Square V, classic quotes, the summary is all in one sentence: Look how awesome I am, look how awesome my predictions are, I wish I could turn out the charts that predicted BTC would rise ten years ago🤣🤣What a clown🤡

And in fact, his fans didn’t make any money at all🤣All our orders are based on practical perspectives, all bring out accurate points, and the orders are entered at the lowest point of the surge and the highest point of the plunge, this is called helping fans make money🤣It’s not that you posted a post saying it would rise, and you don’t care whether it fell by 20,000 in the middle points, but it still fell by 10,000 points, and finally went up. You send a picture to your fans to see how awesome I was when I said it would go up last month. 🤣 What a tm clown, there is no real trading, or the real trading is liquidated, except that we have 10 million real funds and have turned over the position twice in 15 days. Some clown bloggers have their real trading liquidated directly. 🤡 Some were liquidated on the first day of the real trading, and some made money for a few days and then exploded. 🤡#比特币减半 #token2049 #大盘走势