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Pay attention to the situation of the international financial market: Due to the introduction of the House of Representatives' support bill last Saturday, there were frequent and multiple small-scale frictions between Russia and Ukraine in the Middle East over the weekend and on Monday, and the United States also stated that it would curb the continued escalation of the conflict. It is highly likely that the support bill will be postponed or rejected. The risk market has expected the situation in the Middle East to cool down, and international bulk prices have fallen slightly. The main focus this week is the financial reports of US technology stocks, especially Mate's financial report. Mate has risen 36% in 24 years. The release of the financial report will put the company to the test of the market and will also allow traders to re-evaluate the company's situation. It should be noted that today, Asian stock markets are expected to be driven by US technology stocks. Both Nikkei and Hang Seng closed with gains, while A shares continued to fall slightly. Among the seven US technology giants, Nvidia's pre-market increase today was the most obvious, reaching 1.64%. After experiencing a sharp decline last Friday, the market expected Nvidia to rebound from oversold. Meta, also a technology stock, is the focus of this week's financial report, but the current pre-market gains are mediocre, and traders are also worried that the expectations of technology stocks will not meet the target. Tesla, one of the seven major technology stocks, is the only stock that fell before the market today. In the case that the situation in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region is relatively stable and there is no friction, the bulk prices of gold and crude oil have been sold off, with gold quoted at US$2343 and crude oil quoted at US$86.78. Regarding the decline in gold and crude oil prices, I personally do not think it is a signal of stability. Some capital is taking advantage of the emotional stability period to start selling and lower prices. Reduce the pressure risk brought by prices. The main basis for me to think so is that the international white sugar rose by 1.37% in a single day. As a strategic sensitive material, white sugar is one of the main strategic materials that the country hoards during sensitive periods. The price of white sugar has risen instead of falling, so I think the international situation may not be as safe as it seems. It is not bearish, but just a reminder of risks. The CME Bitcoin futures price is currently quoted at 66,120, continuing to maintain a positive premium of less than 300 points with the spot, and its premium is within the normal range. After experiencing a small-scale trend breakthrough, Bitcoin still has not stabilized at the core support level of the daily line. Will it continue to break through?Or will it pull back again? #大盘走势

Pay attention to the situation of the international financial market:

Due to the introduction of the House of Representatives' support bill last Saturday, there were frequent and multiple small-scale frictions between Russia and Ukraine in the Middle East over the weekend and on Monday, and the United States also stated that it would curb the continued escalation of the conflict. It is highly likely that the support bill will be postponed or rejected. The risk market has expected the situation in the Middle East to cool down, and international bulk prices have fallen slightly.

The main focus this week is the financial reports of US technology stocks, especially Mate's financial report. Mate has risen 36% in 24 years. The release of the financial report will put the company to the test of the market and will also allow traders to re-evaluate the company's situation.

It should be noted that today, Asian stock markets are expected to be driven by US technology stocks. Both Nikkei and Hang Seng closed with gains, while A shares continued to fall slightly.

Among the seven US technology giants, Nvidia's pre-market increase today was the most obvious, reaching 1.64%. After experiencing a sharp decline last Friday, the market expected Nvidia to rebound from oversold.

Meta, also a technology stock, is the focus of this week's financial report, but the current pre-market gains are mediocre, and traders are also worried that the expectations of technology stocks will not meet the target.

Tesla, one of the seven major technology stocks, is the only stock that fell before the market today.

In the case that the situation in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region is relatively stable and there is no friction, the bulk prices of gold and crude oil have been sold off, with gold quoted at US$2343 and crude oil quoted at US$86.78. Regarding the decline in gold and crude oil prices, I personally do not think it is a signal of stability. Some capital is taking advantage of the emotional stability period to start selling and lower prices. Reduce the pressure risk brought by prices.

The main basis for me to think so is that the international white sugar rose by 1.37% in a single day. As a strategic sensitive material, white sugar is one of the main strategic materials that the country hoards during sensitive periods. The price of white sugar has risen instead of falling, so I think the international situation may not be as safe as it seems.

