Binance Square
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Repost again, open your eyes and rub your eyes! New and old entrants to the industry, be careful not to be deceived!

Repost again, open your eyes and rub your eyes! New and old entrants to the industry, be careful not to be deceived!

Today, the biggest melon in the square, bigwigs from all sides have entered the market, and the limelight has directly overshadowed the recovery of the air sentiment and the surge in the meme sector!
Perhaps in this short history of the currency circle, another interesting story can be added.
If you use 1wu to make 100 million, Brother Confidence will tell you how.

Cause: A person named "Chief Trader's Diary" (I call him Brother Confidence) suddenly posted an article attacking other people who use the three words "trader", saying that they are using his traffic, and threatened them to change their names within five days. If they don't change, their accounts will be blocked and the whole network will be blocked. What level dares to use the same name as him, a gangster! (It is strange that he has fans just for this character)
In fact, he has changed his name many times. The earliest one I found was "Prince of the Coin Circle" and then "Diary of Saving Retail Investors". In the past two months, he changed his name to "Diary of the Chief Trader".
A decent person can change it once. It is not easy to create an ID.
Everyone knows the reason for frequent changes.

One of these attacked bloggers is my friend. In order to help my friend fight against injustice, I simply checked his background. I didn't know it before checking. The conclusion I came to was: How dare he do it when he is rotten to the ground? He wants to hype himself and cut another wave before the account is blocked!
For specific evidence, please see the article I posted earlier. Here is a brief description of its flaws!
1. The so-called 2000wu fund disk is unknown, but the funds he invested are only 10,000u. As he said that he only made money, why is his position so small? Did he not have it or did he not dare to? Moreover, he was caught by fans for selling u

2. He makes money by writing articles every day, but in fact, he only posts a few pictures, which are all patina. Boss Yan Chi has been exposed. The chat pictures are photoshopped. Who can compare with the real strength of a serious person? Did he only make money once in his life, or is the picture also fake?

3. He said that he does not charge fees, and said that those with less than 1000w oil should not look for him. He is too lazy to take 100w. It is too awesome. Does he have 10 million?
It makes me laugh. In the end, he stares at the fans' hundreds of u membership fees, and even those with thousands of oil are cut.

4. The funniest thing is that he makes 1,000w a month, and can control ETH in the big market. It's awesome. Laugh! Smile for me when you see this! If you don't laugh, Xiao Xiao Confidence Brother will smash your two cakes to one u. You will only cry when the time comes!
5. He self-proclaimed the first blogger of the square, and the early bids of the square have been removed by the official. You know this!

This person has a long history of bad deeds. What I said is all there, and it can be checked on the whole network. He really made money. If you check it up, you will find that many big retail investors are defending their rights and scolding him.

Now, the real well-known big Vs of Binance, "Yan Chi, Uncle Ai, Zhu Yici, etc., have spoken out to attack him."

Yan Chi is an early blogger of the square, and he is still the number one in terms of fans. Representative bloggers of Binance Chinese area
Uncle Ai is an early blogger of the square. Although Zhu Yici entered the square later, they are all technical types, but they cannot write such articles without real skills. Any of the views of these three articles is better than the photoshopped pictures.

The chief trader of the victim has been in the financial circle for more than ten years, but he entered the square later and will not post articles. He has an old-fashioned style, but his strategies are all posted in advance. What can you say if they are posted in advance?

It is not a 100% winning rate. No one has a 100% winning rate. The real purpose of investment is to use cognition to see the general trend, and through position management, overall profit over a period of time is the purpose of investment.

In addition: This person knows that he has a bad record but still makes trouble. I have to suspect that he has lost all his fans in the last wave and wants to find someone to hype himself.
I have to admit that he has a lot of small accounts. After the confrontation yesterday, he immediately created a lot of small accounts to brag and gain a lot of fans. I heard that many people have followed him.
He is not an analyst, but more like a marketing background. This marketing method of attracting traffic is too similar to the model of seeking underhandedness.
Of course, many people are still attracted by his pictures and want to try. I understand that you always think that a few hundred U is not enough, it doesn’t matter. But what they are looking at is the thousands or tens of thousands behind you. .

If you want to believe in this kind of single profit, you might as well believe that I am Qin Shihuang, give me 5,000. Wait for the funds to be unfrozen, what’s the difference.
The suggestion is that it is safest to block the event directly.
In addition, there can be competition in the square, but beware of fraud. The square is a place for retail investors to obtain information. Reject bloggers with poor quality!
For more details, please see my previous article or Yan Chi blogger video
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$BTC $ETH $BNB 当我们每一个人进入这个市场,都想找到财富自由的机会,就是因为它可以创造,实现自己的梦想!而放弃了大a和期货,这是因为这里确实可以造梦!无论曾经有多么成功,后面有多么失败!无论熊还是牛!错和对,每个人在进入这里面,终究会随着时间慢慢找到自己喜欢的那个人和适合自己的那套方法!然后不断更进,复盘,学习,提升! 最近做了很多和悦,因为鲜货年前10月做的那些,广场都有,最成功的是230的BNB,在600走的!虽然其他的币有翻倍,但是出太早了,就像pepe,赚了30%跑了,结果涨了9倍!每一条都是提前公开广场,每一条用心查,能看到!不存在马后炮! 然后像上面所说的对于pepe多少是有后悔,包括最近这次大蝶,追了一些鲜货,把去年挣了基本吐出来了! 导致最近一直在开和悦,虽然多次挣了没走,带保本笋!但是做交易,咱们首先看的不是利闰,而是风险!更多时候保住本,就已经比很多人强不少! 同时我们每一个人要懂得珍惜能带你的那个人,只要不坏,慢慢学习,都是机会,即使错了,也不要抱怨,对了也不要骄傲!因为我一直对市场是敬畏之心!賺过大的,也亏过大的!所以非常谨慎! 同时再这里再三提醒很多新朋友,不管你是5年以上进入这个市场还是刚加入的朋友,我们更多还是偏鲜货,假如我有10wu,我会考虑1wu做和悦,9wu鲜货!不要问我为什么,因为我的经验告诉我,市场不是我们普通人可以去掌控的!你想长期生存,待在这里面,鲜货才是根本!所以每个人要懂得敬畏市场!敬畏风险!只有先保本,才能谈挣钱! 才会有后面的自由! 然后今天以太成交了,保本笋就保本笋吧,无所谓的!另每一条都提前公开广场,以太3155这个点位下午发的,晚上才来!确实太磨叽了! #新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ETH

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