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Is the current decline of Bitcoin really due to the so-called "geopolitical factors"? Recently, I have been saying that Bitcoin currently has no independent narrative to hype, so the available narrative in the future is the issue of the Fed's interest rate cut, which is the same as the US stock market, so the current fluctuation of Bitcoin may follow the trend of the US stock market. The US stock market is currently in decline. Before the key Meta of the technology stock earnings report this week was announced, the US stock market began to fall slightly. The decline of the US stock market this time is not due to "geopolitical" factors. After experiencing the impact of geopolitical factors last time, the risk market has a certain immunity to geopolitical factors, unless the situation is directly upgraded to S3 or the probability of S3 is very high. The current decline of the US stock market is because Wall Street is preparing to sell a large number of treasury bonds, and the most important negative impact of such treasury bond sales is that interest rates will rise again and the stock market will suffer setbacks. So this is a factor in the decline of the US stock market, and it also indirectly drives the short-term decline in the price of Bitcoin. The current 10-year US Treasury yield has increased by 1.18% in a single day, and is currently 4.653%. However, this week is the earnings week, and Tesla's earnings report on Tuesday is still good. I believe that Mate's performance will not be too bad. The US stock market should rebound at the end of the trading session. Of course, if the Mate earnings report is not as expected, that's another story. Sometimes you can say that there is no reason for the rise and fall of the market, but you can't make random excuses, otherwise it is easy to create self-spiritual internal consumption. People lose their calm judgment. #大盘走势

Is the current decline of Bitcoin really due to the so-called "geopolitical factors"?

Recently, I have been saying that Bitcoin currently has no independent narrative to hype, so the available narrative in the future is the issue of the Fed's interest rate cut, which is the same as the US stock market, so the current fluctuation of Bitcoin may follow the trend of the US stock market.

The US stock market is currently in decline. Before the key Meta of the technology stock earnings report this week was announced, the US stock market began to fall slightly. The decline of the US stock market this time is not due to "geopolitical" factors. After experiencing the impact of geopolitical factors last time, the risk market has a certain immunity to geopolitical factors, unless the situation is directly upgraded to S3 or the probability of S3 is very high.

The current decline of the US stock market is because Wall Street is preparing to sell a large number of treasury bonds, and the most important negative impact of such treasury bond sales is that interest rates will rise again and the stock market will suffer setbacks. So this is a factor in the decline of the US stock market, and it also indirectly drives the short-term decline in the price of Bitcoin.

The current 10-year US Treasury yield has increased by 1.18% in a single day, and is currently 4.653%.

However, this week is the earnings week, and Tesla's earnings report on Tuesday is still good. I believe that Mate's performance will not be too bad. The US stock market should rebound at the end of the trading session. Of course, if the Mate earnings report is not as expected, that's another story.

Sometimes you can say that there is no reason for the rise and fall of the market, but you can't make random excuses, otherwise it is easy to create self-spiritual internal consumption. People lose their calm judgment.


