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5 million is for defense aid to Ukraine, hahaha 300 million is for aid to Ukraine to defend its borders and promote the rule of law, Ukraine's border, what a big irony. 100 million is for mine clearance and preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, is there a soft seed for it? Calculated this way, how much of the 60.8 billion aid to Ukraine is left now? There is also 7.849 billion in economic aid, but this money cannot be used for pensions, that is to say, this money is not for you to maintain stability, but for you to buy lives and soldiers. 1.575 billion is for other types of economic aid to Ukraine and affected countries, the purpose is unknown, whether this money can reach Ukraine is uncertain, 5 million US dollars is for the global food security situation, this can reach Ukraine, but 5 million, what use is there? 2500 to the United States Agency for Development Transition Program Office to support Ukraine and countries affected by Russia, approving funds for Ukraine, and giving money to your own office? You might as well ask for it openly Now calculate. About 7.9 billion of this can reach Ukraine, but, yes, but, this part of the funds is a loan, you have to pay it back, and there is interest. Wtm, I can't bear to read it anymore There are 650 million other expenditures, including 149 million US dollars to the National Security Agency to deal with the nuclear security situation in Ukraine, and 481 million US dollars to the US Public Health Service to treat Ukrainians in the United States. Since Russia and Ukraine started two years ago, a total of 2,000 Ukrainians went to the United States, and 481 million were needed for treatment, hahahahahaha I can't help it. This is the details of the aid bill for Ukraine. You can calculate how much money Ukraine can save. I admit that I was careless before. I thought this bill could not be passed. Now, looking at Ukraine, it will definitely pass. It means that I support it in name, but in fact, you can get nothing~~~ Hahaha, smart America, awesome!

5 million is for defense aid to Ukraine, hahaha

300 million is for aid to Ukraine to defend its borders and promote the rule of law, Ukraine's border, what a big irony.

100 million is for mine clearance and preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, is there a soft seed for it?

Calculated this way, how much of the 60.8 billion aid to Ukraine is left now?

There is also 7.849 billion in economic aid, but this money cannot be used for pensions, that is to say, this money is not for you to maintain stability, but for you to buy lives and soldiers.

1.575 billion is for other types of economic aid to Ukraine and affected countries, the purpose is unknown, whether this money can reach Ukraine is uncertain,

5 million US dollars is for the global food security situation, this can reach Ukraine, but 5 million, what use is there?

2500 to the United States Agency for Development Transition Program Office to support Ukraine and countries affected by Russia, approving funds for Ukraine, and giving money to your own office? You might as well ask for it openly

Now calculate. About 7.9 billion of this can reach Ukraine, but, yes, but, this part of the funds is a loan, you have to pay it back, and there is interest. Wtm, I can't bear to read it anymore

There are 650 million other expenditures, including 149 million US dollars to the National Security Agency to deal with the nuclear security situation in Ukraine, and 481 million US dollars to the US Public Health Service to treat Ukrainians in the United States. Since Russia and Ukraine started two years ago, a total of 2,000 Ukrainians went to the United States, and 481 million were needed for treatment, hahahahahaha

I can't help it. This is the details of the aid bill for Ukraine. You can calculate how much money Ukraine can save.

I admit that I was careless before. I thought this bill could not be passed. Now, looking at Ukraine, it will definitely pass. It means that I support it in name, but in fact, you can get nothing~~~

Hahaha, smart America, awesome!

