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As the market picks up, people are beginning to discuss how to achieve a return of more than 10 times in a bull market in the cryptocurrency circle First of all, it is achievable in the cryptocurrency circle, and many people have even bought a lot of coins that have returned more than 30 times But why do many people in the cryptocurrency circle not put these millions or tens of millions into their pockets in the end? The reason is very simple. Luck is involved in making money, but luck can help you as well as hinder you. I will share with you a real case, which is also a real story that happened to me. In the bull market of 2020, I followed our district to achieve the first wave of wealth accumulation, and many people around me also earned millions with tens of thousands. This is due to the fact that the district provides many valuable currencies, including Binance's 100x coin HOT, which was bought on April 27, 2020. Many people have achieved their first pot of gold in life with this coin, including me. It has been 4 years since the layout of this currency. Looking back, I have also summarized a few suggestions that can help everyone achieve high returns. First, when you are a newcomer to the currency circle, you must enter the right circle. A professional circle can help you avoid detours and lose less money. More importantly, it will let you know: the truth about making money in the currency circle. This truth is from point a to point b, insist on long-term spot and patient holding. Second, maintain long-term and effective learning: technology, mentality, strategy Every industry has its own rules, and the rules of the currency circle are: natural elimination People who specialize in technology will be killed by the black swan of the market; people who specialize in mentality will be led astray by the wealth effect of the market; people who specialize in strategy will be repeatedly washed out by the market So to learn, you must take a three-pronged approach, and you must dabble in each one. Even if it is a little slower, it will be better than a single dominant one Third, simply believe in those masters who can make profits in the currency circle for a long time People who do transactions are very rational people, because the financial market only talks about results, not experience The so-called human relations and worldly affairs happen in the elderly care industry, such as: iron rice bowl The financial market does not have this set of things. If you believe this, coming to the currency circle is just giving money, even if you have assets of over 100 million, the speed of losing money is the same as 1,000 yuan So when you meet masters in the currency circle who can make continuous and stable profits and have their own trading systems, you should hug their thighs. After all, the results can make money, so why care so much The above points are all ways to help you easily achieve big returns in a bull market. Whether you can do it depends on your own vision and cognition Don't complain about everything, and don't doubt your choice easily. Once you don't believe in anything, the currency circle is a nightmare Especially now that there are too many leeks in the market, all kinds of negative energy are bursting, and social pressure is great. In addition, the world is so turbulent. One wrong step will lead to many wrong steps, and finally fall to the bottom of the valley, and there is no light If you are confused at the moment, don't know what currency to buy, and don't understand the market, you must choose carefully. You are also welcome to join the village and operate with us #BOME #WIF #Binance $SOL $BTC

As the market picks up, people are beginning to discuss how to achieve a return of more than 10 times in a bull market in the cryptocurrency circle

First of all, it is achievable in the cryptocurrency circle, and many people have even bought a lot of coins that have returned more than 30 times

But why do many people in the cryptocurrency circle not put these millions or tens of millions into their pockets in the end?

The reason is very simple. Luck is involved in making money, but luck can help you as well as hinder you.

I will share with you a real case, which is also a real story that happened to me.

In the bull market of 2020, I followed our district to achieve the first wave of wealth accumulation, and many people around me also earned millions with tens of thousands.

This is due to the fact that the district provides many valuable currencies, including Binance's 100x coin HOT, which was bought on April 27, 2020.

Many people have achieved their first pot of gold in life with this coin, including me.

It has been 4 years since the layout of this currency. Looking back, I have also summarized a few suggestions that can help everyone achieve high returns.

First, when you are a newcomer to the currency circle, you must enter the right circle.

A professional circle can help you avoid detours and lose less money. More importantly, it will let you know: the truth about making money in the currency circle.

This truth is from point a to point b, insist on long-term spot and patient holding.

Second, maintain long-term and effective learning: technology, mentality, strategy

Every industry has its own rules, and the rules of the currency circle are: natural elimination

People who specialize in technology will be killed by the black swan of the market; people who specialize in mentality will be led astray by the wealth effect of the market; people who specialize in strategy will be repeatedly washed out by the market

So to learn, you must take a three-pronged approach, and you must dabble in each one. Even if it is a little slower, it will be better than a single dominant one

Third, simply believe in those masters who can make profits in the currency circle for a long time

People who do transactions are very rational people, because the financial market only talks about results, not experience

The so-called human relations and worldly affairs happen in the elderly care industry, such as: iron rice bowl

The financial market does not have this set of things. If you believe this, coming to the currency circle is just giving money, even if you have assets of over 100 million, the speed of losing money is the same as 1,000 yuan