It is not bearish, but just a reminder of risks.

The CME Bitcoin futures price is currently quoted at 66,120, continuing to maintain a positive premium of less than 300 points with the spot, and its premium is within the normal range.

After experiencing a small-scale trend breakthrough, Bitcoin still has not stabilized at the core support level of the daily line. Will it continue to break through?Or will it pull back again?


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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$英伟达 NVDA$ 市值“暴力”增长的背后! 由于近期的AI热度再次被推动,尤其是英伟达在财报公布之后更是一飞冲天,好像没有瓶颈,所以自己也恶补了一下关于英伟达AI的内容,这里做一个分享,也算是做一个搬运工作。 我们先来看一下当前 $NVDA 股票的情况: 目前股价:1150$ 市值:2.84万亿美元,位列全球市值最大公司排行榜第三,直追市值第二的$AAPL 苹果公司,双方差距不到100亿。距离全球第一市值微软 $MSFT 的3.2万亿,差距3600亿。 目前市盈率:66.75,该市盈率在整个美股在目前的经济状况下属于较高水平,同比科技七雄市盈率稳占榜首。市盈率处于较高水平说明投资者对于该股的未来收益看好,但是也从另一个角度代表该股的风险评估属于较高水平。 每股收益:17.27美金。 今年初,谷歌,英特尔,三星,ARM,高通等科技巨头联合加入《统一加速基金会》,简称UXL,同时微软与Azure云企业也参与其中,各路科技精英公司的频繁加入组织,可能意味着科技领域要发起新一轮的“安卓”联盟,而安卓联盟的主要对抗者是谁?可能是新时代的“IOS” 英伟达。 为何各大科技企业要对抗英伟达,我们先来看UXL的宏伟目标——建立一个开源的AI科技生态来对抗英伟达的一家独大。 其实说到这里,我并不是想探讨这个基金会未来可以做成什么,反而我想说的是,但从这一点就可以证明 英伟达在AI领域的强大地位,而这个地位不只是来自于英伟达的硬件技术——芯片,而是来自英伟达的核心支撑——算力生态《CUDA》。 CUDA——英伟达作为早期GPU发家的企业,早期为了方便程序猿的语言编程的简单便捷性,在06年推出了CUDA技术,而CUDA相当于程序猿领域的“翻译器”,程序猿不管用什么语言去写程序,CUDA就可以快速翻译为一个适应于英伟达GUP能听懂的语言。 直白来说,在供给方与需求方来看,当时的英伟达是利用CUDA改变了需求方也就是GPU的多功能适应的场景,而并不需要需求方发生任何改变。 而在随后的十几年,英伟达逐渐成为行业领头羊,顺理成章CUDA算力生态也成为了行业标准,而目前这个生态有400万的开发者,换句话说,有些人可以不买英伟达的芯片硬件,但是好像离不开英伟达的CUDA生态,因为太好用,并且成为了使用习惯,最重要的是,如果开发新的生态,数据迁移以及工作难度将会大大增加,对于人类而言,有简单顺手的选择,为何选择更难的呢? 而能让科技联盟要对抗英伟达的核心就是掌握了众多开发者的CUDA生态,不开源! 这意味着整个芯片领域以及AI领域,都在被CUDA也就是英伟达牵着鼻子走,或者说英伟达的CUDA算力生态,短期决定了芯片与AI的发展瓶颈。 同时英伟达也是凭借着CUDA的不开源以及在科技领域的广泛使用率,导致不管谁的AI技术突破爆发,都会带动英伟达的股价。 就是因为英伟达的CUDA的独特性与普及率,导致被其他科技公司所忌惮,而众多科技公司加入UXL科技联盟,也立下目标年底就会发布一个新的协议与生态,完全开源,试图从英伟达手中抢夺算力生态市场。 