Regarding the bill passed by the House of Representatives to support Ukraine,
The bill totals 95 billion, 608 for Ukraine. Let’s not talk about whether the bill can be passed. Today, I watched a detailed analysis by a video blogger, and then checked the information myself, and found that Americans are still good at playing.
Purpose: I encourage you to fight, and then I support you if you have no money, and I support you if you have no materials, but you need to exchange them with your core resources. Then I can still give you money and materials, but they are all loans, and the loan is still used by me.
Listen to me in detail, the US supports the Ukraine bill: (the more you borrow, the poorer you become, Ukraine is poorer, and the United States is rich)
Let’s talk about the plan passed by the House of Representatives first, 60.8 billion for Ukraine, the bulk. 8.1 billion to support the Asia-Pacific region, most of which is to support pineapples, that is, the United States’ allies in the Asia-Pacific region, and Israel received 26.4 billion US dollars in support.
Let’s break down what the Ukraine support bill includes:
4 billion is to supplement Ukraine’s Iron Dome defense system ammunition. Who should buy the ammunition? Needless to say, the United States directly produces and sells it.
23.2 billion US dollars is for additional defense materials and defense services provided to Ukraine. Who is the largest supplier of defense materials and defense services to Ukraine now? The United States. In other words, the money approved is to pay the cost of the United States to help Ukraine.
11.3 billion US dollars is used for the current military expenditure of the US military in the region. Yes, you heard it right. Although the United States has not invested any visible troops in Ukraine, the money must be collected.
13.8 billion US dollars is used to purchase advanced weapon systems, defense items and defense services. It is still the first point. Who will provide Ukraine's defense materials and services? Either NATO or the United States.
1.6 billion foreign military financing will be used for the needs of Ukraine and other partners in the region. To be honest, you might as well say that this is for NATO. In fact, it is to refurbish equipment and train personnel. Who is responsible? Guess! Although the current foreign personnel training and equipment refurbishment are free, do you believe it?
431 million US dollars of special funds, of which 26 million US dollars are used to provide Ukraine with equipment for supervision and accountability. To put it bluntly, it is the military expenditure for sending military equipment and personnel to you.And it is to prevent Ukraine from reselling equipment.