So when you meet masters in the currency circle who can make continuous and stable profits and have their own trading systems, you should hug their thighs. After all, the results can make money, so why care so much

The above points are all ways to help you easily achieve big returns in a bull market. Whether you can do it depends on your own vision and cognition

Don't complain about everything, and don't doubt your choice easily. Once you don't believe in anything, the currency circle is a nightmare

Especially now that there are too many leeks in the market, all kinds of negative energy are bursting, and social pressure is great. In addition, the world is so turbulent. One wrong step will lead to many wrong steps, and finally fall to the bottom of the valley, and there is no light

If you are confused at the moment, don't know what currency to buy, and don't understand the market, you must choose carefully. You are also welcome to join the village and operate with us #BOME #WIF #Binance


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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宏观方面的阴霾依然还在,昨天美股的多空分歧其实挺大的,纳斯达克这位置反弹的快差不多了,如果本周宏观影响比较强烈,美股出现一次二探的可能性是比较大的,本周是非常关键的一周。 ETF的数据出新了,增加了香港ETF和欧洲 加拿大ETF的数据,昨日依然为净流出,整体净流出5200万美金,约823枚。不过这次流出为首的不再是灰度了,而是ARKB,贝莱德已经连续第三天无成交了。 今天香港首批发行现货ETF的基金在香港交易所上市并开放交易了,大家在自己的股票软件里面港股都可以看到相关的实时交易情况和净值,包括如下: 博时 HashKey 比特币 ETF(3008.HK); 博时 HashKey 以太币 ETF(3009.HK); 华夏比特币 ETF(3042.HK); 华夏以太币 ETF(3046.HK); 嘉实比特币现货 ETF(3439.HK); 嘉实以太币现货 ETF(3179.HK)。 香港ETF确实不会产生很大的流入量,毕竟资金就那么多,这几个资管机构的能力也有限,所以高兴一下就行了,市场也是怎么上去就怎么下来了,而且在开盘后基本全部破发了。 今天restake的最大龙头eigenlayer宣布了自己的EIGEN代币空投计划,应该会于5月上线各大交易所,至此几大LST项目除PUFFER外已经悉数上线,我预计都不会像ETHFI一样有那种表现。 由于eigen屏蔽了一些IP,所以官方渠道也许查不到,查询积分对应的空投数量可以主叶咨询我。孙哥的eigen空投就有350万枚,目前AEVO报价10U,也就是这一波空投就给孙哥投了2个亿。。 行情解读 大饼今天在香港ETF的带动下出现了一次较大幅度的反弹,但立刻就画门回来了,而且目前香港ETF的现在基本都破发了,所以怎么去就怎么回了,如果没有今天ETF这一下,目前大饼从各个级别看去基本都是在下降通道内了,但有了这一下,从日线级别看过去就非常有可能形成双圆弧底。目前支撑位依然在62000,阻力在65000-66000。波动会在5月2日和5月3日出现,也没什么好办法能预测美联储的发言与非农数据,所以我们就耐心等待吧。 二饼在香港ETF上市后表现还是相对强势的,但也基本是联动行情为主。 今天很多restake板块的币种都开始下跌了,预期都兑现了,该发的都发了,这些板块后续应该大都会联动ETH成为E字头。 今日恐慌贪婪指数:67(贪婪) 我是五月,当下要是你很迷茫,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块把握这波牛市#香港加密货币ETF #Eigenlayer公布空投计划 $BTC $ETH
