Bitcoin has halved. I asked some miner friends. The current cost of mining Bitcoin basically fluctuates between 40,000 and 60,000 (depending on the electricity fee). If the electricity fee can be reduced to less than 0.12 yuan, the cost can basically be no more than 50,000. After all, it has now been involved in the fields of new energy and clean energy such as nuclear power/radio/geothermal energy. In the long run, the electricity fee will be further reduced.

If calculated according to the normal distribution, the current miner cost after halving is about 52,000, that is, 52,000 on Valentine's Day this year is a very strong "cost bottom"

It has always been said that the price of Bitcoin is difficult to be lower than the average cost price of miners, and even 15% above it will have a large inflow of funds. This is also the reason why the cost was around 12,000-13,000 when the bottom price was estimated at the end of 22, and it was difficult to break 15,000 in the end.

Of course, it may also be a cost estimation error. After all, the electricity fee, mining machine cost and hosting fee of each mining farm are not different. If Bitcoin still has a chance to break 60,000, you should prepare funds to buy spot in batches. No one can predict where the bottom is, but you would rather be trapped for a short period of time than miss this bull market. #比特币减半 #BTC大饼减半, #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