The non-agricultural market fluctuated upward trend was established‼ ️‼ ️The downward trend officially stopped‼ ️Don't chase more, high-altitude entry is the kingly way⚠️

Currently, the first pressure level of 3016 to 3058 has been touched‼ ️

Bull market escape top short perfect lowest point to stop profit, this transaction is really perfect, die without regrets😁😁

Then the short order is no regrets to stop profit at the lowest point, this is what I am happy about😂Because every transaction is a work of art created by me, I need my transaction to be as perfect as a work of art⚠️⚠️

This wave of short orders entered the market with 3520 short orders released publicly on the entire network. When entering the market, the stop profit point was issued. When it was 3500, the analysis was around 2600. Many people did not believe and questioned me😂Can 3500 fall to 2600?

Later, in order to lock in profits, I adjusted the stop profit to 2790 three days ago, which was also publicly released. Today, the lowest point reached 2802, which was 12 points short of eating from the beginning to the end. The 700-point plunge was eaten up. I am really a little happy 😁😁😁 Hahaha, it doesn’t matter whether there is money or not, the hard work has paid off
