was much more profitable than farming. Soon the businessman bought more than 2,000 monkeys, and there were very few monkeys on the mountain. The businessman then offered 200 yuan each to buy monkeys. Seeing that the price of monkeys had doubled, the villagers went to catch them again. The businessman bought them again, but it was already difficult to catch monkeys. The businessman offered 300 yuan each to buy monkeys, but monkeys were almost impossible to catch. The businessman offered 500 yuan each, and there were no monkeys on the mountain. More than 3,000 monkeys were with the businessman.

That day, the businessman went back to the city for something. His assistant went to the village and told the villagers, I will sell you monkeys for 300 yuan each. When the businessman comes back, you can sell them to him for 500 yuan, and you will be rich. The villagers went crazy. They smashed the pot and sold the iron to raise enough money to buy back more than 3,000 monkeys. Then, the assistant left with the money, and the businessman never came back.

The villagers waited for a long time. They firmly believed that the businessman would come back to buy their monkeys for 500 yuan. Finally, someone couldn't wait any longer. The monkeys also wanted to eat bananas, which cost money. So they released the monkeys back to the mountain. The mountain was still full of monkeys. The monkeys couldn't figure it out, and the simple villagers couldn't figure it out. They were kind and thought that the businessman must have had an accident, so he couldn't come.

Such stories are actually repeated in daily life. For example, Teacher Zhao Lirong said in the sketch "Working Adventure": "The shoe seller has a shoe seller, the sock seller has a sock seller, and I am the meal seller."

Another example is stocks. The businessman is the dealer, the monkey is the digital currency, the assistant is the seller, and the villagers are retail investors (leeks). Retail investors can't figure it out. They were bullish yesterday, but why are they deeply locked up today? They all indicate that the risk is high and the indicators are oversold. They were fooled by the currency critics and lost their heads. It's not that the dealers are so smart, or the currency critics are so clever, you can only blame yourself for being greedy. Greed leads to poverty! The currency circle is a cruel place. In addition to courage and wisdom, you must also keep a normal mind. In this way, you will not be cut like a leek.

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