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市场总结: 当前的经济大环境,加密市场的数据以及资金的数据来看,并不乐观,对于当前的反弹,我的观点依旧是注意关键阻力位置的突破情况,注意假突破,技术性无效反弹,这对多头并不有利。反而,这是再给空头更多的机会,还要说一个大前提,价格的下跌,市场情绪的低迷,并非是直接进入熊市,比特币会大规模上涨,就必然要伴随健康的回调,回调有利于开启一个真正的牛市。同时,我们也可以看到,随着比特币的反弹,山寨情绪反弹更好,也就是说,哪怕是比特币继续回调,一旦企稳,山寨依旧是轮动的机会,而真正的熊市,则是市场一片阴跌,长期震荡。所以不用过分的悲观。 对于突破反弹,不要盲目乐观看上涨牛回,自己控制一下风险。 而对于经济大环境来看,上个板块说过,一旦美联储降息,我们可能要面临全球性的恶性通胀,虽然这对经济发展不利,但是对于投资市场,一旦美联储连续降息形成放水,虽然伴随通胀,但是对于加密市场反而会刺激拥有较好的抗通胀的功能,反而会给这轮牛市增加更多的资金。 既然市场变得安静,希望大家放下浮躁的内心,多点时间生活,多点时间学习提高认知,要知道认知不足,牛市也亏钱,这是正常的,现在赚钱的节奏放慢,那不如利用这个机会好好学习,提高自己的认知。 #大盘走势
宏观经济与消息面: 昨晚鲍威尔的讲话虽然不是足够鹰派,但是也并不乐观。根据鲍威尔的发言我们可以看出,他现在既想给市场释放未来降息的乐观信号——缩表,让风险市场保持对降息的乐观预期,同时也保证了风险金融市场的稳定情绪,让美股在科技股的带动下,继续维持高位。同时,鲍威尔以通胀压力为借口继续拖延降息的节奏,保持高利率,导致美元美债的强势。 所以明天的就业数据,按照这个思路去看的话,应该是低于前值,高于预期,表明就业市场依旧健康强劲,但是稍微降温。 如果数据符合我的预期,那么基本上我们就可以判断美国目前要做的目的所在。这也是我之后要展开的一个话题。 首先还是那个观点,美联储软着陆是否能实现未知,但是通过GDP , 通胀,就业,以及金融市场几个点可以对外释放软着陆的最大可能。 那就是,GDP正向增长,经济不过热,数据有所衰退,属于健康增长状态。通胀可以得到控制,不管有没有压力,只要可以控制,这是重点,就业数据健康,数据可以减弱,但是依旧是要正向,也是为了策应通胀可控,金融市场稳定,不会造成踩踏快速下跌的稳定情绪,这几个要素如果凑齐,直接可以对全球释放美国经济可以软着陆的信号。先不管我们新不新他会软着陆,但是用这套数据,可以做出很多叙事与动作。 所以这么来看,我对今年的降息观点并不乐观,综合美国目前的情况,降息风险要大于目前的保持高利率的状态,跟风险市场一个道理,不降息,很多东西我可以用数据掩盖,但是一旦降息,经济风险放大,数据就无法掩盖。同时,为了增强美国的经济情况,美联储保持美元与美债的强劲是必然的。 美国作为一个资本经济国家,基本用全球二分之一的金融衍生品充斥了整个经济命脉,所以对于泡沫的把握会更强,这一点毋庸置疑,之前说过一个观点,理论上任何一个经济体,都会通过不断发债,发币,然后用币买债来制造泡沫,然后产生的通胀直接交给社会来消化,央行进行一定调控,而美国用这种手段制造了全球最大的泡沫,而未来,这个大泡沫带来的通胀压力将会是让全球共同承担,尤其是美元资产国。 我不光对降息不乐观,甚至是降息之后的经济形式,我可能会悲观的认为,未来我们要在美联储降息之后面临一个全球恶性通胀的阶段,全球央行一起来对抗通胀,抑制,调控。而我近期要讲的主题就是,面对未来的恶性通胀,我们如何抵御通胀? 目前来看,加密货币的投资是一个有效选择,但是不是最佳选择,目前还不能下定论。 #大盘走势
用数据说话:反弹缩量,是情绪好转还是技术反弹? 随着比特币触及56,000附近短短一天出现2次反弹60,000附近的情况,并且2次都没有完成有效突破并且站稳。 今天市场整体的状态是反弹中缩量,在下跌中短期反弹缩量,基本代表短期空头趋势减弱,市场逐渐乐观,但是如果无法进行有效突破,同时也可以被视为技术性反弹,也就是无效反弹。 随着市场的整体反弹,今天爆发力量的是被比特币恐吓依旧的山寨市场,山寨占比单日增加0.68%,占比吸血比特币,以太坊以及稳定币的占比。当然这一点不难理解,前段时间比特币稍微一跌,山寨大面积下跌导致这次下跌的超跌反弹,基本属于提前跌的山寨,在本次反弹爆发出了较好的反弹效果。 不过通过交易量来看,整体交易量出现小幅度下滑,在下跌反弹的行情中,交易量一旦缩减,虽然短期代表空头力量的削弱,市场情绪好转,但是一旦无法进行实质性的突破激发放量,那么基本就是技术性反弹的无效反弹。这一点需要格外注意。 资金方面,场内资金留存增加3亿,乐观的主流稳定币USDT再次回归净流入状态,但是美国资金依旧是净流出的状态,单日资金净流出300万美元,而场内资金的增加,小部分属于其他稳定币流入,更多的是场内交易结算后资金留存市场。 资金在经历了亚洲美国双向流出后亚洲市场算是暂停了净流出,这是好事,但是美国自己的持续流出,依旧代表市场情绪并不足够乐观。 如果无法突破关键阻力位,那么基本本次反弹依旧是技术性反弹,因为资金方面的情绪看起来并不好。 #大盘走势
比特币盘面情况: 目前比特币正在反弹突破中,咱就接着市场情绪先乐观的看阻力情况,整数关也是日线第一个阻力位60,000,第二是日线布林带中线的63,500附近。 为什么要看这个两个阻力位,依旧是那句话,涨了未必看涨,目前这种情况,结合大环境,涨了未必就是牛回,可能是反弹然后再次下跌回落,所以关键阻力位的突破与站稳,非常重要。 第一阻力位突破,短期下跌趋势开始放缓,但是依旧处于一个下跌趋势的情绪中,单纯多头不够安全, 第二阻力位的突破,价格回归日线布林轨上线,价格回归安全区间,多头风险降低。 每个阶段的突破代表着市场不同的情绪,请注意。 下方支撑情况, 56,000支撑,目前的反弹情况来看,其实下跌并未跌透,没有实际测试支撑,而目前爆发的反弹很有可能是短期快速下跌,情绪稍微企稳之后的超跌反弹,要注意在这股情绪的持续性与强度。从跌到56,000附近已经出现两次反弹,如果始终无法突破第一阻力位,多头情绪将会被大量消耗,并不是好事。 而56,000支撑跌破,依旧是延续昨日的下方两个支撑,月线EMA7,日线EMA200,而日线的EMA200位置,将会被我视为是一个买入信号。 RSI相对强度指数目前反弹但是刚刚触及30位置,基本整体依旧属于超跌反弹的情绪区间,有助于价格反弹。 稍后看市场数据。 #大盘走势

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