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比特币盘面情况: 目前比特币正在反弹突破中,咱就接着市场情绪先乐观的看阻力情况,整数关也是日线第一个阻力位60,000,第二是日线布林带中线的63,500附近。 为什么要看这个两个阻力位,依旧是那句话,涨了未必看涨,目前这种情况,结合大环境,涨了未必就是牛回,可能是反弹然后再次下跌回落,所以关键阻力位的突破与站稳,非常重要。 第一阻力位突破,短期下跌趋势开始放缓,但是依旧处于一个下跌趋势的情绪中,单纯多头不够安全, 第二阻力位的突破,价格回归日线布林轨上线,价格回归安全区间,多头风险降低。 每个阶段的突破代表着市场不同的情绪,请注意。 下方支撑情况, 56,000支撑,目前的反弹情况来看,其实下跌并未跌透,没有实际测试支撑,而目前爆发的反弹很有可能是短期快速下跌,情绪稍微企稳之后的超跌反弹,要注意在这股情绪的持续性与强度。从跌到56,000附近已经出现两次反弹,如果始终无法突破第一阻力位,多头情绪将会被大量消耗,并不是好事。 而56,000支撑跌破,依旧是延续昨日的下方两个支撑,月线EMA7,日线EMA200,而日线的EMA200位置,将会被我视为是一个买入信号。 RSI相对强度指数目前反弹但是刚刚触及30位置,基本整体依旧属于超跌反弹的情绪区间,有助于价格反弹。 稍后看市场数据。 #大盘走势
国际金融市场情况: 凌晨的美联储利率决议以及鲍威尔的讲话终于尘埃落定,而鲍威尔的主题依旧是一边维持市场信心,逐渐缩表,向市场释放降息的乐观情绪,维持风险市场的稳定,一方面又强调通胀的压力来继续维持高利率,同时也是维持了美元指数以及美债的强势。对于核实降息,就要看美国什么时候完成目标,而这个目标就是如何把经济风险让全球共同承担,来起到一个共同承压的方式。 近期要写一个主题,一旦美联储降息,全球是否要面临一个恶性通胀阶段。这个比较麻烦,之后找个机会详细说。 不过在鲍威尔讲话之后,美股在苹果财报的带动下积极上涨,目前依旧是科技股带着美股跑,目前美股上涨,但是涨幅较小,还是那个问题,科技股的强势以及财报的利好,能够让美股延续多久的上涨? 目前美股重点关注周五的就业数据。目前根据美股期货的多头押注情况来看,周五的美股市场可能会迎来1.2%浮动的波动。 国际大宗,今天黄金,原油的价格大幅度受挫,原油跌至83.38美元,实际上在红海方面局势并不明朗,原油价格的下跌,并非是市场自然走势。国际黄金依旧坚守2300美金。白糖价格趋于平稳。 美元指数在凌晨讲话中小幅度下跌,目前保持在105.73附近,10年期美债小幅度回落后开始继续反弹,目前保持4.622% CME比特币期货指数报价59,480附近,继续与现货保持480点的正溢价,属于近期正常数值,虽然比特币跌破60,000继续下跌,但是期货市场依旧乐观预期比特币的价格上涨。 比特币现货价格在得到56,000支撑之后出现两次明显的反弹,但是始终无法突破并且有效站稳60,000附近,一旦多次突破无果,多头情绪将会被大量消耗,反而不利于短期价格反弹,稍后是比特币的盘面情况。 #大盘走势
涨了看涨,跌了看跌,有趣的加密市场,有趣的人。 最早涨了未必看涨,跌了未必看跌这个理论由倪老师提出,个人也觉得总结的很简练,个人就一直沿用这句话。 在投资领域,短期价格出现上涨或者下跌,其实不能完全用来判断大趋势的方向是否改变,往往在上涨或者下跌中都伴随着逆向走势,而短期的逆向走势其实是可以视为是反弹或者回调。但是有趣的是,有很多人往往涨了或者跌了,就找各种利用来延续自己的观点,这样可能就不够客观。 熟悉我的人都知道,整个4月我大部分在充值信仰,但是随着观察数据的变化,我明白大市场环境如此,市场缺乏新的热点叙事,那么短期趋势必然就要改变一下。所以当我发现市场内的资金持续,连续性流出,这就代表部分交易者的交易信心消失。 凌晨阶段因为美联储鲍威尔的讲话,导致价格短期尝试突破60,000,然后再次回落,很多人认为回调结束,但是结合大环境情绪,结合资金的动态,在看美股的表现,风险市场当前真的不太乐观,所以短期的止跌反弹突破,可能有点过于乐观了。 对于当前的行情,在快速下跌之下,如果短期价格反弹无法有效突破站稳60,000以及63,500两个位置的话,其实依旧是不能看涨,可以视为短期超跌反弹。 而且这个时候,情绪上不宜过于悲观,当然也不要过分FOMO乐观,行情回调也需要磨一下性子的。 #大盘走势