可惜根据目前很多人的评估,这个UXL科技联盟,好像是一盘散沙,最终能拿出什么结果不好说。虽然说当年的“安卓”确实在开源的前提下努力从IOS生态中拿到了不错的市场份额,但是,当时并非今日,而IOS也并非目前的英伟达,最终结果如何我们只能拭目以待。 说这么并不是鼓动大家去买英伟达股票,本文本身就不作为投资建议,只是做一个分享,让大家知道,在英伟达股价强势的今天,背后推动股价的部分原因到底是什么。同时也提醒大家,根据当前的经济形式与美股呈现出的状态,在结合英伟达本身的超出同环境比例较高的市盈率,一定要注意风险,别太fomo。 #BTC走势预测 #NVDA
用数据说话:低迷交易量下,风险偏好“好转”。 由于周二的“偷懒”,我们没有统计数据,不过周二数据也确实较为低迷,今天数据对比周一。 市场整体市值下跌之下,场内风险偏好发生转变,虽然比特币下跌,但是山寨由于个别板块的活跃,却保持了较高的占比,对比周一,山寨占比增加,吸收了比特币以太坊的占比份额。说明市场对于目前的比特币以太坊下跌并不抱有太过悲观的态度,反而积极参与山寨交易。 交易量方面,对比周一数据差距不大,小幅度增量,说明市场整体在下跌中保持情绪稳定的换手,下跌消耗抛压,也在消耗多头,而从交易量来看,交易者也保持稳定的交易姿态,并未出现短期的情绪爆发与释放,市场依旧在等待周五的宏观情绪引导。 最重要的资金方面,场内稳定币资金留存较少7亿,这是资金进入交易市场导致,目前来看,这笔资金暂时被套状态。 而亚欧资金USDT增幅较小,对比周一增幅0.93亿美金, 美区资金减少4.33亿,根据交易量以及结合USDC官网的发型与回购数据来看,缺失资金并非流出而是介入市场交易。目前根据官网的回购数据来看,USDC回购并未增加,当然,USDC市场留存不断减少,除了介入交易之外,美区资金并未再次流入市场。 虽然美区资金并未流出,但是近期流入量暂停,也代表美区交易者的情绪处于一个较为低迷的观望期,等待周五pce数据在来看美区资金的情况吧。 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
关注BTC/ETH 盘面情况: 比特币:日线布林带上轨的多空博弈。 目前比特币虽然短期继续缓慢下跌,并且再次跌破月线关键位置68,800附近,但是依旧是处于日线布林带上轨运行。并且月线关键位置附近频繁的多空博弈,也造成了换手率增加,虽然价格下跌,但是巩固了当前该区域的筹码稳定性。 日线布林带中线66,500,该技术支撑经历了9天的比特币高位震荡,成功从63,000上移到目前位置,支撑上移,无异于更加有效的降低了短期下跌的下限空间。目前市场在等待周五的PCE数据引导,只要周五数据公布之前,价格稳定在日线布林带上轨,那么如果数据利好或者没那么利空,短期比特币价格将会迎来反弹。 RSI指数回落到50附近,同理,该指数继续下跌到30附近,如果配合周五的数据非利空的前提下,必然有助于短期价格支撑附近企稳反弹。 以太坊:价格回落,月线之上依旧强势。 同样是下跌,但是因为之前ETH挤压了太久的情绪配合ETF的初审通过,导致ETH短期上涨幅度较大,虽然回落目前依旧是保持在月线支撑上方。 同样,早短期上涨幅度的前提下也导致回落支撑间隔较大,如果再次下跌,下方的波动风险较大,目前有效支撑可以直接看月线3560附近(注意,该位置在逐渐下移),与比特币同样到了,在等待周五数据引导下,不破该位置,情绪依旧是会好转,除非PCE大利空。 RSI指数回落到60附近,在之前以太坊冲击4000附近的时候我们说过,RSI指数长期保持在70上方,甚至88附近,是有下跌风险的,目前该指数出现回落,但是情绪上依旧是偏乐观多头。 以上观点只是提示下跌风险,并不能作为合约看空依据,请各位合理辨别,毕竟目前市场在周五数据公布之前,并未有明确的直接利空因素影响,目前的下跌基本都是属于风险市场情绪低迷导致。 稍后一起关注市场数据。 #BTC走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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