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#BTC趋势预估 Will Bitcoin continue to plummet after the halving? This is indeed a cause for concern! The admission cost of this institution is generally in the range of 50,000 to 60,000 U. This means that if the price falls below this range, institutions may face larger losses. Therefore, from this perspective, it is unlikely that Bitcoin prices will fall significantly. Historical experience tells us that before and after every halving of Bitcoin, its price will experience large fluctuations. This is the market's natural reaction to changes in its scarcity. But it is worth noting that this kind of fluctuation does not mean that Bitcoin will continue to plummet. After the halving, Bitcoin’s mining difficulty will increase significantly. Because the number of remaining Bitcoins is limited, there are only more than one million left to be mined. This means miners need to invest more resources and costs to mine Bitcoin. This undoubtedly increases Bitcoin’s value expectations. The adoption of Hong Kong ETF has brought new expectations to the market. Although big money has not really entered the market yet, as was the case after the passage of US ETFs, it often takes the market some time to digest this good news. This indicates that Bitcoin prices may usher in a new upward trend in the future. Judging from market trends, the market is expected to gradually stabilize in May. From June to September, the market may usher in a strong upward trend. The price is expected to climb to the range of 82,000 to 93,000. Of course, this also requires a comprehensive judgment based on the market environment and news at the time. [《点击领取回本计划》]( If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction when it comes to trading right now, you can come to my village and have a look. Just nod your head and look like a real player in Kanjianjie.


Will Bitcoin continue to plummet after the halving? This is indeed a cause for concern!

The admission cost of this institution is generally in the range of 50,000 to 60,000 U. This means that if the price falls below this range, institutions may face larger losses. Therefore, from this perspective, it is unlikely that Bitcoin prices will fall significantly.

Historical experience tells us that before and after every halving of Bitcoin, its price will experience large fluctuations. This is the market's natural reaction to changes in its scarcity. But it is worth noting that this kind of fluctuation does not mean that Bitcoin will continue to plummet.

After the halving, Bitcoin’s mining difficulty will increase significantly. Because the number of remaining Bitcoins is limited, there are only more than one million left to be mined. This means miners need to invest more resources and costs to mine Bitcoin. This undoubtedly increases Bitcoin’s value expectations.

The adoption of Hong Kong ETF has brought new expectations to the market. Although big money has not really entered the market yet, as was the case after the passage of US ETFs, it often takes the market some time to digest this good news. This indicates that Bitcoin prices may usher in a new upward trend in the future.

Judging from market trends, the market is expected to gradually stabilize in May. From June to September, the market may usher in a strong upward trend. The price is expected to climb to the range of 82,000 to 93,000. Of course, this also requires a comprehensive judgment based on the market environment and news at the time. 《点击领取回本计划》