宏观经济与消息面: 今晚的主题,不用多说就是美联储货币决议之后的鲍威尔讲话,利率决议基本不用考虑太大的变动,维持利率不变依旧是主题。而之后的讲话,目前风险市场预期是鹰派讲话,并且美股已经做好了提前的防御准备。 那么,一旦鲍威尔符合市场预期,鹰派讲话,继续打压市场乐观降息的情绪,那么美联储未来降息的预期再次被下降,市场在资金流动性不足的前提下情绪再次被打压,虽然不会造成短期快速的下跌,但是整体震荡下跌或者阴跌的情况会被延续。当然,美股科技股在发力,一旦鹰派讲话结束,美股可能会迎来收盘前的一波反弹,甚至收涨休盘。而加密市场情绪会再次被打压。 反之,如果鲍威尔讲话不算鹰派,那么对于当前市场预期基本是属于利好状态,美股反弹会比较明显,加密市场会不会跟随反弹,反弹力度多强,目前未知。起码从数据来看,加密市场的资金在外流,一旦美股反弹上涨,不求比特币反弹多高,只要资金能出现回流也是好事。 而对于美联储降息预期,以及鲍威尔讲话,简单总结预测一下,维持利率不变,因为通胀的压力,将会继续维持高利率,但是一旦关键数据出现较大衰退,是考虑温和降息的。都是屁话。 关键问题,美国目前只要不会遇到极端危险的经济或者金融危机,基本就要在高压状态下继续维持美元以及美债的强势,这是美国目前仅有的强力筹码,一旦涉及到降息,美元美债地位下降,美国将会面临大量资产外流,美元信心将会大面积走衰,同时美国自身的经济问题会无限放大。 同时,如果不出意外,结合明天的就业数据,美联储要对外展现美国经济的良性状态,也就是未来“软着陆”的可能性。 不等鲍威尔BB了,下课睡觉。 #大盘走势
用数据说话: 对比周二整体的数据来看,目前加密市场整体的节奏依旧相同,增量下跌。 不过随着市场市值集体性下跌,因为山寨之前下跌幅度较大,反而跌破60,000之后山寨已经适应了下跌趋势,下跌幅度较小。单日来看,比特币的下跌幅度较大,市场占比直接丢失0,8%,这个占比分别被以太坊,众山寨与稳定币市值瓜分,其中山寨吃掉的市场占比最多,明显在本次跌破60,000之后很多山寨慢慢适应了不跟跌的情况。 而交易量方面,整体依旧是放量下跌,放量下跌市场空头情绪在逐渐被释放,同时在空头情绪释放中也掺杂着不少抄底买入的力量。比特币在支撑位置激活买量,同时也带动了以太坊以及山寨的买量激活,但是买量是否可以挽救下跌趋势,就要看多头情绪的数量以及持续性了。目前市场情绪是不具备。 资金方面,场内资金留存减少7亿,净流出资金1.7亿资金,也就是说除了其他稳定币的流出之外,今天场内资金最起码有5亿左右是直接参与了交易,随着下跌,抄底资金在活跃,主流稳定币的交易量明显增加。 而今天的资金净流出包含了亚洲市场,在持续了一周多时间资金不稳定之后,本周亚洲资金也出现了净流出的痕迹,同时美国资金也在持续第二周的净流出。通过观察,我们从上周就发现,美国资金除了在周末阶段出现回流,基本都是单日净流出的状态,而随着美国资金的净流出,带动市场情绪的悲观发酵,亚洲资金也在流出。 一旦亚洲与美国资金同时净流出,那么基本上就结束了市场持续了半年之久的资金净流入状态,而直接开启了资金净流出,一旦净流出持续发展,那么基本代表目前亚洲与美国交易者的情绪以及交易的意愿大大降低,不利于价格企稳或者反弹。 #大盘走势

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