普通人一开始进入币圈就用错了方式。 说实话,吸引普通人进入币圈的驱动力是什么?对比特币的共识吗?是对加密技术的认可吗? 不是,吸引他们进入币圈的都是那些迅速致富的故事,是那些在网上大肆宣扬自己一夜暴富的人 没错,是有不少人通过币圈改变阶层,出人头地。 可有时候现实往往不如故事当中那么光鲜亮丽。 币圈的现实情况,大多数人其实都是亏钱的。市场上90%的散户都在亏损,而那些声称自己赚了大钱的故事,大部分都是炒作或虚构的。散户根本没有足够的资金和技术。 在这个经济不景气的时代,赚钱非常难,更不用说在一个充满不确定和风险的市场中。那些公开炫富的行为,不值得羡慕,应该提高警惕。 真正赚到钱的人,不需要到处炫耀来证明自己。 可普通人最大的特点就是贪婪,懒惰,愚昧。 一旦普通人凭借一腔热血和贪婪的心理,希望能够一夜之间实现财富自由的进入币圈,除非气运加身,否则,万劫不复。 所以,清醒点,好好学习基础知识和投资技巧。别想着一夜暴富,脚踏实地,慢慢积累经验和财富。 币圈现在还算得上是蓝海。现货合约,撸毛质押,土狗、打新,各种领域都有人能赚到钱。 幻想暴富的进入币圈,无异于赌博。市场不是慈善机构,没有人会无缘无故给你钱 我是web3引路人,曾经我也是普通人中的一员,吃过亏,所以想帮助更多人正确认识币圈,如果你意向进入币圈,欢迎主叶和我交流,知无不言,言无不尽#ETHFI #DOGEUSDT $SOL $BTC
老A家里是开面馆的,在我们县城开了20家店。一家店一年能赚30万左右。 后面去朋友那里玩,看到人家玩币,那人就玩btc的。 大跌的时候就买500万,然后 涨10%就走。看着他2天就赚20万。 他就开始研究了币圈,他发现合约更赚钱。刚开始不断地买入 亏了就补仓 一直补,最后爆仓。然后重开。每天就玩这个,其他多没有兴趣了。 在币圈彻底迷失了自己了。 我2022年见到他的时候,他父母把面馆转让了,就剩下3家了。 两眼无神,每天就想着这个事情,还问我 有没有人介绍下 有没有合约高手 我这种屯现货的,他根本看不上。 今年我听到他去天津工地打工了,也离婚了,孩子放乡下读书了。 这事情给我们的教训是什么,。不要玩合约,不要贪念。如果你情绪控制不好,不要在币圈呆。 这个钱你赚不到的。 你们肯定想知道那个一次买500万赚10%的人怎么样了。那我就告诉你们 500万剩下了100万了。 他还是再继续玩波段,不过他不玩大饼了,什么波动大就玩什么了。 如果他能好好经营面馆,一年利润600万,拿200万屯币。100万花花,200万存起来 人生是怎么样的人生,这种幸福自由度没有可以比拟了吧 各位币友,不要追求什么A9,太多了不是好事情,就搞个A83-A88是最幸福的 你只要在这个圈子认真屯8年,肯定会到的。 我是五月,当下要是你很迷茫,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块把握这波牛市#BTC #Meme代币 $SOL $ETH
比特币已经在60000-73000美金持续横盘,近1个半月,涨一点就跌回来,山寨也是涨一点就跌回来,多头看起来非常衰弱 按照上波牛市来看,比特币减半经历了4个月的横盘,这波牛市,似乎也有这种倾向 目前以太坊ETF捅过概率希望渺茫,美联储降息预期也在缩水,今年的第二季度,这个夏天好像不属于加密人,大家有没有这样的感觉呢? 这是市场普遍消息面和情绪面的反馈 消息具有欺骗性,情绪会让我们失去客观理性,所以我们离不开盘面,去客观看到事实真相 我们从盘面来看,比特币走势是健康盘整,趋势并没有发生改变,日线来看,正在走一个稍向下倾斜的平行通道,并且空头的力量已经释放的差不多了,越来越缩量 知道接下来的大方向了,就很清晰,应该怎么做 之前很多人都说,牛市底部买进,顶部卖出就行了,那么现在问题来了,怎么判断牛市还是熊市,现在是不是牛市?依据是什么 大局判断不了,就无法进行后续的动作,如果大方向判断错误,后面就会导致一系列的被动,步步错 我刚开始进碧圈的时候,觉得这里赚钱太轻松了,简直是天堂 但很快发现,并不是这样,自己因为不懂,不敢买  不敢持有  也不敢卖,要么傻拿着,要么傻等着,别人说什么自己也不敢信,脑袋里有一百个想法,但就是不知道怎么做 一做决策就错,总是和市场方向唱反调 最后我意识到,是因为自己当前的能力与认知,不足够支撑让我在这个领域鱼如得水,赚钱很难,亏钱很容易 所以必须逼着自己去找专业的机构学习,如果能节约,自己能搞懂,能偷懒,谁又会傻到让自己花时间 花钱 去学习呢? 当我自己通过学习,看懂了盘面一根根k线代表背后的力量之后,心里才真正踏实了,现在不管行情怎么波动,我都很确定接下来的方向 我觉得承认自己不懂没什么丢人的,说出来也没有负担和压力 最可怕的是一直逃避自己的问题,没有正视自己的勇气,没有改变的决心,那么就会一直亏钱,死要面子 钱受罪 人受罪 ,金融市场是从不讲人情世故,讲面子的 现实生活中一样,没有能力,你的面子只是别人的鞋垫子 有了赚钱的能力,你的鞋垫子都能成为你的面子,别人都觉得是香的 所以:永远要把提升自己 放在首位! 当下要是你很迷茫,不知道买什么币,又看不懂行情,欢迎主叶进村庄跟着五月一块操作#ETH #美联储 $BTC $ETH

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