If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction when it comes to trading right now, you can come to my village and have a look. Just nod your head and look like a real player in Kanjianjie.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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#memecoin🚀🚀🚀 为什么埃隆·马斯克对狗狗币这样的meme币情有独钟? 作为一个币圈的新手,你可能对“meme币”这个词感到有些陌生,但其实它们就是我们常说的那些基于网络流行文化或梗而诞生的数字货币。想象一下,当你把一张流行的网络图片或者一句流行的网络用语变成了一种可以买卖的数字资产,是不是觉得既有趣又神奇? 就在不久前,我尝试将100美元分别投入比特币和一个meme币。结果让我大吃一惊!比特币虽然涨了一些,但最终只给了我113美元,但那个meme币却直接让我赚了146美元!这样的回报让我开始认真思考:原来meme币的投资潜力竟然如此之大! 你可能会问,我是怎么做到的呢?其实,我也是从青少年时期只有100美元开始,一步步学习、摸索出来的。我首先会分析比特币的走势,然后再去研究那些有趣的meme币。我会仔细观察它们的价格变化,寻找最佳的买入和卖出时机,还会关注一些技术指标,比如支撑位和阻力位,帮助我做出更明智的决策。 你可能会想,投资meme币真的能赚钱吗?我告诉你,绝对可以!而且,有时候它们的涨幅甚至能超过比特币和以太坊这些主流数字货币。特别是在比特币价格飙升的时候,meme币往往会跟着一起涨,而且涨得更高! 在我的投资组合里,就包括了像PEPE和SHIB这样的热门meme币。尤其是SHIB,这个在2020年8月诞生的数字货币,被誉为狗狗币的竞争对手。虽然现在它的价格只有0.0000257,但根据一些分析,它有望上涨到更高的价位。再加上最近以太坊现货ETF的获批等好消息,SHIB的上升趋势可能会更加明显,为投资者带来难得的机遇。 所以,如果你也是币圈的新手,不妨尝试一下投资meme币吧!它们可能会给你带来意想不到的惊喜和收获哦! 加密市场经历了413暴跌,山寨普遍回调50%-80%,很多粉丝资产减半,个人也是深感悲痛与惋惜,接下来我锚定了一个鴎易的现货,个人消息是市商进场,准备搞动作,犹豫就会败北!传送门:(放广场简介)
#热门推荐 #小白必看 赌狗赌到最后一无所有,来自一位学生的真实经历! 当青春与梦想交织,我踏上了那段惊心动魄的币圈之旅。那时的我,还是一个满怀憧憬的学生,手中握着父母给予的生活费,却幻想着能在虚拟的世界里,找到属于我的一片天。 梦想的起点 2000u,那是我全部的家当,也是我对未来的期待。听朋友说起虚拟货币的高额利息,我的心开始躁动。我仿佛看到了那个能让我一夜暴富的机会,于是毫不犹豫地踏入了这个充满诱惑的圈子。 初尝甜头 余币宝的利息让我尝到了甜头,但看着朋友们在合约交易中赚得盆满钵满,我的心再也按捺不住。我开始学习如何玩合约,第一次尝试就带来了意想不到的收获。那一刻,我仿佛看到了自己站在财富的巅峰,心中充满了无限的期待。 沉迷与执着 随着时间的推移,我越来越沉迷于这个充满刺激与诱惑的世界。我开始研究K线、技术指标,甚至加入各种交易圈子,听取各种所谓的“专家”意见。我的仓位管理变得激进,每次开仓都是全力以赴。我坚信自己能够在这个世界里找到属于自己的规则,但现实却给了我残酷的打击。 崩溃的边缘 当我的账户余额从6万u暴跌至1万多时,我才真正意识到自己的盲目与无知。我开始感到恐惧与绝望,但内心的赌徒心理却让我无法停止。我试图用最后的资金去博取一丝希望,但结果却是彻底的失败。那一刻,我感到了前所未有的绝望与无助。 反思与成长 事后回想起来,我意识到自己在这个过程中犯下了太多的错误。我过于自信、过于贪心、过于执着于自己的判断。我没有学会尊重市场、顺应市场,而是被自己的欲望和情绪所驱使。我输了钱,但更重要的是我输掉了自己的理智和判断。 这段经历让我深刻反思了自己的人生和价值观。我开始明白,真正的成功不是靠运气和赌博获得的,而是需要靠自己的努力和智慧去争取。我开始重新审视自己的人生目标和规划,努力寻找属于自己的道路。 我希望我的经历能够给那些还在币圈中迷失方向的人一些启示和帮助。在这个充满诱惑和风险的世界里,我们需要保持清醒的头脑和冷静的判断力。我们需要学会尊重市场、顺应市场而不是被市场所驱使。只有这样我们才能真正地在这个世界里找到自己的位置和价值。 作为一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你分享我的经验和见解。如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知道该如何下手,不妨关注我的主页,与我一同探讨币圈的奥秘和未来的可能性,点点头像介绍找到我。
#pepe为何这么牛逼 🚀💥 三大热门替代币,引领市场风潮! 随着加密货币市场的热度不断攀升,现在是时候聚焦那些炙手可热的替代币了。让我们一同探寻它们为何如此引人注目。 #PEPE:市场中的黑马 PEPE,这款替代币在投资者中备受青睐,其雄心壮志与卓越表现令人瞩目。仅仅在今年的时间跨度内,PEPE就两度刷新历史高点,为投资者带来了可观的收益。就在不久前,PEPE更是创下了0.00001156的辉煌纪录,目前稳定交易在0.000009422附近。尤为值得一提的是,PEPE在加密货币市场整体下跌的逆境中,依然能够崭露头角,创造佳绩。如今,随着市场的回暖与牛市的预期,投资者对PEPE的期待更是水涨船高。 #Chainlink:连接未来的桥梁 Chainlink,这款替代币在过去几天内强势上涨22%,市值飙升至$16.79。自2023年11月起,Chainlink便呈现出稳健的增长态势,其中3月份更是实现了惊人的收益。作为CoinmarketCap排名前20的佼佼者,Chainlink无疑成为了投资者在等待替代币季节时,投资组合中不可或缺的一员。 Dogwifhat:Solana生态的新星 Dogwifhat,这款Solana生态中的新星,自诞生之日起便迅速吸引了市场的目光。在过去的五个月里,Dogwifhat凭借其持续上涨的态势,成为了涨幅榜上的佼佼者。 目前,Dogwifhat的交易价为2.68,市场普遍预期其将在今年内因高人气和旺盛需求而飙升至10。Dogwifhat在3月的表现尤为亮眼,未来随着市场环境的进一步好转,有望再次掀起一轮上涨热潮。 战神最近也在埋伏一个即将爆发的币种,短线30%,长线5-8倍左右,还是那句话,如果你主动来找我,我带你上岸,你尽管躺平就好, 留言999!!! 战神不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空! 这是实话
#NOT策略 #PEPE创历史新高 #pyth 牛市前夕,三大潜力代币瞩目登场!🚀🔥 一、NOT(NotablesToken):逆境中的强者 面对市场11.62%的回调,NOT(NotablesToken)并未选择退缩,而是蓄势待发,准备在牛市中大展拳脚。其独特的价值理念和坚定的社区后盾,为NOT的崛起提供了坚实支撑。如今,它或许正在为即将到来的牛市爆发做着最后的准备。不妨将视线锁定在这枚代币上,共同见证其未来的辉煌!📉➡️🚀 二、PEPE(PepeCoin):市场中的稳定之锚 无论市场如何波谲云诡,PEPE(PepeCoin)始终保持着稳健的步伐,彰显出强大的抗跌能力和忠实的粉丝群体。在投资者纷纷寻找避风港之际,PEPE无疑成为了一个值得信赖的选择,为投资者提供了稳健的增长机会。切勿忽视这枚低调而强大的代币!🐸💼 三、PYTH(Pyth Network):创新引领DeFi潮流 尽管市场回调9.85%,但PYTH(Pyth Network)依然坚守在阵地上。凭借其前瞻性的创新理念和先进的技术实力,PYTH有望颠覆DeFi领域的传统格局,引领市场走向新的繁荣。将PYTH纳入你的关注列表,共同见证其颠覆性的力量!🌪️💹 在即将到来的牛市前夕,不妨关注这三大潜力代币,它们或许将成为引领市场走向新高峰的关键力量。抓住机遇,让我们共同迎接牛市的到来!📈👀 加密市场经历了413暴跌,山寨普遍回调50%-80%,很多粉丝资产减半,个人也是深感悲痛与惋惜,接下来我锚定了一个鴎易的现货,个人消息是市商进场,准备搞动作,犹豫就会败北!传送门:(放广场简介)
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